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Amazon looking for a location to have a 2nd HQ


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41 minutes ago, jesseps said:

Off topic; in Vaudreuil, Ericsson is leaving their data facility, which is 215,000 sq.ft after 1 year and a $1.3 billion investment. It be easy for Amazon to take it over and setup part of their data center off island.

My sense is that they are looking for a more urban location. They want ready access to public transport and, presumably, the benefits of city energy and diversity. I am not even sure whether the Blue Bonnets site would satisfy them; it may be close in minutes to downtown, but it is totally missing the youthful vitality of Mile End or even Le Plateau.   

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If you want Amazon to stay and keep the 50 000 jobs, let's have them grant a mortgage in favour of the Gov of Québec on their Seattle buildings...but then some other State or Province will tell Amazon, "come and we'll take the risk, we do not want any guarantee".

I really wonder what these 50 000 jobs mean as we are on the verge of the robotic era !?


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With this kind of money being offered ($7 BILLION in credits plus more!?) I'll make my position clear:  I hope Montreal DOESN'T get it.  Those are unreal numbers.  

Let's put that number into context.  It's like the state paying every one of those 50,000 employees a $70K USD salary for TWO YEARS.  Conversion to Canadian makes it THREE years.    

Prestige or not, I have a feeling Amazon is doing this in order to get a free ride rather than pick the best possible place for their employees.  


Modifié par SKYMTL
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Le 20/10/2017 à 09:56, LindbergMTL a dit :

Je ne vois aucune chance d'obtenir le gros lot Amazon à l'extérieur des E.U.  Pouvez-vous imaginer la campagne anti Amazon de Trump et ses supporteurs si Amazon décidait de venir ici?  Voyons donc!

Malheureusement, tu as un solide point....

Le 20/10/2017 à 19:42, jerry a dit :

Le maire de Québec Régis Labeaume a aussi fermé la porte à Amazon parce qu’il a peur que la société «vide toutes les compagnies d’informaticiens» si elle s'installe à Québec.


LOL!!!! Comme si t'avais la moindre chance, mon ti-pit. Misère.....

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Le 20/10/2017 à 12:02, peekay a dit :


^ vomit. I don`t know what is worse, the fact that they purposefully omitted Montreal at the top of the article or that they had no quote or story about Montreal`s bid.

Lol. C'est quand même trop drôle de voir cette "megalopolis universelle" passer son temps à nourrir ce complexe vis-à-vis la "minusculissime" Montréal (guillemets = dans leur tête)

Le 20/10/2017 à 12:02, ScarletCoral a dit :

Au contraire, avec le décret anti-immigration sur certains pays de Trump, si Amazon veut attirer les meilleurs cerveaux au monde, il est mieux de s'installer à l'extérieur des É-U. Google, Apple, Facebook et Microsoft  sont déjà contre ce décret.

Vrai. Et Trump arrive à la mi-mandat. Amazon voit sur des décennies en avant. Trump ne sera pas là ausi longtemps. Si jamais il est avantageux pour Amazon de s'établir au Canada (avantage absolu en matière d'accès à l'Europe grâce au libre-échange!!) sur le long terme, Bezos pourrait choisir de défier le gros débile et affronter la tempête pour 2 ans. 

C'est un long shot, j'avoue, mais c'est pas impossible.

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Les médias ont tellement pogné Labaume sur celle-là et ils sont tellement de mauvaise foi...spécialement les radios qui sont en cabale anti Labaume et spécialement Jeff Fillion.


Fillion ramasse Labaume depuis des semaines suite à la déclaration de Labaume sur Amazon.  Fillion est tellement de mauvaise foi..évidemment il a jamais mentionné que Québec est disqualifié en partant car ils ne sont pas 1 million d'habitants et que ils ont  ni d'aéroport international et ni transport en commun qui ferait le lien entre les futurs d'Amazon et l'aéroport...



Montréal de son côté aura tout ca avec le REM.


Montréal a définitivement une chance pas immense mais tout de même:


Amazon's 2nd North American headquarters - Greater Montréal has officially submitted its bid

News provided by
Montréal International

MONTRÉAL, Oct. 20, 2017 /CNW Telbec/ - Hubert Bolduc, President and CEO of Montréal International, personally delivered Greater Montréal's bid for Amazon's second North American headquarters yesterday in Seattle. Tasked by the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) and supported by the Government of Québec, Montréal International presented a distinct and ambitious proposal to the global e-commerce giant. Amazon could invest over $5 billion in the construction of its new headquarters and hire up to 50,000 new employees.

"The whole team stepped up its efforts in the past few weeks to highlight all the know-how and creativity Greater Montréal has to offer. The city is one of the most tech-forward in the world and that is attractive to Amazon, one of the most innovative companies in the 21st century," said Hubert Bolduc, President and CEO of Montréal International. "It would be a winning alliance perfectly aligned with the city's ambition as it has experienced a phenomenal 23% growth among ICT workers in the past five years."

"Québec's business environment is conducive to thriving innovation in leading-edge industries, such as the digital and AI sectors, making Montréal a prime home base for a player of Amazon's magnitude. Québec is the first Canadian province to soon adopt a digital strategy, and this will push Québec's digital expertise and know-how even further," highlighted Dominique Anglade, Deputy Premier, Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation, and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy.

"Our city has considerable assets playing in its favour for Amazon to set up its headquarters here. Montréal has created an ecosystem of expertise and innovation, with its pool of creative talent, making it one of the world's most competitive digital hubs. The arrival of this global e-commerce giant will strengthen its position and the whole province of Québec will get to reap the benefits," stated Martin Coiteux, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, Minister of Public Security, and Minister responsible for the Montréal region. 

"Montréal is undeniably one of the world's leading cities and it definitely has what it takes to attract such an investment. We've got urban land with development potential, a pool of skilled talent supported by a vibrant, high-achieving academic community, an innovation district and a thriving ecosystem, cultural and linguistic diversity, great quality of life and a safe environment, not to mention that European feel that no other American city has. That's what we have to offer and you can't find that anywhere else. What's more, Montréal's bid enjoys the support of the business community and all three levels of government, making the city a serious contender in the process," said Montréal Mayor Denis Coderre.

A few highlights in the Montréal bid:

A deep and growing pool of relevant talent fueled by a world-class education system (Montréal accounts for the highest number of students in Canada (320,000), spread within 11 university institutions and more than 60 colleges);
Canada's world class technology hub (Montréal has the highest concentration of tech sector jobs in any Canadian city and reached the international Top 5 of leading cities in video games, visual effects, artificial intelligence and aerospace);
Economic and political stability, including an open and efficient immigration system (As a collaboration between the Government of Quebec and the Government of Canada, the Québec component of Canada's Global Skills Strategy helps innovative companies get workers faster by offering a two-week processing time for work permit);
A 20% to 25% cost advantage compared to similar cities (thanks to affordable wages, attractive corporate effective tax rate, and low, stable energy costs);
A high purchasing power and exceptional quality of life (Montréal offers young professionals housing that costs 25% less than in Toronto and 86% less than in Boston).

About Montréal International (
Established in 1996, Montréal International is a non-profit organization funded by the private sector, the governments of Canada and Québec, the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal and the City of Montréal. Its mission is to attract foreign investment, international organizations and skilled talent to Greater Montréal by providing assistance services tailored to their needs.
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Lol certaines villes ont pas niaisé hein.

D’un autre coté j’ai lu que Toronto n’a pas pu offrir de crédit d’impôts. Est ce que ca permet de mettre Montréal dans une meilleure position face à sa principale rivale canadienne dans cette competition ?



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53 minutes ago, Ousb said:

Lol certaines villes ont pas niaisé hein.

D’un autre coté j’ai lu que Toronto n’a pas pu offrir de crédit d’impôts. Est ce que ca permet de mettre Montréal dans une meilleure position face à sa principale rivale canadienne dans cette competition ?



New Jersey offered USD $7 Billion in tax credits. Canada cannot compete on that front.

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il y a 9 minutes, _mtler_ a dit :

New Jersey offered USD $7 Billion in tax credits. Canada cannot compete on that front.

Im not talking about our american opponents. Im talking about Canada, does Toronto not offering anything help ? Knowing that Montréal will.

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