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Tout ce qui a été posté par Flynnster

  1. I wonder in 40 years what they would think our architectural style. Because they way I look at it we are all going to be metal and glass structures .Its like when in Jurassic Park they brought the dinosaurs back to life all the Archaeologists were out of business.Shame that they rarely do they marry the two. But in the end I guess if its fresh & clean and brings some pop back to a neighborhood is at least something.
  2. Good luck with that Mayor hates cars let alone Parking ,We will have Bike racks all over the place and in the winter we will have skidoo parking. Cars belong underground hidden from the view of the public. LOL
  3. Flynnster

    Le Grand Déblocage

    Hmmm ,I think I trust the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec over the PQ. There not in the business to lose money on a project. The PQ are grasping for air because the other Party's are taking it all from them. The Quebec solitaire has the PQ scared.With the CAQ and the Liberals fighting for top spot. The PQ are more or less found in the back pages of the news. The project starts in april so whom ever is in office come election time, They will have to live with what has been started.Don't worry they will try to start a culture war or a language war to serve there gains.Hope no one bites at the apple and just let them pass away as a party.
  4. The owner should be forced to keep the land clean and safe. Any vacant lot should be forced to be kept clean. This should be in the city bylaws if its not already. Its a shame when land is not up to the standards of the neighborhood.FINE FINE FINES
  5. Having a Gondola from McGill University (The Mountain) to downtown would be neat and it would set us apart from other cities.I kinda thought new it was a April fool joke but the idea is not all that bad, except for the CDPQ’ would foot the bill. That's what gave it away but look at this photo it can be done with a couple twist and turns. I like anything that sets us apart from other cities and Vancouver has a great system .Why not Montreal. What do you think.
  6. If they are thinking about making a park out of McGill street ,why not have it connected to saint Catherine street within the proposed park to the mountain top. That would be awesome and the tourist would love it as would us locals.
  7. Upon reflection and checking out previous articles your right and thank you. I should of read the articles from top to bottom. Will check more carefully next time. My statement concerning mr Cardinal is incorrect so please disregard. Thank you.
  8. Totally agree with you. 90's But its sure beats what on the land now a old gas station and a shameful lack of attention over the last decade of a great cinema.But we live in the now and booms don't happen every year. So I'm all in all happy with this project as it stands in the photo.
  9. I believe executions for graffiti artists,or at least 25 years in jail. Harsh yes, ( lol )Somewhat joking but so tired seeing Montreal looking like a dump.Stop ticketing them and releasing them, ??‍♀️??‍♂️ They gotta clean them up and pay for it. Plus the city got to put wireless portable cams around the city for problem spots around the city and post there pics online and in news papers. With money ? awards for turning people in.Spread the love??
  11. I say get Pepsi,coke ,tide etc: pay ? 50 million for naming rights to those station.Plus we will throw in all the ads in that station For like 20 yrs Why not make a buck on them. Plus for 1dollar we will throw in the Olympic stadium naming rights for we don’t have to ? think of the price tag for that place. Since it’s been built till the present.ANY THOUGHTS.LOL?????????
  12. Working hard at removing the old children’s,The smoke stack is being removed and so is the main structure.PHOTO March 1st 2018
  13. Its a shell game, The things that were promised before deconstruction of the building are stated as fact. Then the game begins, strip away all the promises that were made for they could get a permit.Then they say Ah! We will build it somewhere else. (NEVER HAPPENS) Just like when you have a photo of the building at the start of a project .It will at times not resemble what it looks like at the end.. ! Oh well its no different when a new Mayor say it will be different and its the same or worse.LIFE EH! TAXES
  14. The Tom has taken so long to be erected that it’s most likely going to be a retirement home by the time people move in.??
  15. I loved this building,used to eat at its restaurants bar and late nights at club sandwich with my mates to go over the gossip of the night. Plus the Happy days feel to the place. But I can not live in the past , the new design is nice ?.I hope the businesses on the ground floor will be representative of the village. It is the heart ❤️ of the LGTBQ Community.So they must get it right.
  16. Taken while I was on a walk about, I really wanna see when they remove the big towering stack.Photos taken on Saturday February 24th.
  17. Bombardier employees in La Pocatière have nothing else but to blame than there own company for not getting contracts.If the company rail division ran well and delivered trains on time and on budget,maybe we could cut them some slack.But the trains offered did not meet Caisse de dépôt (R.E.M) standards.So in the sake of 400 jobs we are going to have to suffer with a poor contract.The Bombardier rail division has to get its act together and not screw up contracts like the Toronto train contracts .Quebecois deserve in getting the best bang for there buck.Plus they will most likely get the Blue line extension contract or some other contact to make them happy before a election anyways. Alstom has a great history behind them so Bombardier should be trying to lift there standards to match them.
  18. it looks like they are starting with Le Drummond 2 ,On the site they have the metal pilings and the machine to pound them into the ground.It appears that Le Drummond phases 1 is getting closer to the Finnish line.So we have to focus on Phase 2.
  19. Phase 1 of the Le Drummond seems to going up pretty quick. pics jan.26,2017
  20. Well it seems the site is getting ready for another great building Boy has Montreal landscape changed alot in the last 5 years.
  21. The Yul Townhouse seems to be almost complete.I notice that 1 townhouse was already have someone living there.Pics are from jan.26.2017 of the back and front of the townhouse.
  22. Still gutting out the buildings, Seems weird seeing part of the building gone.This was my under 18 hospital.Well I guess it called progress.But they were nice buildings ,to bad they couldn't be tweaked into there new design..
  23. I think its time to make them pay for all of the others court cost, Which would make them take less action on claims were they can't be proven.The courts are wasted and the cost of all of this is crazy. Move on with the project and get the first pillars in the ground already. Tired of talk wanna see action.
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