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mont royal

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Tout ce qui a été posté par mont royal

  1. No, he is definitely not bang on. He chooses his facts very carefully in order to emphasize the negative.
  2. Well said Pedepy, Vancouver or TO may look great from about a mile off shore, but up close the buildings are boringly unifom and the street life is barren. Every major high-rise in Montreal should be an event. Each major building should be aestetically pleasing, original and should contribute to a pleasant life at street level. That is of course, ideal; but we have every right and responsibility as residents to insist on high standards. Much of the beauty we do have here is due to the fact that we never experienced boom boom times when developers could rush in and throw up cookie-cutter buildings.
  3. Not surprisingly, the author of the Wall street Journal is from Ontario and writes out of Toronto. As soon as I saw his reference to Montreal as having a population of 1.6 million, I knew that he wasn`t from the USA and wasn`t objective. There is no way that a Toronto-based writer would describe Toronto as having a population of close to 2 million. It is always the GTA figures they use and sometimes they even go beyond and include the Golden Horseshoe as greater Toronto. Conversely, as he did in this article, they will totally downplay Montreal and avoid mentioning that greater Montreal is now close to 4million. No references to any of the new buildings other than those funded by the Ontario Teachers Plan.
  4. I thought that the fact that there was a large steam shovel there might just be of interest. Then someone informed us erroneously that it was on another site (based on a cam view as I understand it). Well, it was still there when I drove by tonight. Maybe it is being used to bring down the former sales office.
  5. I see that some heavy equipment has finally moved onto the Avenue site.
  6. I looked at Altitude from the South-west entrance to La Baie yesterday and quite liked it, funny hat and all. It towers over Ste Catherine very nicely.
  7. We have heard constantly here that Asians don`t invest in Montreal. We also hear constantly that the Montreal condo market is soft. Now we have news that one, or both of these recurring statements were not really based on fact. True, the marketing campaign of YUL seems to be more original and professional that any of the others. But, even that won`t work if the demand is not there. All in all, this is good news; except for those here who clearly wish for bad news (and then can blame it all on the big PQ gov`t)
  8. I agree with the solution. I am not sure that that will be the case in Griffentown. Hopefully at least along Peel, but also one East-west artery as well.
  9. A truly beautiful still life. I would like to see the same magnificent backdrop framing a living breathing city-life.
  10. Good point. High-rise condos with no contiguous commercial space at the street level do not lead to the kind of densification where there is active street life. That will be the problem in Griiffentown for example. We could end up with isolated big block sticking out like sore thumbs on their own. You see a lot of that in Toronto. The city make look impressive from a distance, but up close the streets are deserted.
  11. I remember that when the lovely, but decrepit Queens Hotel was finally demolished, they saved and put aside some of the original sandstone sculpturing. I seem to recall that it was on the understanding that they had to be used on any subsequent building that would go up on that site. At the time, there was a proposal being considered which subsequently fell through and the land was basically altered (temporarily) into its current sort of grassland island.
  12. Montreal and its beautiful Mont Royal! Better than any man-made erection.
  13. Yes, but Carbanleo (hived off from Devimco) will build a 20 story condo on the existing parking lot.
  14. Changes in the project.
  15. If this hotel is going to be demolished, than this item should move from Renovation to Construction.
  16. Agreed. That is why I support a height limit downtown. The mountain gives Montreal a natural backdrop which few other cities have. It would be a shame if it were totally dwarfed and diminshed by being surrounded by huge buildings.
  17. The reason for the timing has been explained several times on this thread. There is no problem with the Avenue; but there is a problem with some readers impatience and expectations.
  18. Disappointing that there is no commerce at the de Maisonneuve street level. The entrance is another ostentatious temple to commerce that will have absolutely no connection with the street. Too bad, just as de Maisonneuve is getting interesting.
  19. It seems to me that there are plenty of new buildings which are geared for the middle class. Almost everything in Griffentow, (except directly on the canal) seems to fall into that category, TOM, Peterson, Triumph are other examples. Interestingly. they are struggling to find clientele. Maybe the problem is not access to public transportation, as important as that is. Maybe it is because a large percentage of the middle class are family oriented and they want ready, safe access to sports activities, cultural and educational facilities for their children. To imply that somehow the poor are now a privileged group, and are doing better off the backs of the middle class is a false `ideology`in my opinion.
  20. Very bizarre TVA announcement. Are they prejudging the quality of the restoration? If so, why? Nobody else has stepped up to the plate to help out. We`re talking about the home of an amazing far-sighted and courageous politician who saw a vision for Canada long before others did. We all know that we are currently being badly governed at the municipal, provincial and federal level, but is TVA sulking because this initiative had to come from outside of the country?
  21. In answer to SYN, yes I have been to Seoul (boring), Singapore (sterile and repressed), Beijing (polluted, overcrowded, ugly), not to mention all of the other cities you mentioned, plus most capitals of Europe, Africa and Latin America. Lonely Planet is the most reliable, comprehensive and up to date travel guide I know. For them to rank Montreal so high is worthy of note and people will take note. It is not because of the height of our skyscrapers or other phallic erections, it is not because of people bustling nowhere fast in order to make money and project prestige; it is because there is verve here; a beautiful energy, centered around the enjoyment and pleasure of being alive. That is what brought me back here and that is what keeps me here and I believe that that is what excited Lonely Planet. And for the sake of this wonderful Forum, that is what our architecture should reflect; pleasurable. sensual energy. Not hard straight lines.
  22. Even more meaningful for me was that The Lonely Planet, surely the most comprehensive travel guide in the world, rated Montreal as the 8th most exciting city in the world to visit in 2013. The only other North American city in the top ten was San Francisco (Number 1).
  23. Pauline hasn`t come to town; she has gone to the country.
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