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Tout ce qui a été posté par _mtler_

  1. Sad to think that something like this would never be constructed under the current height limitations.
  2. Publié le 01 juin 2018 à 09h41 | Mis à jour à 09h41 Griffintown: un promoteur confie une oeuvre de 21 étages à René Derouin C'est René Derouin, « un artiste de 60 ans de carrière, très jeune d'esprit et de création », comme il se présente lui-même, qui a été choisi pour réaliser l'oeuvre de 21 étages qui fera partie du projet immobilier MaryRobert de Devimco, dans Griffintown. Nommée Un phare sur le fleuve, cette oeuvre monumentale s'inspire du fleuve, des nations fondatrices, du territoire, de la migration et de la nordicité. Elle va se déployer sur les façades des deux tours d'habitation qui seront construites au coin des rues Peel et Wellington, à Montréal, comme on peut le voir sur les maquettes. « C'est un moment unique, comme créateur, de signer une oeuvre d'envergure comme une mémoire, un legs à Montréal », a dit hier l'artiste de 82 ans, lors du dévoilement du gagnant de ce concours lancé en mars par le promoteur immobilier auprès de quatre artistes québécois. « Dans mon atelier, j'ai pensé à ce projet dans tous les sens et ce fut une obsession pour moi, a-t-il ajouté. La question de l'espace intime et public a été omniprésente dans la conception de l'oeuvre. C'est une création importante dans l'espace urbain, monumentale par sa forme et rare dans l'art public au Québec. » UN ARTISTE D'EXCEPTION René Derouin est un artiste québécois de renommée internationale, dont les oeuvres ont été exposées dans plusieurs musées, au Québec et au Canada, mais aussi au Mexique, aux États-Unis, au Venezuela, en Australie et au Japon. Au fil de sa longue carrière artistique, il a reçu plusieurs prix, dont le prix Paul-Émile-Borduas, en 1999. Il a été décoré de l'ordre de l'Aigle aztèque, la plus haute distinction accordée à un citoyen étranger au Mexique, en 2006. Et il a été nommé chevalier de l'ordre de la Pléiade, section du Québec, par l'Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie, l'année suivante. UNE ICÔNE « Le MaryRobert va devenir une nouvelle icône dans le paysage montréalais, affirme le président de Devimco, Serge Goulet. Il est important de considérer ceux qui passeront dans le quartier, ceux qui verront le monument dans le paysage urbain, mais également ceux qui habiteront le projet. Cette initiative dépasse largement l'immobilier. C'est un geste créatif, un legs que Devimco désire faire à Montréal, à l'arrondissement. » Les trois autres artistes qui avaient été invités par M. Goulet à soumettre une proposition sont Nicolas Baier, Pascale Girardin et Doyon-Rivest. « René Derouin a réussi à arrimer les intentions du concours avec une proposition qui répondait aux critères et qui s'inscrivait dans la tradition de la murale », a précisé Marco Fontaine, président de Premius Conseil et conseiller spécial pour le projet MaryRobert. Depuis sa mise en marché l'automne dernier, Devimco a vendu 90 % des 500 condos du projet MaryRobert.
  3. This pic would look so much better with Lemay’s Alcan redevelopment at 1188 Sherbrooke West!
  4. Time Out Market is coming to Montréal A first in Canada: the famous food and cultural market is set to open in late 2019 in the Centre Eaton de Montréal LONDON and MONTRÉAL, May 30, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - A new hotspot for foodies and culture lovers is coming to Montréal: Time Out Market is set to open in late 2019 in the Centre Eaton de Montréal, on Sainte-Catherine Street in the heart of downtown Montréal. Time Out Market Montréal will bring the best of the city together under one roof: its best restaurants, bars and cultural experiences, based on editorial curation. Visitors will get to taste food from the city's top chefs and best restaurateurs, sip cocktails from leading mixologists, and experience culture with Montréal's rising talents. Time Out Market is part of Time Out Group, the global media and entertainment business. The Group has signed its first management agreement with global real estate leader Ivanhoé Cambridge to open Time Out Market in Montréal, the first in Canada. Occupying 36,000 ft2 (more than 3,300 m2), Time Out Market Montréal will include a curated mix of 16 food offerings, two bars, a demo kitchen, a cooking academy, a retail shop and a cultural stage—all representing the very best Montréal has to offer. With its location at the heart of the city on Sainte-Catherine Street, Time Out Market will be the centrepiece of a C$200M redevelopment project at Centre Eaton de Montréal, a landmark downtown destination with an annual footfall in excess of 30 million visitors. Centre Eaton de Montréal is owned and managed by Ivanhoé Cambridge, which is currently investing more than C$1B in revitalizing this part of downtown. Time Out Market Montréal is following the wildly successful culinary phenomenon Time Out Market Lisbon, which opened in 2014 to offer the very best of Lisbon with 26 restaurants, six kiosks, eight bars and cafés, five shops as well as a cooking academy. With 3.6 million visitors in 2017, Time Out Market Lisbon is the country's most popular attraction thanks to the high-quality fine dining and cultural experiences it makes available and accessible to all. In March 2018, it received an international award recognizing it as one of the most visionary concepts in the European food service sector. Building on the success of the Company's flagship market in Lisbon, Time Out Market is set to open in New York and Miami at the end of 2018, to be followed by Boston, Chicago and Montréal in 2019. With a focus on supporting local businesses, a close connection with the city is at the heart of the Time Out Market philosophy. As with its existing location in Lisbon, it is expected that the Montréal site will bring significant employment and broader benefits to the area. Didier Souillat, CEO of Time Out Market, commented: "Montréal has developed into a culinary hotspot and is now one of the world's foodie capitals. This is a city with incredibly creative chefs and an audience with a love for great food. As if this wasn't enough, Montréal also has a buzzing cultural scene with over 100 festivals each year. All of this makes this city a perfect spot for Time Out Market and we look forward to opening our first site in Canada. "Time Out Market continues to be a great success story and is now recognized as one of the most visionary formats: our first site in Lisbon is Portugal's most visited attraction, we have an exciting pipeline of new sites and for our upcoming opening in Miami we have all kitchens signed up with the city's 'who's who' of the most celebrated chefs. We are proud to have been chosen by our partner Ivanhoé Cambridge to now also bring our unique Time Out Market experience to the great city of Montréal." Julio Bruno, CEO of Time Out Group plc, stated: "We are delighted to announce our first management agreement for Time Out Market. It allows us to accelerate our global expansion, grow our brand and drive additional revenue. The fact that Ivanhoé Cambridge chose us as strategic partner and will make a significant investment to bring Time Out Market to Montréal is proof of the strength of the format and the brand." Claude Sirois, President, Retail, at Ivanhoé Cambridge, added: "We are absolutely thrilled to be collaborating with Time Out Market and to bring this incredibly successful format to Montréal. Our discerning clientele is always looking for fresh, new and innovative experiences that define the urban character of our properties nestled at the heart of downtown Montréal. Time Out Market Montréal will be the masterpiece of the Centre Eaton de Montréal's transformation and will help redefine the urban leisure experience downtown." Time Out Market is a business division of Time Out Group plc (AIM: TMO), the global media and entertainment business with a presence in 108 cities in 39 countries and an average global monthly audience reach of 217 million.'s worldwide reach includes a massive online presence, mobile applications, social media channels, city magazines, guides, Live Events and more. To view/use the artistic renderings of the project (please credit Ivanhoé Cambridge) or to view/use the Time Out Market Lisbon video (please credit Time Out Market): LINK Notes to editors About Time Out Group plc Time Out Group is the leading global media and entertainment business with a content distribution network comprising digital, mobile, apps, social media and print and a physical presence via Live Events and Time Out Market. Using these platforms and its well-established global brand, Time Out seeks to inspire and enable people to make the most of a city, through curated content around food, drink, music, theatre, art, travel and entertainment. Time Out, listed on AIM and headquartered in the United Kingdom, is present in 108 cities in 39 countries and has an average global monthly audience reach of 217 million.
  5. Could someone kindly advise the max height allowance on lots 1 and 2?
  6. Un petit hotbox tranquille pendant ta pause de lunch?
  7. @deeworks La dernière photo utilisée de cette vidéo provient d'une photo que j'ai pris le 2018-03-29. je reçois un "confused" et un "downvote" quand je m'explique! #facts
  8. Definitely pics taken from mtlurb. I recognize some of my own snaps.
  9. Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes to Design National Bank's New Head Office MONTREAL, May 25, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - National Bank is proud to announce that the Montreal firm Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes has been appointed to design its new head office following a selection process that lasted several weeks. Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes has a team of more that 115 professionals, making it one of the largest architecture and design firms in Canada. With experience in the institutional, corporate, cultural and residential sectors, the group is recognized as a leader in design, construction, project management and innovation. Quotes "National Bank's choice was informed by a number of factors, chief among them the firm's outstanding architectural approach, the urban integration of its designs as well as its environmental expertise. Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes stood out on all those fronts, and we are proud to partner with them to design the Bank's future head office—a unique and modern building that focuses on employee well-being". Ghislain Parent, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President – Finance and Treasury, National Bank. "We are honoured to be designing National Bank's new head office, a landmark and unique legacy for the City of Montreal". Anik Shooner and Jean-Pierre LeTourneux, senior partners and architects, Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux Architectes. Preliminary sketch The design process for the head office will continue over the coming months and will involve employees. As shown in this preliminary sketch, the design, in harmony with its surroundings, will emphasize natural light and user-friendly spaces that encourage collaboration. Other highlights For the selection process, local firms with experience in this type of project were invited to participate in an architectural design competition. The new building will have 46 floors and cover more than 1,000,000 square feet. More details about the project will be announced in the coming months. National Bank recently started modernizing its workspaces to support its cultural shift and foster teamwork. The construction of a new head office will make further strides in the company's current transformation with modern collaborative spaces that are supported by advanced technology.
  10. That turquoise water is so misleading...c'mon.
  11. 1215 Phillips Square (Brivia). I am most excited about this piece of land for some reason. A true 200m icon in this location would totally change the skyline (for the better).
  12. What kind of fuzzy rainbow coloured world do you live in? If you want to dictate the way our skyline looks or the quality of new construction architecture, go take out a 100 million dollar loan and build yourself a building that meets your standards. Until then, no, sorry, you are not entitled to anything.
  13. Future Montreal office developments Canderel has also “been close a number of times” to launching a new building in the Quartier des Spectacles entertainment district.
  14. Future Montreal office developments As for possible new office building construction, Cooper cites Cadillac Fairview’s Quad Windsor next to the Tour Deloitte as “a natural next site.” The developer “is working very hard to launch their next building” and is talking to a number of potential tenants.
  15. VillaNova: Three New Towers Added to Lachine project MONTREAL, May 8, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - Développement Lachine Est Inc. – VillaNova has announced today the construction of three 10-storey towers, totalling 177 new condos and a 22,000 sq. ft. commercial ground floor. The project is aiming to create a new city of more than 4,000 homes at the intersection of the historic Lachine Canal locks and Lachine Est station, which allows residents to reach downtown in less than 20 minutes. These residences will be modern and open, bringing together the latest smart home technologies, ambient lighting, high-end appliances and luxurious materials. All units are created with one standard in mind: nothing but the best. With the first units expected to be available in September 2019, these towers will encourage local culture with a "farm to table" restaurant that will serve fruits and vegetables grown in the project's 15,000 sq. ft. of rooftop and patio space dedicated to urban agriculture. The $75 million towers will encourage gardening on the patios to support urban living on the water's edge where residents will participate in a circular economy. Common areas will help build a new community where residents can regularly meet. Future owners will have access to a yoga studio, an indoor/outdoor gym, a pool and a rooftop patio. "This project meets real needs. It reconciles the high demand for easy access to public transit with the desire for larger homes to offer the best living spaces for people looking to move to Montreal," said Didier Heckel, Director of Planning and Building Development at Les Développements Lachine Est Inc. Highlights: 3 new towers to be added to the VillaNova project, representing more than one billion dollars in investments Nearly 4,000 new units, ranging from townhouses to urban condos Focused on local businesses (pharmacy, grocery store, bank branches, etc.) Units will be approximately 5 minutes on foot from the Du Canal train station Reclaimed architectural items from the neighbourhood's industrial history decorate outdoor spaces Award of Excellence from the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects for landscape management — 2015 edition — Regional Citation
  16. You know, there is a "haha" emoticon available...
  17. A silver/aluminium looking material along the columns would look amazing.
  18. _mtler_

    À démolir...

    From la Belle to Harveys
  19. Prenant ancrage dans un contexte urbain dynamique et au coeur d’un pôle citoyen fort, le site est entouré du métro de l’Église, de l’hôpital, de l’aréna et de la plage de Verdun. Le projet localisé au croisement des rues Lasalle et de l’Église devient un signal qui marque l’entrée de la zone commerciale de la rue Wellington. Le geste architectural agit alors comme liant entre le bord de l’eau et les artères commerciales. Le projet est une insertion forte et structurante qui anime le quartier, stimule l’économie locale et concrétisera cette localisation comme le coeur de Verdun. S’insérant dans un paysage bâti de hauteur moyenne, le projet fera partie intégrante d’une constellation de bâtiments de hauteurs plus significatives faisant office de points de référence du quartier. Lieu multifonctionnel, le projet abrite à la fois des espaces commerciaux, résidentiels et des bureaux. Optimisant le site tout en conservant une grande considération pour le bien-être de ses résidents, le projet Lasalle/de L’Église sera composé de 72 unités de logement. La matérialité du bâtiment offre à la fois une facture emblématique et forte tout en alliant un voile délicat de métal ajoutant une certaine douceur à la proposition. L’intégration d’espaces verts, au coeur du projet, a été effectué suite à une réflexion poussée des espaces extérieurs. Ces lieux permettent ainsi une plus grande intimité tout en favorisant l’habitation des espaces de vie commune.
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