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Maestria - 57 et 61 étages


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4 hours ago, KOOL said:

Visiblement Devimco a coupé de moitié ses coûts de maquette en ne peaufinant qu'une seule des deux tours. Espérons que cette de procéder ne se reflète pas au niveau de la qualité des matériaux. :yikes:

Pas impossible, mais ça m'étonnerait en maudit étant donné à quel point ceci est leur projet-phare!

Une chose est certaine: les 2 tours auront le même cladding. ;)

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4 minutes ago, go_habs_go said:

Uhmmm...please tell me there won't be a giant 'mur aveugle' on the back/side of these buildings, right...RIGHT????

they did not detail the second tower and depending on the angle of the pictures it look like a giant plain wall.  but that won't be the case, both towaers will have concistent walls/windows/finishes on all their sides

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Just now, danny12345 said:

they did not detail the second tower and depending on the angle of the pictures it look like a giant plain wall.  but that won't be the case, both towaers will have concistent walls/windows/finishes on all their sides

PHEW!!!! Merci. (You better be right! lol)

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More than likely, the windows will have a reflective coating typical of residential high rise glazing for privacy, heat gain etc., so while the glass colour is technically "clear," the tower will reflect its surroundings.

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23 hours ago, vanylapep said:

So it's clear now that the structure is black and the windows are clear color (not dark tinted like we thought, wished or imagined).

How about waiting for the curtain wall to actually go up in real life before jumping to

Renderings and 3D models rarely ever represent the reality, especially with regards to glass.

Modifié par LaRonde
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56 minutes ago, LaRonde said:

How about waiting for the curtain wall to actually go up in real life before jumping to

Renderings and 3D models rarely ever represent the reality, especially with regards to glass.

How about let’s speculate and have fun 🤪

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