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Tout ce qui a été posté par SynosiK

  1. c'est environ 60-65% Phase I (livraison dans 1 an) et 30-35% Phase II (livraison dans 1 an et demi). Je ne sais pas si c'est bon comme vente ce nombre... ou si c'est standard ? Generalement, un batiment atteint quoi? 85-90% de ventes lors de la fin de la construction?
  2. ce qui est quand meme fou.... le top 4% paie pour le tier des quebecois... j'en reviens pas a quel point on est pas riche au Quebec... seulement 4% vont faire au dessus de 100 000$, c'est ridiculement bas... (ou bien seulement 4% DECLARE un revenu au dessus de 100 000$???)
  3. Haha! J'habite a 3min de marche et je suis quand meme trop paresseux pour me deplacer!
  4. Yes I have, I attended a few public consultations on the Griffintown PPU and its plans. The first public space to be built will be the Parc 3 Nord of Bassin du Havres. It will stretch from Bassin street all the way to the Canal aligned with Bassin number 3. It will be completed next summer and will be mostly for kids and families and will have water features like jets or little pools. Parc 4 Nord will be built for summer 2015, but no design plans were released. We only know this one will be more couples/adults oriented. Rue Bassin is being built now and will be completely redone from project Le Canal to the end of project Bassin. The lighting in Griffintown will change. All streets light will be "unique" to Griffintown (like in vieux-montreal) and the electricity will be underground, but this will take up to 2023 to complete. The other parks or Griffintown, more around Lowney and District Griffin will be worked on past 2016. There is no budget from parc-canada to redo the Pointe-des-Seigneurs park yet (a real shame...) and estimation for that one is post 2018. Interestingly, there is talk of an elementary school within Griffintown. This talk is with a promoter that could built a space for school as part of a project. I don't have more information on this... Pavements and road is also in the pipeline and I expect it will be done at same time as the electricity... so up to 2024 ish. Griffintown will change, but it will take 10 years to do so. This 93 million dollar injection is a fad.... the residents are paying for it with very high tax (even school tax for a neighbourhood without a school...). Hopefully it turns out well, but the city is very slow and ineffective. The people running the PPU think they are doing a fantastic job, but they are thinkers, not doers. They should have bought the land right away, but they waited and now it is 8 times more expensive...
  5. WOW, extraordinaire!!! Magnifique projet!!!! Bravo! Je ne sais pas si le site vient d'etre "updater" ou bien si je ne l'avais pas visiter, mais les rendus sont supers sur leur site web.
  6. En effet, je suis d'accord. Mais si on a le choix pour les finitions de cuisines, salle de bains, planchers, poignes d'armoires, robineteries, etc... Je donnerais egalement un choix pour les portes et portes d'armoires! Les portes sont extremement importantes dans la decoration et la finition d'une piece! Et surtout, les faire dans du 32-34" et non du 30". Quand on paye 400 000 et plus pour un condo de 2 chambres, il faut une certaine qualite dans les "accessoires" comme les portes et poignes... Meme les projets du luxe ont une qualite mediocre et quand je vais voir les projets de mondev, c'est a rire tellement c'est fabrique en carton...
  7. C'est un credit au prix contracteur moins quelques %. Donc ce n'est pas le meilleur credit, mais c'est mieux que rien... Je fais egalement crediter mes portes (c'est debile comment les portes interieures sont de mauvaise qualitees) et je mets mes propes portes en erable et chene massif. Je risque d'avoir a refaire les moulures aussi parce que c'est cheap a mort ce qu'ils mettent et elles ne pouront pas supporter le poid d'une vrai porte. Bref, si des projets de "qualites" sont comme ca, j'ose pas imaginer les projets "cheaps" ...
  8. En effet, Griffintown est un long quartier... Le coin Peel-Wellington (District Griffin, Griffix, Lowney, Murray, Gallery) n'est pas pareil que le coin Guy-des Seigneurs (Bassins, William, Nordelec, Redpath, Le Canal)... Je crois que ces projets sont tres biens: Nordelec, Le Canal, Gallery Loft, Les Bassins, William phase A, (Myst... mais pas vraiment Griffintown) Je crois que ces projets sont poches: Murray, Griffix, Se7t, District Griffin Je crois que ces projets sont moyens (certaines phases mieux que les autres): Lowney, Carre de la Montagne, ETS residence Ce sera dure de porter une decision avant la fin des travaux.
  9. 45% Sold is not a lot in pre-construction for a building like that.. Building with less than 50% sold in a slowing market and high competition is a recipe for disaster. Montreal is doing fine because there is a lot of offer (buildings in plan/construction), but minimal supply (buildings completed). This is why building with 70% sold and selling remaining units during construction is good... supply is never really increased. The developers should never increase the supply...
  10. Tu as oublier Tesla! Elon Musk fondateur de: Zip2, Paypal (xcom dans le temps), Space X, SolarCity, Tesla... Bref, notre vie est ridicule comparativement a lui...
  11. Wow, a ce prix là, achètes la céramique après et installes-la toi-même! Tu vas te sauver 8-10$ du pied carré. En tout et pour tout, tu vas te sauver qques centaines de dollar et ce sera mieux fait! Personellement, c'est ce que je fais pour mon condo. Je voulais des extras de céramiques sur les murs dans la salle de bain, mais le prix donné est carrément une insulte, alors je crédite la céramique existante, achète la mienne au prix contracteur et l'installerai lors du déménagement.
  12. YUL fait affaire avec Saint-Louis Communication pour faire leur "image". Voir: Saint-Louis Communication a aussi fait l'image pour Ritz, Avenue, Victoire, Solano, Le Canal, Oro et Myst donc je suis sure qu'ils feront quelque chose d'interessant avec YUL point de vue marketing.
  13. Exactly. There is too much offer in Montreal right now, especially around that neighborhood. DevMcGill needs to reduce the amount of units unsold in M4 Phase 3 and 4, 30 St-Jacques before starting this project. Sales have already slowed down a bit everywhere, so let the market recover before saturating it again. This project will see the day, but maybe in a few months I would say.
  14. I thought the exact same thing...and with the plane..very clever to get "high"
  15. Don't forget that commercial/office floors have much higher ceilings height than residential. Imagine about 12ft for office vs 9ft for condos... pretty much every 3 floors of office is equivalent to 4 for condos. So 26 * 4/3 = pretty much 35!
  16. That is what I'm afraid of... Griffintown should have been kept mostly red brick with black window frames to have the industrial look (grey could also do as some historical buildings are that color). One it is timeless and two, it goes well with the history of Griffintown. I don't know about you guys, but the newer Lowney (in yellow color) is very tacky and I don't know if it will look good in 5-10 years. The Lowney in red bricks are very nice however!
  17. They are simply to expensive to keep. Even if you can afford them, just keeping the unit will be around 100 000$ in taxes and condo fees each year. They are nice and all, but paying 0.85$ a sqft in condo fees each month add up really really fast!!! When you have this kind of money, you can build your own house to your own taste (custom design), but moreover, have your own private backyard, pool, etc.
  18. There condo scene in Montreal is years behind that of other cities. We do not value as much having the penthouse of a high rise when you can get a Mansion for the same price in Westmount, Outremont or on the Mountain. The penthouses at Altoria where over 850$/sqft. So the top floor is pretty much 6-7 million easily. I would not be surprised that if it is requested to get better finishes, the top floor could be about 7.5 million. Again, this amount of money goes really really far in Montreal. You could get a beautiful secluded and enormous house with pool and all in TMR. For instance, the penthouse at Tour des Canadiens is still unsold because even the rich know that paying 1000$/sqft is too much for Montreal at the moment, when the average for the city is about 250$/sqft.
  19. It was slow, but there's apparently 10 standard units left, 5 penthouse left and most of the office space is leased (at least the top 5 floors are leased and most likely more space in the bottom 5 floors). From a source I have, the penthouses might be divided in smaller units as none have sold yet after months on the market.
  20. It makes the difference in between going shopping without any boots and jacket/coat in winter vs having to bring them to cross 2 streets full of ice and snow. I would totally go all the way to Bank Scotia cinema in shorts if I had direct access to RESO!
  21. Nope... juste Altoria, Tour des Canadiens et eventuellement Univers je crois?
  22. Super beau projet et une epicerie serait vraiment parfait pour le coin et le projet!
  23. Adding 10 floors to this building would not make it taller than the mountain but would make it look much nice on an architectural stand point. I understand the zoning on streets around St-Catherine, but on Renes-Levesque there is no need. Just silly city rules. We will regret not building higher in 15-20 years, I am sure of that.
  24. A ce prix la, c'est pratiquemment assure! En fait, ils offrent meme un plan sans murs et le client peut choisir tout le "layout"! (mais cest cher ce projet!)
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