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Source: Cyberpresse

Nouvelle signalisation dans le Vieux-Montréal


Une nouvelle signalisation sera installée dans le Vieux-Montréal à l'intention des automobilistes.


Plus de 80 panneaux d'affichage électronique seront progressivement installés pour faciliter le stationnement dans ce quartier très achalandé de la métropole.Ces panneaux indiqueront en temps réel le nombre de places disponibles ainsi que l'itinéraire pour s'y rendre.


André Lavallée, qui est responsable de l'aménagement urbain à la Ville, estime que ce nouveau système permettra d'améliorer la qualité de vie des résidants tout en aidant les visiteurs à trouver une place de stationnement.


Ce système de «jalonnement dynamique» est inspiré d'une technologie très utilisée en Europe, coûtera 1,5 million $ et sera pleinement opérationnel d'ici avril prochain.

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Selon cet article du journal The Gazette, il y aurait 7779 places de stationnement dans le Vieux-Montréal :


Parking signs tell you where to go

$1.5-Million project. Visitors to Old Montreal will get update minute by minute on available spaces

The Gazette

Published: Tuesday, November 18

The city of Montreal unveiled a new electronic system yesterday expected to help drivers find parking more speedily in two of the city's busiest tourist areas - the Old Port and Old Montreal.


The $1.5-million electronic system, which city officials said will be operating fully by March, will alert drivers in real time how many vacant parking spots exist and in which lots they are located.


Metered street parking, however, is not part of the new system.


Roger Plamondon, president of the city's parking authority, said the system's 82 new electronic roadside signs will "funnel drivers into parking lots" in the two high-traffic areas.


As vehicles move in and out of 7,779 individual parking spots in 15 different parking lots in the two areas, Plamondon said, the signs will relay up-to-the-minute vacancies to drivers in the area.


Claude Benoit, president of the Old Port of Montreal Corporation, welcomed the parking vacancy display system.


She said similar systems exist in cities throughout North America and Europe and have proved to cut down on traffic, noise and carbon dioxide emissions from idling vehicles.


The system will cover the area bounded by René Lévesque Blvd. on the north, Berri St. on the east, University St. on the west and the St. Lawrence River on the south.

Ça couvrira un secteur qui déborde du Vieux-Montréal tout de même !!

source :

Certains de ces panneaux semblent déjà être en place comme en fait foi la photo accompagnant l'article du journal.

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...and when these parking spots become contruction projects what than with the Parking signs?


don't worry, with the rate of construction over here, that won't happen for another 40 years. We will teleport by then.

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