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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Wow perfect, merci! Puis la grue au fond… 😉
  2. If everything could ever be this real forever If anything could ever be this good again The only thing I'll ever ask of you You've got to promise not to stop when I say when
  3. Thanks! I pulled my phone from its cradle and grabbed the pic out my window just as the light on Sherbrooke was going green… then saw the cop staring right at me! 😅
  4. I didn’t get to des Sources near Place Riviera, but it would appear that most of the columns for this last elevated segment from north of Gouin to the other side of des Sources are complete. Just a couple between the future station and Gouin being built now.
  5. The former level crossing at Gouin is being lowered as well, but not as much as at Sunnybrooke. The eastbound side is almost ready to reopen.
  6. A fellow umarell’ asked me if I knew why all the recently-built reinforced concrete at the base of the viaduct column opposite this station had been torn up, as seen below. I ventured to guess they needed to have a very stable platform to build the huge supporting column but then it needed to be removed to complete the viaduct. A contremaître slipped through the fence to walk to the Dep 7-jours nearby so we asked and he confirmed exactly that, but they hadn’t yet received the work order to remove the debris.
  7. Thousands of the plastic cases already staged between the Pierrefonds-Roxboro station and the Gouin crossing.
  8. This station is also being built quickly. It’s quite messy trying to keep the crossing open; they are rebuilding one side at a time, lowering Sunnybrooke at the crossing to a metre or so below the surrounding area, so the viaduct needn’t be too high. Good progress on the station as well as the columns for the viaduct.
  9. Really humid out there. This section is being prepared quickly in advance of one of the LGs arriving by the end of the year or early in 2022.
  10. Sortie 3 St-Marc. Aucune idée si le Jersey est nouveau.
  11. Cheap shots 18 August 2021
  12. And even then… I mean, there’s already a basement on the site!
  13. SameGuy

    Le Chatel

    Merci Rocco
  14. SameGuy

    Le Chatel

    Where is this?
  15. This, this, 100% this.
  16. When Japan started developing the Shinkansen, the metropolitan areas that would be served by it between Tokyo and Osaka had a total population of around 30 million, and the potential basin of around 40 million. More than half of Canada‘s population lives in the Quebec to Windsor corridor, or roughly 20 million people. But now we don’t have to actually develop the technology, it exists. Again, if countries like Morocco and Poland and Uzbekistan are developing high speed rail in their countries, there is little excuse for a wealthy country like Canada to stick with standard rail between its two largest cities. We chose to spend billions of dollars on the CF-18 program, billions more to upgrade them to CF-18D/E, then chose to spend billions to acquire used Growlers while awaiting a decision on spending billions more on the F-35 program. How many billions (and how many lives) did we waste to help our imperialist allies attempt to install a western democracy in Afghanistan? Ridiculous to see where our priorities lie. Rome to Milano 540 km.
  17. Not “no.” The trains existed, and were capable of 200 km/h. 83 years ago. The same as our stupid TGF/HFR proposal IN 2021. VIA’s HFR won’t run at 200 km/h, it will be capable of 200 km/h. Please address the point I made: Canada has the technology and the wealth to be able to implement true high speed rail; we choose not to.
  18. The Italians had 200 km/h electric trains before WWII, while the UK had 200 km/h steam trains. The HS1 to the Chunnel is a British built and owned line, and apart from Eurostar services, the Southeastern railway runs 225 km/h regional trains on it. There are several 201 km/h lines in the UK. 400 km/h-capable HS2 is currently being built from London to Birmingham, and planned to go north from there. But we shouldn’t be whatabouting the UK’s relatively low speed HSR when we read all the articles that mention us, we should be whatabouting all the non-G7/20 countries that enjoy much faster rail service than we do. Morocco? Uzbekistan? Turkey? Estonia? Poland?
  19. Same same. I gave it a liiiitle more benefit of the doubt last year, but I went past last Wednesday and I think “sublime” is a perfect word.
  20. I like this more and more every inch of progress
  21. With that investment of “$220 Billion,” Qatar basically redeveloped its entire infrastructure ahead of the WC, including building a world-class airport, a huge automated metro system, a tram system, new highways, new residential areas and even several modern, large-capacity stadiums, most of which will be dismantled and shipped to Africa where they will be rebuilt at no direct cost to the local economies. IMO I wouldn’t spend one dime for a major, one-time event that doesn’t have tangible, long-lasting benefits for the local population and economy. Three games of 2026 between a French-speaking, sub-Saharan nation and some other flyover countries? For $1.5 billion? No way, Josée.
  22. Ah oui, les frères Reichmann… They hired SOM and local consulting architects to plan the development of the whole Canary Wharf project.
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