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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. I'm glad I'm wrong! Looking forward to the added density that this project will bring to the area
  2. Most (if not all) of the glass panes that have already been installed are incorrect. The architects mistakenly approved two different models and the ones that are there now will be removed and replaced. We'll probably be seeing a lot of plywood for the next month until the new windows arrive on site Silving lining: The new windows are nicer than the current ones Source: un surintendant de chantier
  3. I have it on good authority that Samcon has actually pulled out of this project. Pas sure si un autre EG a pris la releve...
  4. I was there this morning as well! You can see the 2nd crane going up on the right of the picture
  5. Construction update (September 9th 2015)... This is for the rental unit phase
  6. Based on what you guys are saying, I'm thinking that I may have been given the height including the underground parking... In any case, I've been told that building height will be 187m
  7. There was a debate early on for L'Avenue on whether or not it would be 50 floors and 175m or 57 floors and 196m. Was that ever officially settled? Is it definitely going to top out at 175m?
  8. YUL and the Holiday Inn will have a big impact from this angle
  9. A picture from SNC's LinkedIn page (I believe it's from July):
  10. One of the cranes has been raised. From the webcam:
  11. Even though this building will be appartments it's still part of the Condos Vue project (phase 7 or 8 I can't remember). In the meantime, phase 5 (condos) is on-sale right now and construction should begin shortly.
  12. Oh my god, it's better than ever!!! edit: nooooooo they didn't keep it like that
  13. The webcam was adjusted at some point early this afternoon
  14. Yes, that's still the plan! Sorry for the confusion I meant what they plan on doing with the sales office while they excavate around it
  15. Wait until you see what the plans are for the sales office (if they haven't changed!)
  16. During the week there is only ONE departure from Hudson (in the morning) and ONE arrival (in the evening). On the weekends there are NONE. If it wasn't for the fact that the station already exists, I doubt very much that they would build one (especially right now). I'm not saying that this project is a bad idea, just that the money can be better spent on much more important projects.
  17. I understand that it's a simple project but we are living through a period where financial resources are extremely limited. We can't afford to throw money at anything that isn't a priority. If the municipality is willing to foot the bill (or most of it), then that's a different story. As for the SLR, it's not only for people who live on the South Shore. It will most likely serve a great deal of the new residents in Griffintown which, despite being directly adjacent to the downtown core, needs all the public transit help it can get...
  18. There are so many other public transit priorities that are more important than a train station in Mirabel... - Train de l'ouest (with airport link) - SLR on the new Champlain Bridge - Blue line extension - Orange line extension (to Laval from Cote-Vertu) - SRB on Pie-IX Let's worry about people that live ON the island before trying to appease the people that choose to live further away
  19. ^^ So cool to see the piling around the metro Thanks sulreva!
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