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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. I’m really hoping for underlighting on the elevated segments (like Vancouver) but I won’t hold my breath. But we’ve seen lights on the posts near Panama, so… maybe?
  2. Lol like when I was a kid and I wanted to paint racing stripes across the walls all the way around my bedroom, and my mom warned me I’d get bored with it within a few weeks never mind a few years…
  3. De l’album Flickeur PJCCI Descente de la traverse central du vieux Pont Champlain de Montreal. Le 8 Janvier 2022. Photo: Doiminick Gravel by Ponts Jacques Cartier et Champlain Incorporée, on Flickr
  4. Automobile Oriented Development. And no redevances to the Caisse!
  5. Right here. So now we are discussing engineering. HQ’s pylons were never engineered for severe icing loads, and the high tension transmission system had no failsafes built in. The REM’s overhead line system a proven, off-the-shelf design used for decades around the world, including in many places that get much more severe weather than we do. It’s more likely that the REM’s posts are a standard length, and a custom length (or trimming these ones) would have been more costly, and that choice was forgone in favour of savings (just like the aerial guideway height in the West Island). Like @p_xavier and others have said, it’s turning out that REM-A has a “signature,” and that signature is “blah.”
  6. Lol because steel I-beams get weak. Ok. Ours are already cantilevered and supported from below. The extra piece is unnecessary, neither structurally, nor aesthetically.
  7. Remarque que “le bouttes qui dépasse” dans les autres images ont des haubans pour soutenir les barres, qui ne sont pas en porte-à-faux. Ici, les “bouttes” ne servent à rien.
  8. Wouldn’t this just make more sense, and be a LOT less of an eyesore?
  9. It’s likely “overbuilt” because of the anticipated speeds (ie: the counterweights need to be heavier, so the line is under more tension, and the result is a heavier overhead system) and the added burden of our climate causing ice loads.
  10. I still don’t know why the poles have to be so tall; there are no cable stays from the top of the pole to the top ties (brackets or arms). There is no structural purpose for the extra 1.5-2 metres of vertical girder.
  11. I mean it’s no Interlaken, but I’ll take it. And here we are talking about the banal Childrens…
  12. Interestingly short depth-of-field. Wide angle lenses normally don’t do that.
  13. I’m glad someone included Napoli but wow has it changed in the ~20 years since my last visit! 😳
  14. I’m beginning to think the A13 Flyover will be my favourite segment on the system…
  15. “Rejected” is such an excessive synonym for “not retained”…
  16. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
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