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  1. Entièrement d'accord que ce serait un building flagship pour le cv mais d'après moi CF privilégie l'option de bâtir 2 tours plutôt qu'une pour les raisons suivantes: -construire en hauteur coûte cher, bâtir 2 x 30 étages est peut être plus abordable qu'une tour de 60 étages pour la même densité -flexibilité: disons que tu signes un anchor tenant qui prend 15 étages et tu commences la construction de la tour 1 et le marché tourne, la tour 2 peut être remise à plus tard
  2. "il se propose d'ailleurs d'assister au prochain match des Étoiles, à Cincinnati, en juillet." - en quoi est-ce de la représentation? Si c'est son projet de croissance personnelle d'assister à du baseball dans ses temps libres, et bien qu'il y aille, mais ce serait scandaleux de faire passer son vol, son hotel, sa town car et son souper chez Nobu sur le compte de dépense de la ville.
  3. En attendant il se paie de beaux voyages aux frais des contribuables le maire Coderre
  4. I can't believe that this mess is the highest and best use for that property. That piece of land has everything! Views, walking distance to every amenity, easy access by car to Westmount, downtown and major highways, next door to the metro and hospital, etc. etc. Why not allow a derogation and build a narrow 25-35 story residential building with corner units, full-floor units, duplexes, penthouses etc. aimed squarely at Westmount empty nesters who want to downsize to a 2-bedroom, 1,700 sq. ft. apartment with large living room dining and kitchen. There is certainly a market for that seeing how the Redfern building sold well and it's a blah project with a bad architect. Someone recently paid $4.9M for a fully renovated penthouse at 1 Wood and it doesn't even face the mountain! From the 20th floor up you'd have unobstructed 360 degree views of the mountain, Oratoire, downtown, river and the west. Add a porte cochere, driveway, swimming pool and doorman and you would have buyers lining up to pay $900k-$2.5M for a piece of that.
  5. That's what I think, but it's not immediately clear from Les Affaires which says something like "le montant que Sixty investira est inconnu" which could lead someone to believe that they are partners, although I wouldn't read too much into it.
  6. I'd be ready to bet that Sixty's involvement is limited to the fact that they'll be managing the hotel, so the fact that they're involved isn't necessarily a testament to the viability of the project. En d'autres mots je ne serais pas surpris que PZ réussisse encore à faire échouer un projet sur ce terrain, ils ont déjà fait des choses pas mal curieuses par le passé.
  7. Love the enthusiasm surrounding a baseball stadium but let's just be real - it won't happen in the next 25 years and if it did, it wouldn't be there. Why can't the existing tower be torn down exactly? It would be a challenge to configure the tower into a hotel given the hexagonal shape of the building which lends itself more to open concept office space, not to mention the fact that demand for such a large property in that part of town is not a bet anyone sane would be willing to take. As for office space, that would represent a lot of square footage coming online in the area at the same time and could take years to fill.
  8. What an idiot!!!!! Does he really believe someone building résidences étudiantes will spend big bucks to make it look period appropriate and nice? Of course not! Luxury is the only way to go if you want to preserve the "patrimoine bati".
  9. I'm no specialist but I would think it's much faster to ship your container of Chinese goods for demo purposes from Shanghai/Shenzhen/Hong Kong by boat to Long Beach/Los Angeles and then by truck to Las Vegas than it is to ship to the East Coast.
  10. It's not about what you or I like. I hate Las Vegas. Not "attrayant" at all. Just like Dubai. Awful cities. But it's by far THE best place to hold trade shows, conventions, showrooms in NA. You have access to the ports on the West Coast, flights are plentiful, you have like 150,000 hotel rooms from $19 to $19,000 a night, restaurants, shows, nightclubs, golf, I can go on and on. For every person that wants to visit Montreal, 100 more want to go to Vegas. That's just the way it is.
  11. Look, we're not talking about PhD's who want to attend a convention in a city with european flair, we're talking about Larry who owns a pool supplies store in Canton MA who wants to buy cheap Chinese wares. 10/10 he will prefer to expense a 2-day buying trip in LV vs. Longueil. You have to go where your clients want to go, not where you want to be. Case in point: Do we have anything even remotely similar in Quebec?
  12. I'm very, very skeptical about this project. Not that it's not good news, but, if they're trying to attract a clientele from all over Canada and the East Coast, it would make much more sense to build in... Las Vegas. It's cheaper to fly from BOS/JFK/LGA/EWR to LAS than it is to fly to Montreal (especially BOS-YUL where our friends at AC have a monopoly). It's cheaper to take a cab from LAS than YUL-Laval. You have endless amenities, entertainment and lodging options in LV; Laval, not so much. And the "1,000 Chinese businessmen" would be pleased to know that state income tax in NV is nonexistent and houses in LV metro are dirt cheap. I hope they like snow. I'm trying to wrap my head around why they would choose Montreal over Las Vegas. Maybe it's easier for them to secure visas here than EB-5's down south, that's the only explanation I see.
  13. Yes which is why buying class A office space steps from the Roddick Gates @$300 a foot makes more sense IMO than leasing the same space from IA or spending $1,500 a foot overhauling RVH. Harvard/MIT have some terrible buildings, that doesn't stop them from attracting top talent. 2200 MC isn't that bad (all in all post-modernism is less offensive than brutalism as brought to you by McGill and that terrible circular building on the mountain that looks like a nuclear power plant), plus it's on MCGILL COLLEGE which is one of Montreal's "flagship" streets and tied with the university's history. If the building isn't high profile enough for McGill and they must blow $1,500 @ foot then they can have it reclad in Jerusalem limestone or Italian travertine and install all marble everything in the lobby to satisfy their delusions of grandeur, now wouldn't that be a scandal in the making?
  14. Saw this this am, don't know if this is the right section to post in; Exclusive: Chinese millionaires appear to be deserting Quebec's immigrant investor scheme
  15. I'm not saying it's a bad project per se. I'm not saying McGill shouldn't get it for $0. And I agree that the prov. gov should support McGill financially to some extent if they have some infrastructure needs. But to say that they "need" a $1 billion, 700,000 sq. ft. monument is an exaggeration IMO. Remember as a kid when you tried to convince your parents that you "needed" something using all kinds of outlandish excuses? It seems like McGill is trying to do the same thing here. Perhaps a smaller version of the project (both in size and cost) is in order. One billion dollars is a lot of money! That's roughly $1,500 per sq. ft.! As for the offices - I am aware that they also need classrooms and laboratories, but that doesn't change the fact that they claim to need 200k sq. ft. of office space, and 2200 McGill College could certainly alleviate more than half of that need (when the 2-3 remaining tenants move out). If they truly have such a chronic space deficit, it's quite puzzling that they don't take what's already there for the taking. And it's reasonable to assume that you could probably buy 2200 MC for somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 a foot. Seems like a much more sensible option if you have an urgent "need" for space - vs. a "want" for a trophy property.
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