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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Exactly. Leave the megamalls to Asia and the Gulf.
  2. Unidimensional malls as we know them in North America are done, they are part of the past. We can leave the megamalls to Asia and the Gulf. FWIW, the best mall I’ve ever been to — and I’ve been to a LOT of malls around the world — isn’t even a mall. It’s an airport.
  3. West Edmonton Mall doubled tourism to Edmonton overnight in 1981. But… Edmonton.
  4. Then they should’ve built this mall over the highways, and people could just hop out of their cars, buy some expensive bebelles, catch Vin in the latest instalment of the Fast franchise (FasTen Your Seatbelt?), play in the wave pool, and have a couple of beers at the Cage while watching the Habs lose, and be back in their cars before the traffic moved. 😏
  5. Lol I was adding to my post when you replied.
  6. I would give my left nut to never have to get somewhere via the 15-40 ever again. “Far” isn’t just distance in kilometres, it’s the hassle, it’s the traffic, it’s “what else is around there?” and so on. Access to Royalmount is worse than bad, it’s pathetic. There are plenty of malls with attractions all over the world, but either they are easily accessible, or they are close to the most attractive parts of a city, and very often both the former and the latter. Royalmount offers neither. Carbonleo could have very easily proposed a sensible TOD with local-scale commerces and a school, plus diversions, and turned a tidy little profit. But they decided to go all Ghermazian and make flashy announcements about a flashy development with a very vague identity; it’s a solution looking for a problem, but the problems it creates or compounds make it a simply awful idea.
  7. Même s'ils vont de l'avant avec le prolongement vers la gare intermodale de Dorval, une voie fonctionnera bien. Le temps des escales à la station de l'aéroport sera suffisamment long pour permettre cette station d'agir comme une boucle de passage (like Roxboro station had done on the DM line for the past 25 years).
  8. JVL ne m’a rien dit au sujet. Il a été annoncé il y a environ trois semaines qu'Alice avait progressé de 300 mètres en 10 mois. Cela dit, lorsque les détails des processus de construction ont été annoncés au cours de 2018, NouvLR a déclaré que le tunnelier ferait en moyenne 10 à 20 mètres par jour sur le segment de 3,5 km.
  9. Why are you attacking me? And worse, you know zero about me. All I ask is that off-topic discussions — 29 posts now — stay out of the forums dedicated to specific topics. We have a political forum, feel free to say whatever you want in there. Keep your political opinions out of the specific project threads. Don’t bother responding to this because it’s my last post in this thread that isn’t related to The Bay.
  10. For the love of all that is good, can a mod please split off this tangent to an off-topic forum and get this topic — and all the others invaded by political diatribes — back on track?? Geez this is tiresome. 27 posts in a row (not including mine) that have nothing to do with The Bay.
  11. “Incivilités” 🤦🏻‍♂️
  12. I think it was written in good spirit. 🙂
  13. 😂 I have no doubt we’d add heated floors and door sills. 😉 But it’s essentially just a battery version of the Hess LighTram 25 bus, already running in Switzerland and France. Hess has been building large vehicles for 140 years, including the CoBus 3000 passenger transfer vehicles at YUL and airports around the world.
  14. Meanwhile, Brisbane “Metro” (electric, bi-articulating BRT) vehicles’ final design has been unveiled.
  15. Bravo. Je n’ai plus à ajouter.
  16. 🤔 14 Métro and two exo train stations “downtown.” But even if driving, it’s a breeze to get in and out of the centre of downtown compared to Quinze40 any day of the week. Sure, getting around downtown by car is a pain, but… the Métro, buses, Bixi, and even just walking make it ridiculously easy to not have to drive there. The traffic on the autoroutes to get to downtown is the same traffic that will be faced by those hoping to go to an indoor cesspool —erm, water park — followed by some gawking at vitrines filled with bougie crap they can’t afford.
  17. Wait. You believe it’ll be easier to get in and out of Royalmount than downtown?
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