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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Ç’a quoi à faire avec VIA?
  2. Yes but the only place where one can really see this “plateau” effect of the Downtown towers is from this photo’s vantage point, on the Sky Deck at Marina Bay Sands; from ground level the streets are are anything but a grid and the architecture of each building so distinct that it’s impossible to see any type of uniformity of height.
  3. Eco-Counter’s headquarters for the Americas is on St-Laurent near Duluth.
  4. Et l’emplacement au Sq Chaboillez avant les Quads et l’ÉTS…
  5. Not everybody in the family wants to live in Kirkland and Beaconsfield and face that traffic mess every day.
  6. Et pourtant, cela n'en dit-il pas beaucoup sur nos standards d'architecture, qu'un rectangle gris de taille moyenne soit un bâtiment “préféré”?
  7. Then the Bridge lot would be the right size for this…
  8. It’s what the market will bear.
  9. New York City MTA Select Bus Service (BRT on segregated, camera-enforced lanes). Imagine having that here? And cheeky signs?!
  10. Ça dépend aussi comment vont évoluer les alentours.
  11. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    You mean like my co-worker with a taxpayer-funded bacc in History and Religious Studies, who is hoping to land a job as a professor of… History or Religious Studies. 😏
  12. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    From the Duke side it looks almost exactly like a Khrushchyovka but with the corner bombed off. Or maybe the Terminator’s time-travel bubble landed there.
  13. I’ll wait to judge both. I was among the YUL haters and I’m growing rather fond of it.
  14. 😂 Cité pour vérité (quoted for truth)
  15. Any possibility of some panos from the terrace during the next few months?
  16. I should edit, “après la phase 2 de 455.”
  17. After the taller tower, 455 might end up to be my favourite of the four. There are aspects of all four that aren’t perfect. 😉
  18. “Envisagé” ne veut dire rien de plus que ça. La ligne rose est toujours “envisagée” par certain(e)s.
  19. Maybe owners can project TV and movies from their balconies to the blank wall, like fifty individual “open air cinemas”!
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