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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Absolutely no movement from the cranes today. I did see a few workers right now however.
  2. I'm with you. Phase twos are such a rarity here.
  3. Local offer is a ton better these days anyway. Why would I go on crescent or st denis when I have messorem spitting distance. Lots of great pubs in Verdun nowadays too.
  4. I'm not in gaming, but downtown mtl similarly high tech (AI) and we've lost about 50 due to layoffs since January.
  5. What makes you think it's free? We were in a former TD insurance building for 5 years and they were still paying to keep the sign up. They forced the landlord to refuse our higher offer.
  6. There's a water park too?? Pour vrai? Y'all don't mean the aquarium? (aquadôme is pretty good in Lasalle)
  7. Mais selon l’IDU, seuls quatre immeubles au centre-ville de Montréal répondent aux critères favorables à une conversion en logements. Which ones are they?
  8. Wow great point. Actually I can't really think of anything similar in Montréal (a phase 2 building on top of a phase 1 podium) Still waiting on icône 2 and carré St Laurent 2 lol...
  9. A claw arcade just opened up.
  10. Can we call this a success yet? Looks decent to me. A million times better than the horrific Bains Hushion.
  11. Love to see verdun doing so well(ington) Doing my part weekly Here's to a healthy 2024
  12. My wife, who knows nothing about mtlurb and urban whatever in general, asked me why this one is shorter and stubbier than the others, and "it would be nice if it was taller and slimmer" Thanks for nothing, projet mtl
  13. I wonder when this will be moved to "done", maybe summer 2024? Curious if you still feel that way. No worse than quinzecent for sure.
  14. The tallest building is absolutely atrocious, a gigantic mess. The rest is inoffensive.
  15. The Cat Centers of Montreal 😹
  16. We like this one yes? I don't hate it at all!
  17. I'm never too sure how to feel about this project. I think it looks both awesome (street-level integration and that inner courtyard!) and dumb (the "tower" itself reminds me of Laval's Clockzilla). Certainly better than Quinzecent which is by far the most disappointing project in years.
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