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maybe it's all a question of floor height / structure type / etc. you know, the usual..


tokyo sky tree is basically japan's version of the cn tower; it will be that high but i wouldn't call it a skyscaper myself. mumbai tower will rise 725m but only from it's spire. highest floor will be at 550m. same thing for the shangai tower, it's spire will reach 632 but the "roof" is to be measured at 565m.


i don't have the details about wuhan's building regarding these aspects; maybe it is because it will have habitable floors as high as 606m, who knows ? ...


if this is the criteria, however, i can't find the structure that would be "second" between this one and burj khalifa..

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I had a very good history teacher when I was at CEGEP.


He said that the 18th century belonged to the French, the 19th century belonged to the British, the 20th century belonged to the Americans and the 21st century will belong to China. Doesn't seem so far off to me. When you look at who is building the biggest, fastest, etc of everything, these days it is China. I am guessing that the transition for China from #2/#3 power in the world to the clear #1 will be somewhere around 2030-2040. All they need is to get rid of their Communist dictatorship and embrace economic liberalism like all of the successful countries.


During a business lunch I heard a similar thing. One more thing that was added on top of China being #1 for the 21st century, when they get enough resources from other nations. They wouldn't need the outside world to survive. They have a big enough market to live off each other and we are all screwed after that.


I would love to visit China some day. One more thing about China, they have the largest airline in the world now or something (Article).

Modifié par jesseps
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