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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. You forgot the human scales, and the "Place urbaine", "Traitement architectural distinctif = iconique", and "Oeuvre d'art".
  2. AFAIK, chaque travée est sous tension toute seule, mais les ouvriers descendent dans la vide pour connecter les travées l’une à l’autre. Il y a un écart de qq centimètres entre les travées au dessus des selles de colonne. Ici, le joint entre la toute première et deuxième travées assemblées il y a déjà deux ans et demi:
  3. Lmao was thinking the exact same thing!
  4. They aren’t. They are one of the beneficiaries in the deal, and along with Canderel will acquire Cominar’s non-industrial properties. I don’t know the breakdown of the properties, but either Canderel or Mach (or a partnership of the two) will acquire Gare Centrale. Assuming an eventual rebuild (including a 160+ metre tower) goes up there, if it’s primarily office space I expect Mach to have a role; if it’s more residential and retail-oriented, I think Canderel will have it.
  5. Who is they and what is this lot? South Block I get, but 895? Mach would get 895 if the sale goes ahead.
  6. The LGs in the West Island negotiated several curves. They can handle curves of any radius that a modern commuter train is likely to use. Ils auraient sûrement utilisé un troisième LG pour le segment PSC de 4,5 km, contrairement au démantèlement d'Anne pour le segment de Pierrefonds de 1,5 km.
  7. If the sale does indeed go ahead (it’s only a proposal), Groupe Mach will get control of most of Cominar’s retail, commercial and residential portfolio. 👀
  8. We’ll never know. Speculation in these forums is that there are longer spans on the PSC segment (doubt it) or that it needs a beefier beam-and-deck system because it’ll host twice as many trains (is it stronger? Do more trains really cause more stress to that extent? Doubt it. Doubt it.).
  9. Haven’t we’ve been over this a few times already? I posted pictures of the exact same catenary system on the Sydney Metro showing the difference in perspective, foreshortening with a telephoto lens vs a normal wide-angle shot.
  10. Is it my imagination? Or is something going on on either bank of the canal in line with the spindle of the swing bridge?
  11. Yep, you’re correct: the Prével intersection is completely closed. I guess I got my hopes up for nothing. Lol sorry about the needless thread bump. ETA: although these particular “in transit” Artics came up Château-Pfds from Antoine-Faucon, perhaps they were “extra” 485s going back to depot via Pfds and St-Charles?
  12. It opened two weeks ago. But the buses had been using the single lane on Pierrefonds throughout, except when the Ste-Anne intersection was closed earlier in the summer. If the entire intersection at Prével is closed I can see that, but not three in a row “en transit” witching just a few minutes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. I was just out walking my dog and saw three LFS Artic bendy buses “en transit” within ten minutes, going north on Château-Pierrefonds, turning east onto Meloche (Parc Grier and St-Anthony’s School), then north on Des Cageux to boul. de Pierrefonds. All three of these streets have sidewalks. If they are testing this as a new route from and to Antoine-Faucon (and the eventual Emprise A440 busway), it will be a game-changer in opening up a good chunk of this subdivision to easier mass transit.
  14. Brocco owns the triangle at Bridge-St Pat-Wellington, including the 1905 flatiron building, but it’s zoned at just 20 m.
  15. C'est peu probable, pour la simple raison qu'une chauffrette à résistance suffisamment puissante pour chauffer un bus plein grandeur consomme tout simplement trop d'électricité, et bien qu’un système de chauffage à thermopompe soit nettement plus efficace, il ne peut pas fonctionner en dessous d’environ -10°C.
  16. The Xcelsior Charge normally heats and cools with electricity, but an optional fuel space heater is available (likely from Webasto) for when it is below around -5°C. It is designed to run on B100 (100% biodiesel).
  18. We’ve been over this several times. ADM needed specific performance out of an airport station, without any limits imposed by CDPQi if they were to include it in their budget (and pay ~50%, like the rest of the system). The biggest chunk of this station’s cost is how it will be interfacing with the current airport as well as the future land-side improvements, along with the inclusion of a full ground transportation centre. Not only will the new parking structure accommodate more cars, but the new P4 structure 500 metres away on Albert-de-Niverville will hold a further 4000 spots, along with all the car rental lots under one roof.
  19. No, they will lose parking revenue when employees trade driving for REM, and no longer need to park (monthly fees), and travellers choose REM instead of paying crazy daily rates in P1/P2 or slightly less crazy rates off-site. Currently, roughly 1000 riders a day avail themselves of the 747; REM is expected to attract up to 5000 a day in 2025.
  20. Don’t forget [vurp] Le Crystal [vurp].
  21. Oh sh!t, j'ai oublié que tu ne suivais pas les nouvelles quotidiennes de notre humble colonie pendant un mois entier. 😉
  22. On se demande si cela ne faisait pas partie du plan 1SqP depuis le début, avec l'entrée le long de la Place Phillips comme solution de repli si Brivia n'était pas en mesure d'acquérir la façade sur Ste-Catherine.
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