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«Black Friday» : un employé de Wal-Mart meurt piétiné

28 novembre 2008 - 12h31


ARGENT-LCN, avec Associated Press


La frénésie du magasinage du Black Friday a pris une tournure tragique pour un employé d'un Wal-Mart de Long Island, dans l'État de New York.


L'homme de 34 ans a été piétiné par une horde de clients peu après l'ouverture du magasin à grande surface, en tôt ce matin.


Selon le rapport de police, la victime est tombée au sol lorsque les clients ont enfoncé les portes du magasin.


L'employé a été transporté à l'hôpital où son décès a été constaté vers 6h. Trois autres personnes auraient été blessées, dont une femme enceinte.


Un Wal-Mart de l'Arkansas a fermé ses portes pour une urgence médicale, mais l'entreprise a refusé de confirmer les rumeurs voulant qu'une personne ait été blessée par des clients déchaînés.

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Lol est-ce que c'est vrai?


Oui c'est très vrai.


Et ça arrive à chaque année ! C'est ça le pire. Non, le pire, c'est qu'il y a des gens qui se font tuer par des consommateurs en délire pour des 15% de rabais.

Pour moi, ça ne démontre que la pathéticité de l'économie de consommation nord-américaine.


Comme à chaque année aussi, lors de pèlerinage à LaMecque, des gens meurent piétinés.

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Il y a egalement eu un shooting dans un Toys 'R' Us hier


Shooting kills 2 in California Toys 'R' Us store


The Associated Press

PALM DESERT, Calif. -- Two people were shot to death in a crowded toy store on Friday in a confrontation apparently involving rival groups, city officials said.


Palm Desert Councilman Jim Ferguson said police told him two men with handguns shot and killed each other. Ferguson said he asked police whether the incident was a dispute over a toy or whether it was gang-related. He said police told him they were not going to release further details until the victims' relatives were notified.


"I think the obvious question everyone has is who takes loaded weapons into a Toys "R" Us?" he said. "I doubt it was the casual holiday shopper."


City spokeswoman Sheila Gilligan said police told her the shooting broke out between "two groups of individuals that have a dispute with each other."


The Palm Desert Police Department received calls of shots fired around 11:35 a.m., Riverside County sheriff's Sgt. Dennis Gutierrez said. He said officers were still investigating what prompted the gunshots.


Toys "R" Us issued a statement expressing outrage over the violence.


"We are working closely with local law enforcement officials to determine the specific details of what occurred," the statement said. "Our understanding is that this act seems to have been the result of a personal dispute between the individuals involved. Therefore, it would be inaccurate to associate the events of today with Black Friday."


Black Friday is the name given to the day after U.S. Thanksgiving, when multitudes of shoppers swarm into stores looking for bargains. It tends to be the day when stores break into profitability for the full year.


Immediately after the shooting, about 20 people rushed into the World Gym across the street from Toys "R" Us, the gym's assistant manager Glenn Splain told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.


"They were crying, tearing and shaking," Splain said, adding that one woman came in cradling a baby.


"Some people got into a fight," said Splain, who spoke with some of the customers. "One of the guys here thought it was over a toy, but it got louder and louder and then there were gunshots."


Sarah Pacia of Cathedral City told The Desert Sun newspaper she was in the store with her two boys, ages four and six, looking at colouring books when she heard a commotion in the next aisle. She thought it was people rushing to get a sale item. Then she heard three or four shots.


She said she froze, and store employees calmly escorted her out of the store.


"This is Toys "R" Us. There are kids shopping in there," Pacia said. Her son Jayden, 4, was clinging to her leg. He told her he didn't want to die, she said.


Palm Desert is a resort town about 200 kilometres east of Los Angeles.

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You're right : only wealthy people with I.D. cards proving their annual income should be allowed to shop anyway !!

Well I don't think it's the wealthy who are barreling into Wal-Mart looking to save a few dollars here and there. Obviously, its the number of people without jobs is a lot worse this year than previous years, but still people must be civil.

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It's mostly the fact that we are living in a society that is too much based on consumerism. I too, am on a budget this year. Not specifically because of the economy but anyway I have to watch my spendings very carefully -up to the point that I might no be able to make any gifts at all to anyone (but my son). I just hope that my friend and family will understand. The fact that I have doubts regarding their reaction is symptomatic of a society that want you to think that the amount of love you have for somebody is based on the number of gifts or the value of the gift.

What about love ? Of course I wouldn't think like that if I wouldn't have any budgetary limit, obviously. However, how many people, how many families around the world this holiday season will have a similar thinking ? Millions certainly. For so many of them, not being able to spend as much as before for gifts will be profoundly depresssing.

In the end, I'd say that it's not worth crushing people to death just to have the opportunity of a good deal at Wal-Mart. It simply shows that our society is sick -that our values are wrong.

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