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That's anti-Americanism if I've ever seen it...


Look I dont hate ALL americans, I actually love the country but some of them just make me sick. I've been all around the United States and I loved it. I made some friends too across the country and many thought that Montreal was a province and many just didnt know where Montreal was. I mean that is really ignorant.


I just got really angry when i saw the title on the NYpost. Dont tell me that it is an appropriate and respectful title for a famous newspaper!?. Its not because americans are not the best at it that it means that it sucks.

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How would have you reacted if we would have seen this something like '' On a perdu les Expos, Bah c'est pas grave, le baseball c'est plate à mourir et un sport américain retardé!'' in the front page of like Lapresse when the Expos left?.

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Look I dont hate ALL americans, I actually love the country but some of them just make me sick. I've been all around the United States and I loved it. I made some friends too across the country and many thought that Montreal was a province and many just didnt know where Montreal was. I mean that is really ignorant.


I just got really angry when i saw the title on the NYpost. Dont tell me that it is an appropriate and respectful title for a famous newspaper!?. Its not because americans are not the best at it that it means that it sucks.


There are ignorant people everywhere. There are people here who think that 9/11 was an inside job. There are ignorant people in Europe who think Canadians and Americans are the same thing. There are ignorant people in Ontario who think that all sovereignists hate anglophones. Just because a few Americans believed that Montreal might be a province, it doesn't mean that 99% of them do. The people you spoke to were almost certainly educated in a lousy inner-city public school.


The titles on the front of tabloid newspapers (the Journal de Montréal is our city's equivalent) are meant to be shocking (the New York Post is notorious for outrageous headlines). It looks like the shock value worked though, didn't it? As for the caption itself, I think it was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek comment. Its not meant to be taken at face value, although some people will inevitably take offense.


I am glad you enjoy visiting the US though. Part of my family is American (Massachusetts and Virginia), so naturally, I feel the need to defend their country.

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How would have you reacted if we would have seen this something like '' On a perdu les Expos, Bah c'est pas grave, le baseball c'est plate à mourir et un sport américain retardé!'' in the front page of like Lapresse when the Expos left?.


Well there was nothing on the front page of the New York post about "Europe" or anything. I would have been a little shocked though, since La Presse is a broadsheet newspaper and not a tabloid.

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The Post is The Post. Obnoxious and dumb. But even though I'm a New York Times sort of guy, I still got a big chuckle out of the headline. Appropriate and more self-deprecating than anything else.


As to Americans (like me), it's always tough to make generalizations. It's a big country. Being from the northeast, I feel a hell of a lot more comfortable in Quebec then I ever would in, say, Texas (or Alberta for that matter). Besides, northern New Jersey and (east-end) Montreal have a lot in common! Refineries, working class, largely catholic, mafia, dysfunctional government. Learning French is a hell of a lot easier than learning the patience to listen to a slow southern drawl, anyway.


Back to topic, I guess go Oranje? Never thought of the land of windmills and clogs as a soccer powerhouse (Ajax is good, I think, though, maybe?), but I have I thing for the Dutch. Failing that, Germany.

Modifié par gars du new jersey
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