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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. It means “Metropolitan Railway,” first in London, then adopted by Paris; neither started “underground.” It was the other way around, at the beginning when the London Metropolitan Railway Company expanded from overground to underground trains, and so too later on in Paris when La Compagnie du chemin de fer métropolitain de Paris did the same. Mexico DF’s STC uses stock from four different manufacturers, with some models being built by consortia among the four (Alstom/Concarríl, Bombardier/CAF, Bombardier/Alstom).
  2. I have yet to visit Madrid, but the Subte in Buenos Aires is like a museum! In spite of all the problems with homelessness and drugs in the gorgeous capital of Argentina, they’ve managed to build and maintain a beautiful metro. Interestingly, it has remained smaller than our Métro until now, even though it serves a similar-sized city with almost five times the population (and is thus extremely overcrowded).
  3. Honestly that back-of-the-napkin doodle is more like a Rorschach Test than anything definitive. “Tell me vat you zee…”
  4. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    So you’re trying to tell me that a “money guy like Bronfman” will pull together a half billion or more in financing for a stadium that isn’t ideal for baseball, to have a team that isn’t called the “Montréal” [Anything] play just 40 games a year, but is sure to make a killing because the stadium will also be built so that it’s not ideal for soccer, in order to host a semi-pro team (that’s a different money guy’s hobby) for just 17 games a year? This story gets dumber with every post.
  5. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    What does that even mean?
  6. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    There’s no way a baseball guy like Bronfman is seriously considering a multipurpose stadium.
  7. Then they’re going to go apehsit when they see the seven 20-storey SmartCentres towers going up 100 metres away from Fairview Lincoln Mazda on the other side of Hymus!
  8. Qui sait? Tout est possible - nous ne nous attendions pas non plus à cette photo “leakée” par Legault l’été passé…
  9. Cependant, moins de gens prennent le train dans le corridor un jour moyen qu’embarquent sur la ligne orange en un quart d'heure moyen aux heures de pointe. Payer 50 G $ pour aider comme 5000 personnes au lieu de (peut-être) 20 G $ pour aider 500,000… 🤔
  10. Yes, je m’excuse! 😉
  11. Pour le nombre relativement restreint de personnes qui voyageraient par train entre le Québec et Toronto, cela semble être un bon compromis. Je ne vois pas comment on pourrait justifier un énorme investissement dans le TGV entre Windsor et Toronto ou Montréal et Québec. Ce n’est pas une situation «construisez-le et ils viendront»; peu de gens aient besoin d'un tel service de nos petites villes.
  12. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    Les stades polyvalents sont des vestiges des années 60 et 70. Il n’en reste qu’un dans les ligues majeures et les Blue Jays ne veulent plus y jouer. In other cities they have the intestinal fortitude to demolish unused relics.
  13. Well the good news is that with a single track, the terminal station at the rond-point wouldn’t need tail tracks, and the shaft for retrieval of Alice could be dug anywhere on either side of the CP/CN tracks, in the parking lot for example. The shaft could then be used to build the REM/intermodal station.
  14. Try getting in and out of Fairview by car on any given Friday afternoon or Saturday: it’s a nightmare. I can’t imagine a development with such a huge retail component and much weaker access being at all viable. This should become a straight-up TOD developed in concert with all parties on board with the revamping of access from every direction. That means exo (CP/CN), STM, and MTQ have to develop much better mass transit in the area of the worst highway interchange bottleneck east of the Don Valley Parkway & 401.
  15. Cheap sin-sé there when it was mostly West Indians (rather than FN/Inuit) in the Square back in the 80s.
  16. Oh wow, that’s really nice. Congrats! And I like the lower level more than I expected I might, the view out to the square is pleasant.
  17. Ouais, mais ce sont l'exception et non la règle.
  18. This IMO is a very good guess, and prolly why they’ve announced megaprojects outside Ville Marie in the interim.
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