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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Excellent news, then. I think many of the comments earlier in the thread (when the interiors were revealed) were positive and hopeful.
  2. 😂😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️
  3. Honestly, I can hear the birds chirping over the sound of the REM. The train is audible. One might even say it’s kind of loud. But “bruit d’enfer”? Lmao I believe it will be a nuisance for people trying to use their balconies or sleep with their windows open at Griffin Square and WslB and District Griffin/MR/etc, but honestly, other than smokers, who actually sits out on the balcony or sleeps with their windows open these days? Lol
  4. I’ve lived here most of my life. I’m cool with “Waste Island” (I use it all the time). 😄
  5. REM is a (brand of) metro. I think you mean “a train.” 130 km between cities needs a standard intercity train, not a metro.
  6. Don’t forget that most phone cameras also do a fair bit of polarization. In person, one is not “stunned“ by such subtle variations.
  7. More than a few of us had already suggested that the diapers and duct tape were just masking for the eventual painting and anti-graffiti coating. W&L
  8. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  9. Merci de m'avoir fait rire aux éclats dans mon expresso! 😄 Je crois que s'il s'en tenait aux conceptions et aux illustrations originales, nous n'aurions pas une telle volonté négative à son égard.
  10. The renders make it look the size of Parc Lafontaine, when really it’s just a little concrete placette, smaller than Square Victoria and way smaller than the Esplanade PVM.
  11. I don’t hate the building, just how it appears from that angle (+15° to -15° directly side-on).
  12. I’m sorry, but once again, it’s the city’s fault. A renter should not have that kind of negotiating power in such a matter. If the city cleared the sale of the property for demolition, they should have determined a compensatory amount to displace any remaining renters, but her lease can be terminated. Instead of looking like the bad guy, the city left it at the developers feet, and told the developer to negotiate with the renter. Expropriation law allows for “fair market value” in order to displace owners. It says nothing about renters. In a private transaction that has been approved by the authorities, why should that be any different?
  13. Great picture, but the absolute worst angle for that building, especially with the truncated crown. In 2D it looks like a monotonous mass of grey concrete squares, straight out of the 70s.
  14. Once again, it’s worth reminding that the only reason the Caisse struck this deal with the Couillard government in the first place was because they imagined they’d gotten the deal of the century: expropriation and fast-tracking laws bent in their favour; billions of dollars in existing infrastructure and rights of way for mere pennies; and the prospect of immense developments on properties they already own or control along the proposed trajectories. Instead, that arrogance came back and slapped them upside the head, with the cheap metro cars needing remediation work after delivery, the cheap tunnel needing a tons of unplanned reconstruction — notwithstanding their ignorance of the fire safety laws — and years of delay, and NIMBY councils putting the kibosh on their massive residential mega-projects. Notice they haven’t mentioned promotion (“exportation”) of this business model anywhere else in the world since losing Auckland? After the massive bungling of Auckland, I think they quietly (and quickly) reassigned that team with other tasks.
  15. But none of that explains why an ultramodern light metro is so noticeably loud, when they made all sorts of promises that it would be the opposite, and they had every opportunity to design it with the latest technologies to prevent it from being so noticeably loud. As I said above, they went with the cheapest off-the-shelf metro vehicles they could get. I have no doubt that they did the same with the track infrastructure as well.
  16. I thought he was alluding to the feet of the tower needing to be reinforced after construction already began.
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