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Tour des Canadiens - 50 étages


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Interesting thing is -- and I may have said this in an earlier post -- when the Bell Center was to be built I was taking a real estate course at Con U for my BComm. We had a guest speaker one night who was from the guys putting up the thing (I believe Marathon Realty) and the Bell Center was to be built to be able to accommodate 2 50 story towers on top of it. So who knows what the future may bring.

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Je me demandais aussi, j'ai fait toutes les recherches possibles sur lapresse, ledevoir, google nouvelles, can news, etc, sans rien trouver.


Il serait très apprécié que tu mettes un ligne une copie de tout ça.


Aussitôt que ce sera en ligne, bien sûr. Puisque ça ne l'est pas encore, je devine que La Presse n'autorise pas la redistribution gratuite de cet article pour le moment? Ça se trouve uniquement dans l'édition papier pour l'instant. Je préfère être prudent, au cas-où.


Ceci dit, il suffit de dire qu'il n'y a rien de plus substantiel. Le bout sur le Tour Canadiens était le plus intéressant. Pour le reste, Roccabella, Icone et Îlot Overdale, c'est du réchauffé pour nous tous.

Modifié par MtlMan
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personally I find it very hard to believe there is a market for all these new projects,you have the 48 floor CF project, the twin 35 floor Rocabella,the 38 floor Icomium , the 40 floor? Overdale, and the 40 floor TOM,all starting construction within a year, that's 6 towers over 35 storeys

Modifié par mtlrdp
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personally I find it very hard to believe there is a market for all these new projects,you have the 48 floor CF project, the twin 35 floor Rocabella,the 38 floor Icomium , the 40 floor? Overdale, and the 40 floor TOM,all starting construction within a year, that's 6 towers over 35 storeys


It amounts maybe 1800-2000 units ?


You think this is too much for a city of about 4 million people ?


If I told you Montreal was about to build 35 buildings of 6 storeys ( There's probably triple that amount built in MTL every year) would you feel the same ?

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