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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. If I lived 500m on foot away from a Metro station I’d park my car for long stretches.
  2. You kind of responded to your own concerns, though, in pointing out that drivers are the problem, not trams. That said, most incursions between trams and oblivious pedestrians or drivers can be mitigated with corridor-long traffic control measures and other improvements. In segments where the tram can’t be fully grade-separated at ground level, it’s really no more dangerous than a protected BRT busway. But eliminating left turns and limiting cross traffic to a few cross streets where under/overpasses can be built can turn turn a shared-ROW tram into a de facto grade-separated transit line. Further from the city centre, grade separation is relatively straightforward, and with a combination of these measures, speeds faster than legal road limits are easy to attain, making a tram not just quicker, but faster than any busway, and similar to a metro or regional.
  3. Espérons que la refonte des bus créera un système de rabattement efficace vers ces stations du REM dans l’ouest.
  4. Never thought the Borg Cube could look like a dwarf but it does.
  5. Maybe don’t let the kids see this horror. Don’t say you haven’t been warned… The storm drains for the A40 crossing near Fairview are even bigger and more hideous than everywhere else! It’s so huge and so long that the pano on my 12 Pro Max couldn’t fit it all in. You can’t tell me this 500 metre horizontal pipe is a better solution than internal drains at each column going to the main storm drain under the right-of-way. Smh in utter disbelief. Here’s hoping that the (green?) ornamental “lamelles” they will put up on these overpasses might cover the entire horizontal section, but there’s nothing to do about the vertical drains at the service road.
  6. Exactly. Despite the system’s (many) shortcomings — and we are discovering more every single day — it’ll still be a quantum leap for transit in the West Island.
  7. Every time somebody shows a picture of that disgraceful Lucien L’allier terminal, Jesus kills a kitten.
  8. T’as pas eu le grand plaisir d’embarquer dans un tramway moderne, alors.
  9. YUL’s total domestic traffic for 2019 was under 7 million passengers. Even if HSR scrapes away a huge proportion of traffic between YUL and YYZ/YTZ — say a million a year — that’s one of the worst use-cases to present. HSR might take some drivers off the 401, but again, as long as it’s cheaper to drive — and even at $2 a litre it’s still cheaper — the likely $50 billion or more would really only be subsidizing, you guessed it, people who can afford the train. Finally, even a best-case HSR (with the latest, fastest trains) would take much longer than “1h45” to get from Central to Union. That’s an average speed of 305 km/h without stopping anywhere on the line. No government (other than China’s) will spend $50+ billion on a 535 km train line with only two stations, one at each end. Can we discuss this in the appropriate thread? Opportunity cost is the extra expenses of choosing the worse of two alternatives that otherwise fulfill the same objective. An example: Bob takes a day off work in order to do a landscaping job himself rather than pay a landscaper $75. Bob earns $100 a day; the opportunity cost is $25, and Bob is now sweaty and exhausted. Choosing between HSR and metro doesn’t have an opportunity cost.
  10. Please explain. A diagonal line could serve the needs of residents in some of the densest parts of the metropolitan area, mostly working- and middle-class. Think on the order of 200k+ riders per day, many with no other means of transportation between the areas it might serve. A TGV would be great, but a) good luck building it for $24B, and b) “opportunity cost” doesn’t apply, because it’s two completely distinct and different services — ie one would not be chosen in place of the other. Oh, and c) how many daily users would actually benefit from HSR vs the number who’d benefit from the diagonal Métro line? I’ve taken HSR in several countries and it’s not cheaper than a bus; in most of those places it’s only cheaper than driving because of taxation (fuel taxes, highway tolls). I reckon most of those who could afford to take a HST between Montreal and Toronto are also among the least likely to need it, and could also afford to drive or fly. But this is a discussion for another thread on another day.
  11. If the Pink line got the go-ahead and ended up costing $24 Billion instead of $10 Billion, it still would’ve been a magnificent addition to this city’s much-needed transit evolution.
  12. That’s still more harmonious with the street-level shacks.
  13. I like how they’ve given the prefab a faux-worn-out-efflorescent-dirty look to match the 60-year-old, brutalist concrete of the Métro running directly below. 😎
  14. Pour équilibrer un peu les deux bords de R-B.
  15. Le projet structurant reliant Lachine au C-V est toujours en étude, et est à part de n’importe quel projet dans l’est.
  16. 🤔Même si nous jouons le jeu et l'appelons « leur technologie » parce qu'ils détiennent 30 % d'Alstom, à quelle propriété intellectuelle spécifique peuvent-ils prétendre être exclusifs? Le REM en cours s'agit d'une conception entièrement prête-à-l'emploi utilisant une technologie et un matériel roulant entièrement bas de gamme, et ils ont sous-traité tous les travaux de conception-construction aux plus bas soumissionnaires.
  17. Oh ya gotta know I’d be getting one of those projectors that works from any angle just like the activists used to project messages on Tr*mp’s buildings. It’s movie night!
  18. Keystoning looks good too. Mobile phone pics always bug me because even their “telephoto” lenses cause barrel distortion.
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