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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Two new stores will open in the mini mall on Champlain where Desjardins used to be, a restaurant (forget the name) and a retail store (not sure what).
  2. That parking lot has got to go! Safe to say it's the next one after Humaniti?
  3. What's with all the typos in the PDF... Gaucgetiere, 12x times, Banque National, Quartier Internationale
  4. I mean just take a look at the logo! The antenna is there right with the cross!
  5. November 11 2018 (sorry for the delay!)
  6. This is in Projets Oublies en Suspense but it's been (endlessly) finishing up. The extra floor is built but I don't think anyone lives there just yet.
  7. Could swear this was posted here already. But maybe this is now the actual confirmation. Kinda sad really. Might sound ridiculous but it will alter the skyline.
  8. Count me in as one more AI employee who's glad his office isn't all the way up Mile-Ex but rather comfortably in Old Montreal. Yes Google definitely consulted their existing employees and yes they definitely wanted to stay downtown.
  9. Somewhat related article. Owners of Former Casa Napoli Return With Saucy Downtown Pasta Bar
  10. Nice update. I need to drop by the SAQ today... I'll see what I can find.
  11. Is this on the north face of the building? all around??
  12. In my experience workers will either get angry or pose for the camera. I prefer to wait until no one is looking.
  13. Any chance to upload images of the La Presse + article here for those of us with an aversion to Apple products?
  14. This thread should be renamed. Project is now called ORIGINE
  15. They'll probably get a much higher tax bill? But if that's what the people want, give it to them. Sounds win win (ish)
  16. No connection to RESO is just dumb. (but I'm not really sure how and where it could happen)
  17. I notice some temporary bridges between the REM tracks and the main bridge lanes. Will they build any permanent links? Otherwise if REM goes down on the bridge for any reason, how will people evacuate?
  18. Just noticed this ad on Notre-Dame and saint-pierre in old Montreal.
  19. denpanosekai

    Zenith - 20 étages

    Will this be more or less as tall as Place Dupuis?
  20. This project reminds me a lot of 5401 Wellington which was completed a few years ago over the Woodland parking lot. Similar brick work anyway. I think 5551 Wellington will turn out just fine and it's nice seeing the positive responses here. I'll try to update this thread with pictures but it's a little hard while driving or in the bus.
  21. Hey if it keeps Frutta Si alive I'll take it. I heard business was way wayyy down since the Super C was renovated. I'm surprised they're still open actually!
  22. It's just been fucking nuts for the past couple weeks. I work a few extra hours from home to avoid rush hour.
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