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Altoria - 35 étages (2014)


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53% des unitées ne sont pas vendus. 53% des unitées de pre-vente ont été vendu, ce qui represente a peine 15% du total.


Il faut aussi notez que la resolution de Heritage Montreal date de juin.

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bumbaru is incoherent, but also very cynical; listen to what he is saying: we must protect this view of a historic church -- which is a thing many montrealers would support.


what that actually means, though, in terms of the built environment, is that he is protecting an ugly, mediocre building which has sat half-abandoned, half-full of low-rent businesses for years. in protecting this, of course, we prevent the construction of a much more striking building, and a much more suitable-for-the-quarter populace of inhabitants and businesses.


it is in this way that the self-appointed protectors of our heritage are instead protectors of our parking lots, our urban gaps , our dead spaces and our waste lands.


it's a corrupt and corrupting thing to do.

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As an area resident, I have contacted the Gazette, Altoria management and Heritage Montreal regarding this.


To HM, I sent the following:


"Dear Heritage Montreal,


Re: Paper Hill, as a resident of this area, your call to action regarding the proposed 34-storey tower is deeply irresponsible. While you are nominally seeking to protect a view of St-Patrick's, what you are actually doing is protecting a mediocre, mostly-abandoned-for-years building that was never in keeping with the central, landmark quality of Victoria Square. In protecting views, you must avoid inadvertently protecting urban gaps, waste lands, parking lots and underdeveloped sectors. As a Paper Hill resident, we seek less, not more, desolation and emptiness."

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Fortunately there is close to 0% chance that Bumbaru and his band of irrationalists can stop this project. They're too late.


J'espère que t'as raison. Ce projet atteint-il les limites de hauteur? Doit-il passer par l'OCPM-SS? Si c'est le cas, attendons-nous à des problèmes.......:mad:

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And we barely even see that church anyways. I have gone to this square countless times when I worked in that area and never it occured to me that there was a church there... They are trying to protect something that isn't there to begin with.,+Montreal,+Quebec,+Canada&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.817312,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Victoria+Square&ll=45.501031,-73.560644&spn=0.004422,0.009645&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=45.501288,-73.560353&panoid=hnfD64N5HWX8TE7W1ZjxBA&cbp=12,297.38,,0,2.35

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:( A Montréal on ne cherche plus seulement à préserver les églises mais maintenant aussi les vues des églises, comme si les gens en redemandaient. A force de vouloir protéger la ville à tout prix, on finit par tomber dans le ridicule en perdant le sens des priorités et en glissant littéralement dans le virtuel.


Ces gens ont perdu une grande partie de leur crédibilité et ne réalisent pas le tort qu'ils causent en jetant doutes et hésitations sur des projets indispensables pour le développement de la ville. Les arguments défendus ici ne font pas le poids avec la revitalisation que le projet amènera pour tout le secteur.


Si les journalistes ne leur accordaient pas tant d'attention médiatique, ils finiraient par perdre une partie de leur influence et ainsi aussi leur capacité de nuisance. Tout le monde s'entend aujourd'hui pour protéger le patrimoine historique mais accordons de la valeur à ce qui en a véritablement et de grâce laissons le reste suivre son cours normal.

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As an area resident, I have contacted the Gazette, Altoria management and Heritage Montreal regarding this.


To HM, I sent the following:


"Dear Heritage Montreal,


Re: Paper Hill, as a resident of this area, your call to action regarding the proposed 34-storey tower is deeply irresponsible. While you are nominally seeking to protect a view of St-Patrick's, what you are actually doing is protecting a mediocre, mostly-abandoned-for-years building that was never in keeping with the central, landmark quality of Victoria Square. In protecting views, you must avoid inadvertently protecting urban gaps, waste lands, parking lots and underdeveloped sectors. As a Paper Hill resident, we seek less, not more, desolation and emptiness."


Brilliant ... Just brilliant, really. You ought to foward a copy to your local borough mayor along with the ministre herself and, why not, every last politician that may have a say in this. They're clearly overreaching with this one; something has to be done about it.


Time to watchdog the watchdogs ! ...

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