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L'Économie du Québec


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You make me laughing with your term global. We speak english here,way more than many other non english speaking country.

Just try to get a job as a waiter in italy , mexico, indonesia, japan, china if you only speak english.


We are not anglo-saxon. We are francophone.


Bon a partir de maintenant dehors le francais faut pas faire peur aux anglos.


Ca me degoute completement.








That's not the best attitude if you want immigrants to learn to speak French.


Thanks to our big and economically influential neighbor to the south, English has the reputation of being the language of business and is used everywhere. This is a given and it impossible to ignore the impact of this, especially here in Quebec.


This doesn't take anything away from the necessity of learning French to work here, but it does add to the complexity, costs and extra hurdles to do business here, since we are a small 'foreign' market. Quebec represents a mere .0 2 % of the population of North America! That's the main reason many US stores don't open branches here.


It's a challenge to impress non speaking immigrants to learn French. No government has been able to do it successfully yet. But, as I said before, if our economy offered quality job opportunities, candidates will learn French.


Our population and economy is not growing nearly as fast as our neigbours to the west. With our declining birth rate and ageing population it is urgent to find solutions to this. I don't think it is to the advantage of Quebec if anyone leaves French, English or other.


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No point in personalizing opinions, but facts speak louder than emotions. This is not Europe. If Quebec wants to compete and prosper in the North American economy that we live in, we have to find a way to reconcile French in this sea of English. No use criticizing the English speakers who live here, we are part of the solution!


I think we have to promote French as the primary language of work. But, as I said, no one has been able to this to the satisfaction of all, since we don't seem to be attracting enough immigrants with skills or those prepared to invest here.


For some the French culture and generous social programs are a priority, and others want a prosperous economy and jobs for their children. Leaving English out of the second just doesn't make much sense. You can't build a wall around Quebec and ignore what is happening all around us.


The economy is more and more global, and with the power and influence of the USA, competition is fierce. We lost our place as a financial capital decades ago. We don't have the population, but we have resources. That is certainly one way to go. It is serving Alberta and Newfoundland pretty well.


Lobbyists on all sides are tugging on the blanket and provincial governments are perhaps compromising too much. We have to stop with the tired old arguments and propose something different. The baby boomers had their chance, now is the time to let another generation try and get the Quebec economy on the rails again, if that is what Quebec wants...


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Unless you speak german there is no job opportunities in European. From what i could see in France, spain, portugal ,italy, greece .....

From what I read a lot of them plan to go to Europe. Why Europe and not here? I'm sure many will chose other countries where English isn't the first or only language. I think that if good opportunities existed here they would stay. It's always about the in the end it's primarily about the economic situation here. They'll learn Mandarin if that would earn them big bucks.


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Come on Big guy moi insecure. Pourquoi je le serai? Je parle 3 langues et j'ai deux nationalités.

Je trouve completement stupide de pas essayer d'en apprendre le plus possible.


Regarde Phillipe Couillard il est aller travailler en Arabie Saoudite et il a appris l'arabe suffisament pour avoir une conversation de base avec ses patients.


Martin Coiteux du conseil du tresor est parti en Argentine et au Chili pour etudier il parle italien,francais , portugais, espagnol anglais.


C'est pas une richesse cela non? Meme ton boss Rovinescu l'a dit que c'est le mieux de parler les 2 langues sa mere a insister pour qu'il le parle les 2 langues.


J'ai des collegues de travail anglophone qui ne parle pas francais ou tres peu. J'ai quand meme de bonnes relations avec eux. Car je sais que ce n'est pas donner a tout le monde d'apprendre une autre langue.


En tout cas ca vient me chercher quand je vois aucune reel volonté d'une personne. Ca me fait penser aux Allemands a Palma de Mallorca dans les iles Baleares. Il vivent la-bas depuis des années ils y ont des condos et ne parle pas un mot d'espagnol. Ils vivent dans leur getto allemand dans l'ile.

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Pourquoi on devrait s'efforcer de changer notre culture et nos valeurs pour garder des étudiants qui ne se préoccupent pas de ces valeurs et de cette culture?


Honnêtement, j'ai de la difficulté à être triste. Qu'ils partent s'ils n'aiment pas l'endroit.

Mon amie a étudié à Austin. Elle a bien aimé, mais elle est revenue. Est ce que les habitants d'Austin pleure son départ? Se remettent ils en question? Veulent ils changer leur société pour garder une étudiante étrangère francophone qui veut travailler en français et qui a terminé ses études?


Tu penses que si Austin réussirait à attirer 20,000 étudiants universitaire étranger pas années, ils ne tenteraient pas de les séduire à rester là???

C’est un défi pour tous grands centres universitaires*, mais avec le nombre d’étudiants que nous avons, le gros du boulot et fait. Il manque quand même des initiatives du gouvernement et particulièrement du secteur privé.



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Francos don't have the monopole of the emotions.The anglos are emotive as well. I share most of your points IluvMT on almost everything.


The big turn off to learn french from what my friends told me is the poor quality of french we are speaking here.

Mon pere a toujours dit que le francais que l'on parle ici etait pathetique. Lui qui a vecu en France 10 ans.


The solution i could find for the anglos who don't speak french is to let them pass the exam to be an engineer in the language of their choice.

The same to be applied for doctors or other specialist .


I don't know what else could be done more than that.






No point in personalizing opinions, but facts speak louder than emotions. This is not Europe. If Quebec wants to compete and prosper in the North American economy that we live in, we have to find a way to reconcile French in this sea of English. No use criticizing the English speakers who live here, we are part of the solution!



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Money Talk. Si on a des jobs ils vont rester ici. Le francais n'est pas le main issue. Si on peut moins nous taxer a tour de bras ca peut pas nuire.


Comme je l'ai déja dit pourquoi on n'essaierai pas d'embarquer dans le programme Erasmus d'échange étudiant avec l'Europe je suis pret a parier que beaucoup d'etudiants italiens , espagnols, grecques , portugais resteraient ici apres leur études. En plus les étudiants européens n'ont pas peur d'apprendre d'autres langues.


Tu penses que si Austin réussirait à attirer 20,000 étudiants universitaire étranger pas années, ils ne tenteraient pas de les séduire à rester là???

C’est un défi pour tous grands centres universitaires*, mais avec le nombre d’étudiants que nous avons, le gros du boulot et fait. Il manque quand même des initiatives du gouvernement et particulièrement du secteur privé.



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Francos don't have the monopole of the emotions.The anglos are emotive as well. I share most of your points IluvMT on almost everything.


The big turn off to learn french from what my friends told me is the poor quality of french we are speaking here.

Mon pere a toujours dit que le francais que l'on parle ici etait pathetique. Lui qui a vecu en France 10 ans.


The solution i could find for the anglos who don't speak french is to let them pass the exam to be an engineer in the language of their choice.

The same to be applied for doctors or other specialist .


I don't know what else could be done more than that.

Never said emotions were one sided.


I don't think our 'North American' style of French is the problem. French is not an easy second language to master for Anglo-Saxons and other 'non-romantic' language speaking adults because of its structure and pronunciation ....Although not an easy language to learn, some anglos might find German somewhat easier because of a common or recognizable vocabulary...


Also, as with math, many people do not have a sufficient aptitude to acquire languages in a timely manner. I have administered aptitude and placement tests in that area, so I am talking from experiece. So, unless you grew up being exposed to French from an early age (the ideal scenario for learning languages), it is extremely challenging for adults to do so later in life.


Your suggestion to pass professional tests in English might encourage more people to stay here. A separate general French proficiency test for all professions might be less daunting. Expecting immigrants to pass both at once must be very stressful and discouraging. If you meet the professional standards, you could be given a provisionary licence to work for a year, with proof of enrollment in a certified language program. After a year you would be required to meet the general language requirement in order to obtain a permanent licence.


If you have job and establised relationships and you have a general proficiency of French, it will be easier to integrate, become even more proficient and remain in Quebec and contribute to our economic health.


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