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Tout ce qui a été posté par swansongtoo

  1. Sachant que les promoteurs veulent maximiser l’espace offerte dans leurs projets je me demande quand même si la ville aurait pu joué un rôle de médiateur entre les deux parties afin d’éviter un tel résultat. Bien sûr cela demande que la main gauche et droite se parlent.
  2. Just about at street level. Should see a few floors above ground by construction holiday.
  3. With this project and 980 Sainte Antoine being torn down for new construction wondering if this may not be the start of a new trend.
  4. Mise à jour from my part of the world.
  5. Photos prises ce matin du 5e depuis Les Jardins du Canal.
  6. La pelle mécanique seems to come and go every six weeks.
  7. Le point a surement déjà été fait ici mais négligeons pas les graffitis. They will be everywhere and that may be worse than the structure itself.
  8. Yup. Would like to see the same for the Turcot to cover graffiti covered walls.
  9. Yes you're right my bad. But for some reason the link takes me to the Instagram sign in page and not the pictures themselves which has never happened before. Same result for both Chromebook and iPhone so maybe it is a forum thing.
  10. Am I the only one that sees broken links for all picture posts? Off my phone however I get prompted to sign up for Instagram for some reason. Never happened before.
  11. Coin Lionel Groulx et des Seigneurs hier fin de journée.
  12. I would imagine the current parking between Saint Paul and Saint Maurice must be very attractive to developers. I'd be curious to know how many doors can built on that sized lot.
  13. Sergakis a deux projets proposés dans le coin dont le dernier est au coin du Fort et Ste. Cath.
  14. Exactement. Ils déménagent dans l'ancien locale Alexis le Gourmant par compte j'ignorais que l’adresse DeM fermait. Dommage.
  15. I'd humbly suggest Lower Manhattan, the area north of Boston Common/east of Charles St. and some areas of downtown Chicago can compete. But I get your point .
  16. It's 200m. You can squeeze in 250 floors it won't change the end game.
  17. Interesting because I thought as well it was once the tallest building in the Commonwealth. From wikipedia ... Although the then-new head office of the Royal Bank of Canada at 360 Saint Jacques Street in Montreal was taller by several floors, the Sun Life Building was at the time the largest building in square footage anywhere in the British Empire.
  18. Off topic somewhat but I always thought that Boston was a good example of a great city without any tall skyscrapers. I always thought the downtown core in Boston kind of mimics ours with respect to height and look. What I didn't know was that Boston does have height limiations apparently, in part, due to downtown's proximity to Logan airport (Wikipedia). Couple of quick examples below but there a few boards similar to this one where this topic is discussed. End of off topic post.
  19. On peut pas dire que "timeless elegance" fait partie de l"ADN Devimco.
  20. Taken this afternoon from top floor condo Guy/St. Jacques.
  21. This one doesn't look bad at all up close and in person I like it a lot. It may not have the luxe factor of what's built along the canal but it's one of the better looking builds in Griffintown.
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