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Hampton et Homewood Suites — 13 étages


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il y a 19 minutes, Rocco a dit :

Au moins l'arche nous rappelle que nous sommes dans un quartier.. chinois. 

Well, at least not as extensively as China's copycat architecture of famous cities such as Paris, London and Moscow.  And the paifang in Montreal is authentic.  The problem is this new building which as you say is a case of brutalist architecture. 

It is emphatically not an attempt to recreate Chinatown.  That's the message that I get, like or not.

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9 hours ago, Né entre les rapides said:

Well, at least not as extensively as China's copycat architecture of famous cities such as Paris, London and Moscow.  And the paifang in Montreal is authentic.  The problem is this new building which as you say is a case of brutalist architecture. 

It is emphatically not an attempt to recreate Chinatown.  That's the message that I get, like or not.

The message from the building is clearly and it seems wanted that it is outside the arches

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Il y a 11 heures, Né entre les rapides a dit :

Well, at least not as extensively as China's copycat architecture of famous cities such as Paris, London and Moscow.  And the paifang in Montreal is authentic.  The problem is this new building which as you say is a case of brutalist architecture. 

It is emphatically not an attempt to recreate Chinatown.  That's the message that I get, like or not.

N'est-ce pas en fait symptomatique d'une certaine indifférence de la part de la communauté chinoise elle-même, qui semble s'être désintéressé du développement et de l'image dynamique de ce quartier?

Difficile alors de conserver l'âme d'un secteur à caractère patrimonial et culturel, quand ses principaux représentants (les jeunes en particulier) n'en n'assure plus véritablement la relève.

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Chinatown is a bit of an anachronism. It was founded by the first wave of immigrants, who were impoverished, poorly educated, and severely exploited labourers.

Since those early days, most Chinese immigrants are highly educated. So they are not interested in investing in Chinatown restaurants per se. The quartier retains a certain cultural importance but it’s health and survival are not central to new immigrants, nor to the offspring of the previous generations, who are much more Quebecois than Chinese. 

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Il y a 1 heure, mont royal a dit :

Chinatown is a bit of an anachronism. It was founded by the first wave of immigrants, who were impoverished, poorly educated, and severely exploited labourers.

Since those early days, most Chinese immigrants are highly educated. So they are not interested in investing in Chinatown restaurants per se. The quartier retains a certain cultural importance but it’s health and survival are not central to new immigrants, nor to the offspring of the previous generations, who are much more Quebecois than Chinese. 

C'est aussi ma perception. On pourrait dire que les plus jeunes ne se retrouvent pas dans ce passé traditionnel qu'ils n'ont pas vraiment vécu et qui est si loin de la Chine moderne d'aujourd'hui.

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On 2021-01-08 at 7:14 AM, vincenzo said:

The message from the building is clearly and it seems wanted that it is outside the arches

I don't think it is a valid point to compare Chinatown with modern-day China. Most people living there are several-generation Chinese Quebecois who speak Cantonese, rather than Mandarin Chinese, the official spoken language in China. Chinatown nowadays is more a tourist spot, which attracts tourists (including even Chinese from China) due to its unique history and exoticism.   

I think this hotel building, along with the to-be-built condo in front, would have a negative impact to the character of the neighbourhood. They are right beside the Gate with such a huge volume, belittling the existence of the Gate and surrounding buildings. This somehow kills the history and exoticism of the neighbourhood. Not sure if the small business owners in Chinatown would anticipate those negative impact.

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