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This sounds like bull-shit to me. First of all, the Habs have a payroll of 56.5 million$(about 1/2 a million awa from the cap. If you trade Lecavalier for Plex, Higgins, Subban and A 1st round draft pick, you are basically sending 3.5 million$ in Salary to the Bolts(Plex=1.5 million and Higgins=1.9million) and you are taking on 7.5 million$ in Vinny Lecaavalier. Which leaves the habs with an extra 4 million$.


Like I said earleir, this would leave the Habs with 3.5 million$ above the salary cap, which is a bg "no-no".


Also, seeing as this rumour is being continued/started by Darren Dregger, I don't thikn there's any truth to it!

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1/12/2009 4:05:10 PM


As complicated and muddled as the Tampa Bay Lightning picture can be at times, the reality of the Vinny Lecavalier situation there is really quite basic.


That is, if Lecavalier himself decides he wants to leave Tampa to become a Montreal Canadien, it could very well happen.


This is no longer pie in the sky stuff. The potential for a trade is there.


Let's try not to get hung up on semantics here. We don't need anyone from the Tampa organization telling us “we're not shopping Vinny.” And we don't need any pronouncements from Vinny's agent saying they've been “assured” Vinny won't be traded. We'll no doubt get those reactions and that' fine, it's to be expected.


But let's all deal with this like adults and see what's going on here.


The Lightning are not necessarily committed to trading Lecavalier but they are most certainly exploring that option and have had an ongoing dialogue with the Montreal Canadiens.


Within the Lightning ownership group, there are differing views on whether Lecavalier should be traded. One view is that the Lightning might as well close up shop if they trade Lecavalier after getting rid of Brad Richards and Dan Boyle, the foundation on which their 2004 Stanley Cup championship was built. No Lecavalier, it is opined, would equal no reason to buy a ticket to see the Bolts play. The other view is that if the team is going to become ultimately successful again, it needs to start over with a massive rebuild and the yield on a Lecavalier trade would expedite that process, to say nothing of getting out from under the 11-year, $86 million contract with a no-trade clause that takes effect July 1.


At some point, the folks in Tampa are going to have to get on the same page for a trade to occur, but that becomes a lot easier and much more manageable if the following happens: Vinny Lecavalier tells them he would just as soon move on.


Sources say that is precisely the type of soul searching that is going on now for the Lightning captain.


Obviously, when Lecavalier signed his 11-year extension in the summer, he envisioned playing his entire career for the same team. Lecavalier loves the Tampa Bay area. And he has loved playing for the Lightning. In the past, those who know him best, say he's never wanted anything to do with the notion of returning to his home province and being the Francophone star of the Montreal Canadiens.

But that attitude may be changing.


Lecavalier hasn't enjoyed anything about this season. He hasn't performed up to expectations. There is speculation his surgically-repaired shoulder is still inhibiting him. The Lightning have been a total disaster this season on the ice, having fired head coach Barry Melrose and with so many players coming and going through a revolving door. Lecavalier is said to be extremely discouraged with what has gone on.


The question he's no doubt asking himself now is this: Is it always going to be like this?

Because if it is, he's not sure he wants to stay. He did in the summer. Now, it's much more uncertain.


And those who know him best say he's now prepared to seriously consider something that was, for him, previously unthinkable – play hockey in Montreal.


Lecavalier does not currently have a no-trade clause, but who's kidding who, this entire trade scenario becomes a lot more plausible and possible if Lecavalier is on board with what the Lightning are doing.


So what's likely to happen next is that Lecavalier is, at some point in the very near future, going to make clear to the Lightning one of two things.


He's going to say: I don't want to be traded. I want to stay in Tampa.


Or he's going to say: I would welcome a trade to Montreal or (fill in the blank).


If it's the former, that's going to chill the trade scenario greatly because it would be a terrible message to send to the Lightning fans if the Bolts traded Lecavalier after he said he didn't want to leave. Good luck with that marketing plan. And how eager is any team going to be to trade for Lecavalier if they know he doesn't want to play for them?


If it's the latter, however, there is little standing in the way of a trade actually happening. Whatever differences exist within the Lightning ownership/management group would likely dissipate with Lecavalier's stated desire to be moved and the trade could be rationalized to the fan base there as doing what's best for Vinny and for the rebuilding franchise.


The only hurdle then would be working out the nuts and bolts of the trade with the Canadiens, who clearly are interested in making this deal. If they weren't, GM Bob Gainey could have shut the whole thing down today when he addressed the media, but he didn't.


What the deal might end up being is anybody's guess, but sources in Montreal say the actual offer the Canadiens have put on the table for Lecavalier does NOT include defenceman Mike Komisarek, nor is it likely to, but would see Tomas Plekanec, Chris Higgins, prospect P.K. Subban, Josh Gorges and a package of draft picks including more than one first-round pick going to Tampa.

No one needs to tell me Lecavalier's no-trade doesn't kick in until July 1 and the Lightning are within their rights to deal him as they see fit until then.


Because players with the stature of Lecavalier, and the type of presence he has in the Tampa marketplace, don't get moved without being part of the process. So when all is said and done, the direction this story goes hinges heavily on what Lecavalier wants to do.


So, Vinny, what's it going to be?


Do you want to stay? Or do you want to go?


Is it Yes? Or is it Non?

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Sorry people but I'm not for this trade. This team is gelling at the right time and this without the likes of Koivu, Tanguay, Price etc etc... We finally have depth due excellent drafting from our amateur scouts and now because Tampa is in trouble financially we want to destroy what took us over 20+ years to make. It's no secret and Brian Lawton is not an idiot. He will not give away Vinny and especially in Montreal where we are so hungry for a Quebecois bonafide superstar he will ask a little more than any other club. It will be a major mistake for the habs to get Vinny. I feel this will disrupt the chemistry of the club. As it is now, everyone in this team knows their role and ice time. In comes Vinny and everyones ice time will diminish...and please don't expect him to wear the "C" on his jersey because that is plain stupid. Sure he's a proven scorer in this leaugue but he hasn't proven shit with the habs. Koivu is our Captain, pointe finale. Look a Sundin in Vancouver. He's not a Captain nor is he an assistant. He's just a player. Again, let's not loose focus here. Our priority is to secure a defencemen. A 4 or 5th line defencemen. I laughed so hard when I heard, Gorges, PK Subban, Higgins, Plekanics etc etc are you CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!! Gorges has been our BEST defencemen since day 1. Check out his (Plus/Minus) ratio. Subban, are you CRAZY!!!!!!! Has anyone seen the World Juniors lately. He was voted TOP defencemen of the tournament. Let's not just throw names out there because we have a hard on for Vinny. Yeah, I like him to be in my time any day of the year but at what price? NO, I will not mortgage my youth that I've spent 20+ years assembling due to Peanut and Ronald Corey's insane drafting. I will not do it. We are in a roll. The Bruins are hurting as we speak, the injury bug has finally hit them, and all this is a testament of Gainey's and Timmins drafting.

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Well, if Bob Mackenzie says this rumour has some merit to it, then I believe him. Mackenzie is the most respected and most knowledgeable guy in the Hockey world.


As far as the players mentionned in the deal, I think it's doable. Higgins has been injured all season, and the Habs are doing just fine without him. No big loss there. Plekanec would be replaced with Lecavalier, a definite upgrade.


Subban still hasn't played a single game in the AHL, let alone the NHL. there's no doubt the Kid is good, but who's to say he'll be a dominant player in the NHL?? Where this deal might hurt us is with Josh Gorges. Let's not kid ourselves, Gorges' value isn't that high throughout the league. We in Montreal have always had a tendancy of placing our players on a pedestal(whether they actually deserve it or not!) Don't get me wrong, I really like Gorges, but he won't get more than 10 points this season, and defensive d-men aren't worth as much as offensive d-men! Also, Gorges isn't the biggest guy out there. Let's just say that his value to this team isn't as important as a guy like Komisarek, or Markov or Hamrlik.


Finally, where I have a problem with this deal is with the 2 first round picks. I could live with giving up on 1 first rounder, but not 2 first rounders. That would be too much. If the Lightning want 2 first round picks from the Habs, then I'd ask for Paul Ranger to be thrown into the deal. He's good, young and he's a big d-man who doesn't make too mcuh money! At least that way we could replace Gorges!


In any case, let's not get our panties in a bunch. these are just rumours for now, and I still doubt the habs have enough cap space to take on Vinny's HUGE contract!


The next few days/weeks will be very interesting for Habs fans! Starting with the game in Beantown tonight!

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Je ne me prononce pas sur les rumeurs, mais là c'est excitant.


Je ne sais pas combien de joueur seraient à mettre dans le pot, mais je suis certain que Higgins Subban et Paccioretti ce sera pas assez pour faire venir une vedette de ce calibre.


Je m'attends plus à ce que ce soit les 2 K, Koivu ou Plekanec... des noms que les gens en Floride connaissent déja.


On va enfin avoir notre vedette canadienne française. Je sais que ça peut sembler trop nationaliste à votre goût, mais imaginez, ça va fermer la trappe à bien du monde, dont ceux qui soupçonnaient la direction du CH de pas vouloir de Franco, on va avoir le shake juste en évoquant le nom du club tellement qu'on sera fier.


Un Maurice Richard nouveau genre, et une nouvelle dynastie de conquête de la coupe Stanley.


Tout le crédit à Bob, avec son calme légendaire, qui à reconstruit un club au point d'avoir autant d'options plus intéressantes les unes que les autres.


Même si il se passe rien, on a un vraiment bon club et on peut gagner la coupe Stanley, c'est pas peu dire!

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Je m'attends plus à ce que ce soit les 2 K, Koivu ou Plekanec... des noms que les gens en Floride connaissent déja.


Justement, si Tampa Bay échange Lecavalier c'est qu'ils ont un problème de cash! Lecavalier gagne 7.2 million cette année, et 10 millions à partir de l'année prochaine. Il ne demanderont pas pour un vieux joueur qui gagne prèsque 5 million$ par année en retour. Il vont vouloir rebatir l'équipe, donc ils vont demander des bons jeunes qui jouent déjà dans la LNH ainsi que des choix au repêchage.


La Rumeur qui circule le plus est: Lecavalier pour HIggins, Plekanec, Gorges, P.K. Subban et 2 choix de 1ère ronde.


Je trouve que c'est trop pour un seul joueur.

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Honestly, as stated before, I hope it doesn't happen. I heard the Tampa owners + Lawton want to keep Vinny and it'S up to him if he wants to leave Tampa.

Also, I checked his stats regular season + playoff and it'S not that impressive if you compare it with Saku. Almost identical and we treat Saku like shit! Again, I would not mortgage our farm for a guy who's not overly crazy about coming to play with the HABS. I would not make this deal. We need a defencemen + bring up Stewart from Hamilton and we'll be fine. I'm all about chemistry in a team any disruption will de-stabalize everyone's icetime, lines etc etc...

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Also, I checked his stats regular season + playoff and it'S not that impressive if you compare it with Saku. Almost identical and we treat Saku like shit!


You can't honestly compare their stats. True that Koivu has 613 pts in 755games and that Vinny has 640 pts in 752 of the big differences is that Vinny started in the League at 18 years of age...whereas Koivu was more mature at 21 when he first played for the Habs. Also, when all will be said and done, wVinny will have ALOT more points in his career than Saku. Saku will be lucky if he finishes his career with more than 800 points...Vinny will have more than 1200 points when all will be over.


The other major factor is the Size. 5'10" 185pds vs. 6'4" contest!!


And lastly, there's the age factor. Vinny is 28 years old and in the PRIME of his career, whereas Saku is 34 and on the decline.

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