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Tout ce qui a été posté par yarabundi

  1. Je connais une femme qui habite dans ce quartier depuis plusieurs années et elle y a élevé ses enfants !! Cette personne est une femme d'affaire aguerrie et selon elle bien qu'il y ait une "faune urbaine" qui disons.. sort de l'ordinaire elle s'y trouve à vivre très bien.
  2. reviens dans deux minutes !!!! Je m'en vais vomir dans un coin !!!
  3. C'est pour cela que je n'en remettrai pas plus que ça !! Ça n'en vaut pas la peine. Cela étant dit, ces photos sont superbes slanctot !! Superbes tournées des chantiers. Cette tour s'avère être encore plus intéressantes que dans les évocations !!
  4. Wow !!!!! Quelle excellente idée d'avoir utilisé un drone pour filmer le chantier !!
  5. Là moi je suis en train de vous parler de la pauvre et misérable rue Concorde le long de laquelle il n'y aura jamais de vie au niveau du trottoir et vous, vous me comparer le Vieux-Montréal au complet avec la rue Concorde !!!! La rue Concorde n'aura jamais de charme !! Jamais !! Ça ne veut pas dire que le centre-ville n'est pas attrayant : ça veut juste dire que la rue Concorde n'est pas conviviale. Juste ça !! Je vous parle d'une rue !! Une !!!! Juste une !!! et vous me comparez cette rue-là avec des villes entières !!! Ouf !!! Irez-vous un jour vous balader sur la rue Concorde ? Non !! Vous irez sur la rue Concorde seulement si vous allez chez quelqu'un qui y habite !! Sinon, cette rue n'aura jamais de charme. Mon commentaire s'applique à cette rue. Ça commence et ça finit avec cette rue-là.
  6. I understand density and on a street like René-Lévesque it does make sense 'cause it's a large artery. People that will live in the Roccabella even on the boulevard side will at least have the width of this street to enjoy a view on both side. The people living on Concorde street won't see much from their balcony. That's what I was pointing out with my previous comment. What you're talking about is totally different. You're referring to the impact of such density on the neighbourhood ; I'm talking about the insane lack of natural light on the street level on Concorde street.
  7. Narrow street with high density -no sun ever on the street level !! Ever !! You really like this ??!!
  8. Et ils continuent leur travail de démolition !!! mais ça c'est une autre histoire !! Qui est donc le maire de l'arrondissement de Ville-Marie qui fait si mal son travail ???? C'est le même maire qui en tant que maire de la Ville cette fois-ci est venu foutre le bordel sur le Plateau en autorisant la construction d'une trottoir à nain le long du parc Laurier !!! Grâce à Coderre, nous sommes revenus à des pratiques dignes de l'ère de Jean Drapeau. Nous n'avançons pas : nous régressons.
  9. It makes sense to name this new hotel William Gray since the white house was built for the merchant and sherif named William-Edward Gray. However, I would have use the full first name of the guy : I think the William-Edward Gray hotel sounds better than just William Gray -plus the fact that it is not his full name !!
  10. Vous avez tout faux !!! D'abord, Nelson n'était pas général mais amiral ; ensuite sa statue est toujours au sommet de la colonne (je l'ai encore vu hier matin) ; la statue y est toujours pour la simple et bonne raison que le monument Nelson n'est pas sur la place Vauquelin mais sur la Place Jacques-Cartier qui n'est pas en mode de rénovation en ce moment.
  11. Faudrait déjà que la construction débute pour ça !! L'hôtel Ryugyong dont la construction a commencé en 1989 et qui n'est toujours pas terminé est pas mal dans la course !!!
  12. Sur le site cité par joemtl33 : "Commencés en 1928, les travaux de construction sont suspendus en raison de la crise économique et ne seront parachevés qu’en 1942." Pas mal comme retard n'est-ce pas ?
  13. Il y a mieux !! La construction de l'édifice original de l'UdeM !!
  14. Non seulement ça mais en plus ils ont souvent démontrés leur amour pour le Vieux-Montréal. De plus, il semble que la structure soit entièrement terminée. S'il y avait eu des problèmes, on l'aurait déjà su.
  15. C'est une erreur d'attribuer ce projet à l'ère Drapeau. C'était un projet piloté par l'administration municipale bien avant que Drapeau soit élu à la mairie de Montréal pour la première fois en 1954.
  16. Projet intéressant : à quelques minutes à peine de la station de métro Square Victoria-OACI, des restos et bars de la rue McGill, du Vieux-Montréal. Excellente localisation !! Finalement on aurait dû mettre ce projet dans la section "petit projet" car ça va au-delà d'une simple rénovation. A partir du moment où on ajoute des étages (donc de nouvelles structures) c'est pratiquement un nouvel édifice.
  17. Tu as raison Rocco : si ma mémoire est bonne aucune évocation nous donnait une idée précise de la largeur de l'édifice. Maintenant que ça monte et que bientôt il dépassera son voisin immédiat, on commence à prendre toute la mesure de ses dimensions !!
  18. Et mi je préfère le métro et ça tombe bien !! Il y a une station juste au bout de la rue !!
  19. MartinMtl écrivait ceci en 2011 !! Si seulement il avait su !!!
  20. J'ai comme un goût de vomi dans la bouche !!
  21. Facade of heritage jewel Mount Stephen Club "has to be taken down" MARIAN SCOTT, MONTREAL GAZETTE Published on: January 25, 2016 A crown jewel of Canadian heritage has suffered severe structural damage during a project to redevelop it as a 12-storey hotel. Cracks have appeared in the stone facade of the Mount Stephen Club at 1400 Drummond St., a magnificent Victorian mansion built from 1880-1883 for Lord Mount Stephen, president of the Bank of Montreal and founding president of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Temporary support beams are propping up the facade, which is visibly sagging toward the right. The unstable facade is not the only problem bedevilling real-estate company Tidan’s plan to transform the property into an 80-room hotel by adding a 12-storey rear annex with underground parking. Quebec’s Ministry of Culture and Communications is suing the owners, Jack Sofer of Westmount and Meir (Mike) Yuval of Hampstead and their numbered company, 9166-9093 Québec Inc., for making unauthorized alterations to the building, like demolishing three chimneys, removing wrought-iron railings and covering up parts of the stone exterior with cement siding. The Golden Square Mile mansion, which operated as an elite private club from 1926 to 2011, “is the best example of a Renaissance Revival house in Canada,” according to the Canadian Register of Historic Places. Classified as a provincial heritage building and National Historic Site of Canada, it had been in an impeccable state of conservation until construction began. The sumptuous interior features 300-year-old stained glass windows from Italy, 15-foot ceilings and walls panelled in Ceylon satinwood, Cuban mahogany, oak and walnut. Light fixtures, door handles and radiator grilles are plated with 22-carat gold and fireplaces are carved onyx and marble. Tidan, which owns downtown office buildings, apartment and condo towers and a hotel chain, bought the historic club in 2006. It shut it down in December 2011 after a bitter labour dispute. In 2012, Tidan announced plans to transform the property into a high-end, 80-room boutique hotel, to be built on the club’s rear parking lot. The existing mansion is to serve as an entrance to the 12-storey hotel, a wedge-shaped building with three blank walls and a front facade dotted by a warren of small windows. As a Montreal Gazette reporter surveyed the exterior damage last week with two architecture professors from McGill University, an engineer wearing a hard hat and a grim expression emerged from the underground parking garage, which was added as part of the recent renovations. Franz Knoll, a civil engineer and vice-president of the firm NCK, said he had been hired by the owners to assess the structural problems. He declined to give an interview but when asked by McGill professor Pieter Sijpkes how badly the building was damaged, he said the front facade must come down. “It has to be demolished?” Sijpkes asked incredulously. “Deconstructed,” Knoll responded, saying the structural damage was so serious, there was no way to fix it with the facade in place. “It has to be taken down and put back up again,” he said. “I’m absolutely flabbergasted,” Sijpkes said in an interview. When reached by the Montreal Gazette, co-owner Sofer initially denied the building has suffered any damage. “No damage whatsoever,” he said. “No problem. Everything is under control, from every aspect,” he said. However, Sofer confirmed the north half of the front facade must be dismantled and rebuilt because of damage caused by the hotel construction. “We’re taking the wall down and rebuild(ing) it,” he said. “We are not demolishing. We just taking few stones to correct the facade,” he said. Charles Moryoussef, a lawyer for Tidan, said the company is cooperating with the Culture ministry and will rebuild the chimneys and restore other elements. “Basically the proceedings (lawsuit) have been, call them suspended,” he said. “There’s no denying that the owners have a penchant for this property, they love this property and they want this property to be restored completely to its original splendour, to (repair) whatever damage was caused by the (soil) settlement,” he said. Tidan also owns the Hotel Travelodge Montreal Centre, Château Versailles, Le Meridien Versailles and Le Nouvel Hôtel & Spa, as well as the Hotel Mont Gabriel near St-Sauveur. Sijpkes said dismantling the facade should be avoided if at all possible, since past examples of buildings that have been dismantled and rebuilt in Montreal never look exactly as they did before. He said measures should have been taken to reinforce the existing structure of the Mount Stephen Club before excavating nearby. When asked why such measures were not taken, owner Sofer refused to answer. Sijpkes said Montreal is built on clay soil, which shrinks when it loses humidity, causing foundations to shift. When construction crews excavate a site, they pump out water, which affects the humidity in the soil, Sijpkes said. “This is not rocket science,” he said. “The dangers are perfectly well known.” “Old buildings are very fragile. If you’re moving your grandmother from the supermarket to the car on an icy sidewalk, you have to be careful, because the consequences are very serious,” he said. Dinu Bumbaru, policy director of Heritage Montreal, expressed alarm over the damage to the mansion and wondered whether it has affected the interior. Construction projects on a building of this age and significance should be carried out by experts and handled with extreme care, Bumbaru said. “This isn’t just a building — it’s a Stradivarius,” he said, referring to violins made by the Italian Stradivari family in the 17th and 18th centuries. “It’s more than masonry. It’s almost like surgery,” Bumbaru said. He questioned how such a thing could happen to a protected heritage building. “How come we reached this point with a building which benefits from every level of protection?” Bumbaru asked. Quebec’s Cultural Heritage Act requires owners of classified buildings to “take the necessary measures to preserve the heritage value of the property” and prohibits them from demolishing or altering the property without authorization from the minister. Asked what the government is doing to protect the building, Anne-Sophie Lacroix, a communications officer for the Culture and Communications Department, declined to comment because of the lawsuit. However, the structural damage is not mentioned in the lawsuit, filed Sept. 21, and Lacroix would not say what, if anything, the government is doing about it. Anik de Repentigny, a communications officer with the Ville-Marie borough, said a borough inspector delivered a notice on Thursday ordering the owners to provide an engineering report, which they did. The borough also ordered a security perimeter to be cordoned off. Before dismantling the stone facade, the owners must obtain a municipal permit, de Repentigny said. “The Mount Stephen Club is in a class of its own,” said architectural historian Annmarie Adams, a professor at McGill’s School of Architecture. “It is hugely significant for Montreal and for Canada, among the most important houses in Canada,” she added.
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