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L'Avenue - 50 étages


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i don't want to disappoint you all,

but i am quiet certain they technically cannot add extra floors!


Why not? It was designed with that posibily in mind; I doubt that Brocolini said that he may add 7 floors if it was impossible from the start...




I didn't hear Broccolini saying such a thing.

and sales office told me there won't be extra storey.


Ça me surprendrait beaucoup que Maxime Bergeron invente des histoires... :




Je viens de m’entretenir avec Anthony Broccolini, directeur principal de l’entreprise. Il m’a donné quelques détails supplémentaires sur le projet.


Tout d’abord, il affirme que son groupe ne diminuera en aucun cas le nombre d’étages de la tour. Les plans actuels prévoient une hauteur de 175 mètres, ou 50 étages, et jusqu’à 7 étages supplémentaires pourraient ajoutés si la demande le justifie.



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It's all about money, dude. If they can make more money by adding extra floors, they will. Also, they will make sure that their building is a signature building in the Montreal skyline. Adding extra floors would also do that. Of course, if it costs more to add extra floors than the money they will make by selling more units, they will hold their fire.

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well, it's great news but OLD.

again sales office staff didn't confirm.


But i'd me more than happy to hear they added some-extra storey.


Well, obviously they're not gonna confirm it, the staff want to to buy a condo. If they tell you that they are adding 7 extra floors, well then you start to think that there is no hurry at all to buy. Mr. Broccolini wants his tower to be Montreal's symbol/main landmark so it wouldn't surprise me if we see a 57-storey tower plan popping up soon enough.

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I hardly see how you can modify the project once it's 60% sold.


What do you say to penthouse buyers for instance,


The only solution would be to make extra "low storey", as everybody would complain otherwise.

But the cost of building an extra 7 higher storey versus the income of a 7 lower one is not a no brainer.

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Can someone please explain to me how the heck it costs more $ to add additional floors?

I understand it costs money to add more floors but the cost of building the 47th floor is the same as the cost of building the 53rd floor, no?

ie. the 49th floor costs $1,000,000 to build, logic dictates that the 54th floor costs $1,000,000 to build also. I assume the develloper has anticipated the extra floors therefore, the foundation, parking structure etc are already built/planned for that possibilty so what is the problem?


WTF am I not understanding here?

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