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Conversion de l'ancien hôpital Shriners


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20 minutes ago, FrancSoisD said:

It is for a country so far comprising the largest population on Earth (the title will soon be held by India!), and not including the ~50 M Chinese diaspora scattered around the globe! The Canadian population comprises 1.77 M individuals of Chinese descent, whixh makes us #9 world-wide. ;)

It's also noteworthy that China is expected to become the world's first economic power approximately during the first half of '30 decade.

Easy to say. Unfortunately, the city can't just buy all properties we'd wish to see preserved and made public...

Or else, expect a hefty tax increase, followed by a well-deserved public outcry! 💰

Get serious. Nobody’s talking about all the properties they want. We are referring to a prime location on our mountain!

Anyway,, it’s over now; a unique opportunity lost. 

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21 hours ago, Né entre les rapides said:

Non.  Viser particulièrement les Chinois n'est pas correct, et je dirais la même chose si n'importe quel autre autre peuple l'était (était cité).  En la matière, aucun peuple ne peut se targuer d'être ou d'avoir toujours été blanc comme neige (innocent).

Je ne dis pas qu'il faille demeurer indifférent/silencieux devant des actes de torture; ainsi, si les perpétrateurs travaillent sous les ordres du régime de Beijing et que les victimes sont membres d'une minorité opprimée: c'est bien de protester contre ces actes.  Mais on devrait faire de même pour tous les autres actes similaires commis présentement dans différentes parties du monde.  Accuser l'un et détacher son regard des autres cas est de l'hypocrisie.

Quant aux fonctions du Consulat Général de la  Chine à Montréal, je les imagine en tous points semblables à celles des autres consulats.  Le fait qu'il s'installera sur les flancs du Mont-Royal n'y change absolument rien.  

La seule question que je trouve légitime, et à laquelle on n'a pas encore de réponse à part un énoncé général d'intention, concerne l'architecture du futur bâtiment et son intégration harmonieuse dans le paysage.

Pour tout pays, il importe de distinguer le gouvernement (et ses multiples factions dans le cas des nations non totalitaires), le peuple puis la diaspora (dont la diversité dépasse le plus souvent l'entendement).

Bref, les généralisations outrancières en matière socio-politique sont souvent ennemies de la compréhension des enjeux internes et externes des nations et de leurs populations...

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1 hour ago, mont royal said:

Get serious. Nobody’s talking about all the properties they want. We are referring to a prime location on our mountain!

Anyway,, it’s over now; a unique opportunity lost. 

I am serious! Dozens of Mtl pressure groups want the City to acquire a bldg. here, an empty lot there, part of an alleyway here, and for a wide range of publicly valid reasons!

Then why should this very singular instance be considered as being of an utmost importance, and not the others?

Was there actually any public outcry when the Shriners put their property for sale? (I haven't heard of any... ?)

I'm not at all saying this very issue isn't important, but heck... we now must deal with the fact there's a new owner, with a will of their own, whether we'll agree with their actual plans, or not... Hopefully the borough or the City will vote stringent heritage, architectural integration and environmental protection rules! 💪;)

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On 2020-01-12 at 10:44 PM, FrancSoisD said:

I am serious! Dozens of Mtl pressure groups want the City to acquire a bldg. here, an empty lot there, part of an alleyway here, and for a wide range of publicly valid reasons!

Then why should this very singular instance be considered as being of an utmost importance, and not the others?

Was there actually any public outcry when the Shriners put their property for sale? (I haven't heard of any... ?)

I'm not at all saying this very issue isn't important, but heck... we now must deal with the fact there's a new owner, with a will of their own, whether we'll agree with their actual plans, or not... Hopefully the borough or the City will vote stringent heritage, architectural integration and environmental protection rules! 💪;)

You make some valid points this time, but my concern is that it is a ‘very singular instance’. Alleyways, lanes etc. do not compare with a vintage site on our unique mountain. We had an excellent opportunity to enhance our most treasured property for the benefit of all Montrealers, and we missed it.

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3 hours ago, mont royal said:

You make some valid points this time, but my concern is that it is a ‘very singular instance’. Alleyways, lanes etc. do not compare with a vintage site on our unique mountain. We had an excellent opportunity to enhance our most treasured property for the benefit of all Montrealers, and we missed it.

I also wish this beautiful bldg's features will be preserved...

One of the points i wanted to make is that the City moves sort of slowly, having to deal with avalanches of issues.

Therefore it's when the Shriners announced they wanted to sell their property, that pressure groups should have pressed the City to ensure its preservation, or even its purchase!

Now that the Chinese govt announced they'll abide by municipal rules and guidelines, we may only hope for the best to happen. ;)

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