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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. La circulation de l'air ne manque pas le long de René-Lévesque, on peut en être sûr! 😂🌪
  2. C'est une bonne paraphrase! 😀 Bof. A nice curtain wall would fix that right up. Hell, even just some paint on the hideous yellow tiling would do wonders.
  3. That’s a really nice picture. Keep playing with your new Kodak! 👍🏼👍🏼 In two or three years, with Maestria 1 & 2 as well as 455 RL 1 & 2 topped, there won’t be any sky there.
  4. It’s the same theory as not being able to build on a lot because it may hide one view of 1000 DLG. Pas de bon sens.
  5. J'ai hâte de voir l'impact total du revêtement et de la fenestration une fois terminé.
  6. Ton engagement émotionnel très fort envers l'exceptionnalisme québécois est très souvent divertissant, mais tout aussi souvent mal informé.
  7. I agree with everything @acpnc evokes. Mais suis-je le seul ici à en avoir complètement marre de ces photos répétitives de Mme Plante avec sa cohorte socialement espacée?
  8. This is one of the funnier passages on this forum recently. It had me smh and laughing.
  9. Yeah I wrote “phase 3” but realized it’s more like “6b”.
  10. Pas besoin de s’excuser, àma, l’image est artistiquement intéressante.
  11. La fenêtre au coin qui est duct-tapée…
  12. J’aurais besoin de quelques liens à ces infos; je n’ai jamais entendu d’ça.
  13. Segment 3 could come in very handy to set up as a true piazza in the Italian style, with the growings along the perimeter to allow the centre to be used for events and gatherings, spectacles, and even for temporary facilities during winter (eg. overflow for the OBM).
  14. That fresh section looks to be one level below the street, but the mixer is still four levels below!
  15. Unfortunately the large parking lot just in front of the PdJ is a necessary evil. The comings and goings there on a daily basis don’t lend themselves particularly well to the use of public transit. I wonder if the lot could be subdivided, and a multilevel structure erected on one parcel, with the balance being redeveloped as a placette?
  16. Even in those subdued, “Brooklynesque” tones, the maquette shows how well-considered the volumes and setbacks are for this site. …also I’m really looking forward to seeing that ramp (ski slope?) in the real world when phase 3 is complete!
  17. Omg lol I guess some people will just have to put up with seeing all the dumb things I have to say. 😂
  18. All I can say is that if Xi reverses course and allows the yuan to float, we will be able to buy condos throughout the city for pennies on the dollar.
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