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Canada, Germany, France and Belgium are all being led by centrist/right-leaning governments.


The UK, Ireland and Spain are being led by centrist/left leaning governments.


At this time, that may be true, but to say that Right leaning governments always do better economically speaking is false. Look at what Bush did to the american economy!


Quebec is only leading the way because it had the least to lose prior to the recession, we had no economic boom, and therefore no economic bust. We're used to economic stagnation here.



This I agree with! Quand on vole pas très haut, le "crash" est moin mauvais. Je n'en reviens pas que Charest utilise ça comme argument pour se vanter. C'est un autre exemple du nivellement par le bas!

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Bordel, ce n'est pas impossible! C'est la norme. À l'hôpital Charles-LeMoyne, à Longueuil, je n'ai jamais attendu plus qu'une couple d'heures. La moyenne c'est une heure. Le plus vite c'est lorsque j'ai brisé ma jambe. Quelques minutes et je me faisais servir. J'ai de la misère à croire que j'ai été "super chanceux" 4 fois sur 4.



Les 2 fois que j'ai du me rendre à L'urgence de L'hopital Charles Lemoyne, j'ai du attendre plus de 4 heures à chaque fois!

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De toutes les provinces (Canada)ou Etats (Usa)c'est le Québec (et oui ..)qui s'en sort le mieux en Amérique du Nord..qui l'eut cru?Le modèle économique québécois plus 'social' est en train de mieux amortir la crise..comme en Europe c'est pareil en France,Allemagne ou Belgique..comparés aux 'néolibéraux' du royaume Uni,de l'irlande et de l'espagne..qui sont en faillite assis sur des montagnes de dettes pour plusieurs générations..c'est la faillite du 'tout privé' fallait que ça arrive..replacer des monopoles publics par des privés cela ne marche jamais (voir chemins de fer britanniques re nationalisés tellement le réseau privatisé devenait dangereux,trop cher et plus entretenu du tout...)


On contraire! C'est quasiment impossible pour un système public de fonctionner bien et pendant longtemps. Il y a tellement de facteur qui le rends impossible, je pourrais continuer longtemps. Malheureusement, c'est la poursuite du profit qui font réussir les entreprises privé. Dans le gouvernement, il n'y a aucune 'accountability' et il y a toujours plein de jeux avec les numéros pour cacher ce qui fonctionne pas. Dans une entreprise, si tu es un manager et que tu fais ça, ça prendra pas longtemps que tu vas te faire découvrir et tu vas perdre ta job. Le gouvernement a tellement de manière de cacher leur incompétence et de cacher leurs erreurs c'est incroyable. Et toute les dettes qu'ils accumulent... ils n'ont qu'a imprimer de l'argent pour payer leur dettes, avec l'inflation que l'impression cause, leur dette diminue de valeur et les épargnes des gens sages diminue aussi. L'inflation est donc une taxe caché que le gouvernement utilise très bien. Ton commentaire est extrèmement mal informé et est simplement faux.

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You know, in 99.9% of cases the wait is between 5 minutes and 3 hours.


This business of waiting an exaggerated time is silly. It's like being scared of going outside because you might hit by a meteorite.



I've been to the hospital 4 times : broken leg, lower abdomen issues, facial injury, knee injury. All 4 times i waited under an hour to receive care/treatment or see a specialist.


All the raw numbers show the US system is in dire shape. All the socialized systems are way better off. This isn't an opinion this time, it's a fact.


Actually, the fact is that 89% of americans are satisfied with their system whereas only some 60-70% of canadians are. Plus, the high cost of health care in the US is actually caused by the US government being involved in Medicare and Medicaid and all the other regulations they have. My uncle who lives here in Montreal has cancer and his doctors decided to not do anything because it's not 'worth it'. That's rationing and that is insane! Americans should be really scared of getting a canadian-like system for that reason alone.


Take a look at this video and tell me if it sounds exaggerated:


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At this time, that may be true, but to say that Right leaning governments always do better economically speaking is false. Look at what Bush did to the american economy!



Yes, however democrats caused the housing bubble, not Bush or republicans. Check out 'community reinvestment act' on wikipedia and that should clear things up. (


Second, Bush is a neocon and doesn't represent the republican base really well. A neocon is someone who believes in expanding social programs as well as authoritarian on moral issues such as gay marriage, etc. Althought lots of religious people are republicans, most will say that they are limited governement fiscal conservatives and many will be 'liberal' on moral issues. Bush was a huge spender but Obama is 100 times worse. So all that change that americans were promised is quite ridiculous because they just got way more of what Bush was already doing wrong. Even thought Bush was a huge spender, he had nothing to do with the housing crisis and as a matter of fact, many republicans called the housing crisis before it happened and wanted to fix all the problems with the federal reserve, fannie mae, freddie mac, etc. These are FACTS and they are documented a million times online and so if you don't believe it, you're simply lying to yourself.

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At this time, that may be true, but to say that Right leaning governments always do better economically speaking is false. Look at what Bush did to the american economy!


Oh, and if I may just add this other point. The ideology of free-market capitalism is perfect (in theory) because it's completely natural, it's human nature. However, any party that gets elected, whether right-wing, left-wing, or center, always get corrupted by the power that they have and they start giving gifts to their friends in the form of regulation and subsidies. That is why the only solution is to have a limited government that allows the most freedom possible to its people while maintaining a good court/police system to stop the abusers. In a free-market, if someone screws me over, I can bring him to court and never buy anything from him again. However, in false capitalism (as we live in here in Canada and the US), the government can screw you over along with it friends in private companies and you have no recourse because the government is a monopoly.



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That is some heavy duty wharrgarbl, GoMontreal.


Have you been pallin' around with Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck?


By the way, just because you claim something is a fact, doesn't actually mean it's a fact. Too bad, eh?


Haha! That's funny! Aren't you the one that said the following (earlier in this thread):


All the raw numbers show the US system is in dire shape. All the socialized systems are way better off. This isn't an opinion this time, it's a fact.


So are you questioning anything that I said or are you just go have a light ridiculizing comment like Habsfan? Please, question me and I will show you the facts... what of what I said do you think is untrue? I'm anxious to post links...

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