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Fermeture du pont de l'Île-aux-Tourtes

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The closure is a nightmare. I tried this evening. If you take the 40 to John Abbott and try and get onto the 20, you will be stuck waiting for a while. Best bet taking the slow moving route of the 20 instead. Avoid taking the 40 go the 20.

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Il y a 5 heures, SameGuy a dit :

Les partenaires du consortium viennent de l’étranger?? Ou c’est Beaver Construction renaît sous un autre nom?

Lmao the shameful state of the met, the closure of the 20 for several months, the Dorval interchange fiasco and now this. But how dare we complain ehehe.

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The 40-O from St-Charles to the bridge was rebuilt over the course of two summers, then torn up and built again. That was almost 10 years ago. The eastbound hasn’t been touched since (they added a thin layer of asphalt last year); the jersey barriers and temporary wiring for the lamps are still there.

When the 13-S was rebuilt, engineers found that the northbound side that had been rebuilt two years earlier was done incorrectly; instead of lasting 40 years, it would last fewer than 15. 

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Il y a 8 heures, SameGuy a dit :

The 40-O from St-Charles to the bridge was rebuilt over the course of two summers, then torn up and built again. That was almost 10 years ago. The eastbound hasn’t been touched since (they added a thin layer of asphalt last year); the jersey barriers and temporary wiring for the lamps are still there.

When the 13-S was rebuilt, engineers found that the northbound side that had been rebuilt two years earlier was done incorrectly; instead of lasting 40 years, it would last fewer than 15. 

This is one thing that has been frustrating every time I was driving down the 40-O. How the hell is it okay to have wooden fixtures, poorly placed barriers with weed overgrowing, with wires dangling on top on a national highway inside a metropolis??

The same for the 20-O with the pitch black course from St-Anne to Beaconsfield makes me feel I'm driving through a rural area even though it is the 2nd most important link to Montreal. 

What are the white collar people doing at the MTQ? Nobody is paying the price for the ongoing 'cafouillages' and lack of vision. I just don't see the will to do more, to make things better and being proud at what you're doing. Instead, it's always about making it just good enough. 

And minister Bonnardel will say it was human error by shrugging it off! A human error caused someone to do the same mistake 40 times?? It's pure insanity. 

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J’ai grandi à Vaudreuil et je réside pas loin maintenant.  Le pont îles-Aux-tourtes est en mode réparation à chaque année depuis au moins 20 ans. Et on ne parle pas de l’asphaltage, on parle de travaux sous le pont et des fermetures de voies très régulières qui durent des saisons au complet.  Je comprends peut-être que c’est un erreur humain cette fois mais un erreur pendant qu’ils faisaient des travaux de renfoncement par dessus les travaux de renforcement datant de 2012... alors...

Ce n’est simplement pas acceptable.  Même si tu ignores l’impact ÉNORME sur les résidants et employeurs des deux côtés, c’est le chemin principal de commerce entre Montréal et l’Ontario (et alors une grande partie des États Unis) avec environ 9,000 camions par jour.  Comment est-ce qu’on ne peut pas agir avec plus d’urgence pour une infrastructure comme ça?  Parce que le plan B c’est de passer par Dorion/Pincourt ou, en 2021, il y’a  encore des feux de circulation sur la 20 et un maximum de 50 km/h!  C’est tellement décevant.


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Il y a 2 heures, FollowTheLeader a dit :

This is one thing that has been frustrating every time I was driving down the 40-O. How the hell is it okay to have wooden fixtures, poorly placed barriers with weed overgrowing, with wires dangling on top on a national highway inside a metropolis??

The same for the 20-O with the pitch black course from St-Anne to Beaconsfield makes me feel I'm driving through a rural area even though it is the 2nd most important link to Montreal. 

What are the white collar people doing at the MTQ? Nobody is paying the price for the ongoing 'cafouillages' and lack of vision. I just don't see the will to do more, to make things better and being proud at what you're doing. Instead, it's always about making it just good enough. 

And minister Bonnardel will say it was human error by shrugging it off! A human error caused someone to do the same mistake 40 times?? It's pure insanity. 

Thank you. The whole on island part of the 40 is a shame. When Im driving on the met  I’m always asking myself is this REALLY our main thoroughfare? And when I compare it to the 401 in Toronto or the 417 in Ottawa it is indeed shameful. If our leaders were really proud of being Quebecers they wouldn’t let such things happen. When you love your province, your Metropolis you just don’t. And they get away with it because we dont hold them accountable. Instead we try to find excuses talking bout winter or the fact that we have less tax payers than Ontario. As soon as you say the truth some will label you as a Quebec basher. We have the right to be mad. This is disrespectful to the most taxed citizen in North America. Aucun effort.

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26 minutes ago, Ousb said:

Thank you. The whole on island part of the 40 is a shame. When Im driving on the met  I’m always asking myself is this REALLY our main thoroughfare? And when I compare it to the 401 in Toronto or the 417 in Ottawa it is indeed shameful. If our leaders were really proud of being Quebecers they wouldn’t let such things happen. When you love your province, your Metropolis you just don’t. And they get away with it because we dont hold them accountable. Instead we try to find excuses talking bout winter or the fact that we have less tax payers than Ontario. As soon as you say the truth some will label you as a Quebec basher. We have the right to be mad. This is disrespectful to the most taxed citizen in North America. Aucun effort.

Our politicians don't care about Montreal. They only care for the other half of the population that is in smaller cities and the rural areas.

When it comes to roads and freeways/highways, they have no vision or do not follow through to the end.

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Hospitals (state of most buildings), schools (state of most buildings) and road infrastructure are three of the most used state-funded services. The quality of those services here is generally not very high (with some exceptions). 

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Actuellement, la reconstruction du pont est inscrite au Plan québécois des infrastructures 2020-2030.

De plus, le projet est assujetti est soumis à la procédure accélérée d’évaluation et d’examen des impacts sur l’environnement en vertu de la Loi concernant l’accélération de certains projets d’infrastructures (LACPI).

Cette loi a été adoptée par le gouvernement actuel en 2020. Il me semble que s'il y a du retard dans ce dossier, ce ne soit pas nécessairement la faute du gouvernement en place. Qui a gouverné le Québec au cours des 20 dernières années?

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