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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. La grande grue est venue à Fairview-Pointe-Claire pour soulever les premières poutres des plateformes de la première station surélevée du Réseau Express Métropolitain!
  2. Notre métro n’aura jamais le CTA, malheureusement. Et si je ne me trompes pas, c’est la STM qui ne rend pas les donnés des positions aux devs des applis externes. Par contre, le mur dans le tunnel MR va être vraiment mince, si quelque chose comme ça pouvait être adapté aux tunnels du métro, peut-être pourrions-nous avoir la signalisation en blocs mobiles et le CTA. Qui sait? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Est-ce vraiment un problème avec le métro actuel? Jamais entendu de ça. Tout comme le métro, REM va être un système “show up and go,” même dans l’West Island hors des heures de pointe. Et il y’a toujours l’app Transit pour s’aider à rendre ces décisions d'importance cruciale. 😉
  4. D’habitude ces écrans montrent une série des prochains arrivés ou départs, et vers quelle destination (genre “Aéroport,” “Deux-Montagnes,” ou “Anse-à-l’Orme,” selon le cas). Type: Quai 1 Deux-montagnes 2 min Aéroport 5 min Deux-Montagnes 7 min Anse-à-l’Orme 10 min
  5. I’m wondering how many expropriation notices they sent out in such a dense area... 🤔😉
  6. Hoo boy that ship sailed a loooong time ago. The final version of the Dorval interchange is nothing like the original concept released in 2009. Basically, they quietly spent five times the projected cost to build roughly one-fifth of the original design and then, with great fanfare, announced that the major work is done. This is what it was supposed to be: Here’s what we are getting: Perhaps if the intermodal station (REM-VIA-exo-STM) gets the green light, something closer to the 2009 concept will come out of it.
  7. My guess is Anne will get very close to Kirkland station, maybe the westbound Ch Ste-Marie overpass. Marie might get to DuPont but I don’t think it will get to the 40 this year. I may be way off, though! 😁
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Bassin Peel éventuellement aussi. Sunybrooke-PfdsRox, Bigras-Ste-Dorothée. On pourrait aussi ajouter plusieurs stations “infill” sans trop affecter le temps des parcours, à cause que les rames sont si courtes et vont accélérer rapidement. Mais en effet, un tramway moderne est un SLR à plancher bas. Si on élabore déjà des voies ségréguées pour un tramway, ne serait-il pas plus avantageux avoir des plateformes à niveau, et plus de sûreté durant l’hiver qu’offre les wagons à plancher haut? La différence de coûts ne resterait que dans les stations (arrêts) et quelques viaducs en chemin.
  9. Lol I used this same expression last week when Anne crossed rue Berne!
  10. No no, nothing interesting, just the same comments that have been made in the past, including in the big report. The promoter promised the Skyway, so they had better not renege on it and ask the levels of government to help pay for it. But the report suggested the extension of the Orange line to BF and a station on the SJ line at Decarie/Namur along with improved service on the line. Also talk of improved transit on both the east side (to VdM station, for example) and on the west (long-promised Cavendish connection with the viaduct over CP tracks in CSL and the tip of CN Taschereau in TMR). TMR is so keen on getting this project going, they should be pushing MTQ and TC for these improvements, and to get commitments to come to agreements on air rights over the ROWs.
  11. Mixed-use is the future, there won’t be any new, large-surface, indoor malls built anymore. If anything, the current crisis will help cement the plans of CF/IC/RioCan/Westcliffe/etc to (re)develop their large suburban properties into dense mixed-use centres. The first proposals for Les Galeries D’Anjou are promising just that, and I can foresee CF and IC going back to the drawing board for the Fairview redevelopment in the near- to mid-term. RioCan looks to be planning their Kirkland property into a compact, more dense version of Dix30/Solar. If the developers of Royalmount intend for it to succeed, it needs to be rid of the interior retail components of the plan, and play hardball with the authorities to guarantee the development of area rapid transit links (not just the skyway to DLS metro).
  12. Honestly the most recent concept shown on the pinned header would be really great sitting atop Atwater/St-Jacques between the ND and the 136. 😉
  13. LOL yeah. I don’t count the humidity as weather, though every time I’ve been to the Gulf it’s alway the stickiest place I’ve been! Sand dunes ≠ dry air! 40° and 80% is just damn hot and I thank FSM I’ve only ever been there in October and November and not July! I like that the Riyadh structure is so pretty and clean that they’re compelled to uplight it at night. Here, that’s just more lighting to help local “artists” complete their masterpieces. 😏
  14. Yes, from what we can tell at this stage it will begin with only the busiest section of the Orange, from Jarry to LL. The Blue extension will be built to accommodate the doors but they wouldn’t be installed until all train sets on the line are MPM-10 (20 more years?). Green and Yellow will only be planned after the MR-73 are retired.
  15. It has been discussed a few times in the past, originally I think Taylor Noakes proposed it eight or nine years ago, then Councillor Suzanne Marceau introduced a motion supporting a couple of years ago before the civic elections but I haven’t heard about it since. Even the Jacques-Bizard bridge project has all but disappeared.
  16. I keep thinking “profitable” is the wrong word for public services, but we frequently hear it only when discussing transit (and never for virtually any other public services). Are highways profitable? CLSCs? The police? Even Canada Post is technically not supposed to profit. But NIMBYs always throw “profit” or “ROI” into arguments against public transit projects. I don’t suggest that at all; I’m 100% in favour of quantum increases in government spending on public mass transit, but the money has to be accounted for.
  17. Merci d’avoir partagé tes pensés et expériences. C’est plein ça. Comparer à quoi alors? Même avec tous les extras mentionnés qu’il ne faudra pas oublier, c’est toujours en comparaison. Alors comparons-le à l’extension de la ligne Orange: 5.2 km, tunnel sous la RdP, trois stations, nouvelle garage, troisième voie et plateforme à HB. $745 M (2007, alors ~$940M ajd). Même avec tous les extras non comptabilisés à l’époque, disons $1.5MM? Au prix suggéré pour la Bleue aujourd’hui, ça sent pas bon du tout, ça sent de la pourriture. What did the Charbonneau Commission do other than make sure all those items are newly accounted-for? Still seems like the price is astronomical, especially considering the limited benefits compared to other much-needed projects in the Metropolis. On a purely cost-to-benefit ratio, the Blue extension is a terrible idea as it is currently presented.
  18. Le logiciel du site est toujours un peu funky
  19. Je ne dirai jamais que la Caisse n'avait pas reçu de cadeaux incroyablement généreux, mais les économies du tunnel MR et le fait de ne pas avoir à construire une traversée de rivière dédiée (au fait, un tunnel de 2,5 km vers St-Lambert ne devrait jamais approcher un milliard de dollars non plus) ne diminuent pas le fait ébahissant que l'extension de la ligne bleue coûtera un bon milliard par kilomètre.
  20. I was going to ask but didn’t want to bug... 😁
  21. Too many grade separations to accommodate. First at Douglas-B.-Floreani, then needing adequate height for clearance of the 40, both service roads and the Hymus/Henri-Bou/Technoparc interchange, then multiple streets along the way back to crossing the 40. Much MUCH cheaper and quicker to build it all with a pair of launching gantries.
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