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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. This. Exactly this. Kirkland will be monstrous, compared to other sections of the Anse-à-l’Orme branch (notably still referred to as “SAdB” by NouvLR on their plans and work site signage).
  2. Where is the actual tunnel portal? I always thought it’s north(west) of Ste-Catherine but I’ve honestly never known for sure. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. I admit I’m (perhaps not) looking forward to how disruptive it appears where short viaducts are necessary along the DM trunk, especially Sunnybrooke, Pfds-Rox and through Laval-Ouest. I’d also counter that the highest sections in Kirkland will be waaay more visually unpleasant than the lower sections in Pointe-Claire. The station building at Kirkland will pretty much dominate the entire area.
  4. The difference is the Met is solid underneath, and in some areas it bisects residential neighbourhoods. By contrast, REM is virtually empty below the aerial segments, doesn’t currently encroach on any residential areas on the West Island branch, and is mostly adjacent to the 40 anyway.
  5. When I drove by yesterday they were putting up the big panel at the corner of Ste-Catherine and de Bleury with the development’s name on it.
  6. The weatherproofing of the preserved façade didn’t exactly hold up, eh? 😂
  7. I’m not the only one who thinks about this. It was a sin to deprecate Windsor Station’s purpose as a grand terminal station, but equally wrong was building Lucien-l’Allier terminal with zero regard for its status (or for its users, for that matter). A proper terminal, a couple of viaducts and phase one electrification to Meadowbrook so the ALP-45DPs can be put to full use, wouldn’t that be great?
  8. That’s why I asked, why hasn’t this been done since the downtown CN terminals were consolidated at Central Station (Gare Central)? The Queen E, PVM complex and Place Bonaventure were all built over the tracks similar to Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan.
  9. I have a question with regard to @acpnc’s post just above, and how adjacent areas will soon need to be planned for development. As there are no threads for Quartier des Gares or Quartier de la Montagne, it’s a question about that. I’d like to understand why no air rights have been sold for development over the downtown railways since the 1950s? The Molson Centre cut the CP passenger lines to Windsor Station in the early 90s, without even developing a proper terminal within the project. Could the air rights over Lucien-l’Allier be sold for residential or multi-use construction as the area offers fewer and fewer properties ripe for development?
  10. Merci encore @acpnc pour votre merveilleuse prose, vous mettez si souvent en phrases artistiques ce que tant d'entre nous pensent. 👍🏼
  11. That bridge is still such a small beauty. I was hoping they’d put similar “caps” on the SdC towers to hide the antennas and maintenance rigs.
  12. Today’s article in the Anglo press about the risk of losing the Dalle-Parc and access to the GP de la Failaise mentions the Turcot project is “91% complete” and will wrap some time late this year or early 2021. Bollocks! I drove the length of the 20/136 into downtown yesterday, then left by the 10 over the SdC bridge and returned via the 10/15/20 and took exit 63 on the 20 back to the West Island. There is so much left to accomplish, I can’t see the entire project being 100% complete before mid-2022 at the earliest.
  13. It will be interesting to see how they put those mitigating measures in place when the rails are already installed and the bi-block railway ties are already concreted into the overhead and underground structures. Ottawa didn’t bother.
  14. Par contre je le trouves ultramoderne, un souffle d’air frais dans l’Ouest-de-l’Île.
  15. Nothing special here, juste de nouveaux aspects du progrès près de la gare de Kirkland. Egalement un peu de perspective sur la hauteur des nouvelles structures: regardez les voitures!
  16. It’s amazing that I’ve probably driven down [University and then] Robert-Bourassa to the Bonaventure thousands of times over the years and never noticed, but now with Street View and Earth and all the contributions here I’m learning so much more about my own city!
  17. How have I never noticed that little spur going directly into the Energir CCU building??
  18. This view gives a little hint of what the ‘pencil talls’ look like, looming over Central Park in Manhattan after exploiting some pretty obvious zoning loopholes.
  19. Cela ne ressemble-t-il pas à la façon dont les autorités de transport sont gérées à l'étranger, dont SMRT à Singapour et MTR à Hong Kong?
  20. Évidement le boulevard Alfred-Nobel va être réaménagé dans le coin du boulevard Hymus; les trous de pieux pour la section surélevée venant de l'autre côté de la 40 sont au milieu de la voie de contournement et de la route.
  21. Lol so I guess they’ve blocked off the unrestricted access to the Alice trench since my last escapade! All the big, portable generators were running today, there were at least two dozen cars parked near the construction trailers, and I could see some spotlights on in the head of the trench under the gantry. I’m assuming that Alice is indeed underway. This is the best I could get sticking my phone up over the screened fence! And they’ve paved all the dirt and gravel areas adjacent to the trench.
  22. Don’t apologize, those are great! Thanks so much for letting us see these.
  23. Lol yeah you got the joke 👍🏼😉
  24. So true. As I’ve said before in a variety of threads here, the areas of the West Island around each of the stations along the Anse-à-l’Orme branch are among the least pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly in the entire metropolitan area. Pointe-Claire and Kirkland have installed amber begging lights across the access ramps on each of the three main overpasses; most peds and bikers don’t bother using them, and when somebody does, most drivers ignore the flashing lights. When a driver does yield, the ones behind aren’t prepared for the sudden stop over the blind hill and it causes à precarious situation. All in all it’s just a disaster zone. The municipalities, the CMM and the province really need to work it out and build active transport bridges over the 40 that avoid the three main overpasses. The only commitment we’ve seen is a new active path at the eastern (westbound) Ch. Ste-Marie overpass near the Kirkland station.
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