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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    Having sweatily walked up to Victoria Peak’s lookout a number of times (along with taking the Tram or regular buses as well), I can say with honesty that IMO most who go up ooh and ahh at the human-made scenery much more than they do at the natural beauty of the the Harbour or the mountains of the New Territories in the distance. That said, by world standards, our fair city’s “natural setting” is as blah as its boring skyline. À chacun son goût and all that, but we don’t rank on anyone’s “most beautiful cities” lists.
  2. Agree, but the traffic isn’t quite as enthusiastically high as you think. About as many ride VIA in the 1000+ km Québec-Windsor corridor on any given day as ride the exo1 Vaudreuil line, but the government gave VIA $1.6 billion for these anachronistic diesel Chargers, and the corridor is still woefully bad for passenger rail. Sorry, but intercity passenger rail in North America simply doesn’t fall under the “build it and they will come” paradigm, because people simply won’t give up their cars while roads aren’t tolled and gas is still relatively cheap. They could spend $15 billion on HFR and still only get 15,000 passengers a day. That is sheer wastefulness.
  3. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Euhm… how? 😂 On the other hand, it’s not far-fetched to imagine the Caisse being bold enough to try to impose penalties on the city and province for not letting them do what they want!
  4. Pour l’instant c’est l’enjeu N°1
  5. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal
  6. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    More than half the seats at the Habs’ 40 sellouts a year over the last 30 years are corporate-owned. In any other city, a team that’s been as consistently sh!tty and mismanaged would have pulled up stakes and moved long ago. That’s the key for baseball: right-size the stadium in a good location, and market the crap out of it to the Montreal business community. Expense accounts still count. Business types would rather spend on entertainment in a cool place near other cool places than on an overpriced steak at Gibby’s.
  7. C’est la raison principale du procès intenté par Cadillac Fairview.
  8. That’s a really good sign. This project is succeeding, and this augurs well for other potential properties in the Valois TOD.
  9. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    “If you keep delaying progress by demanding independent studies, the costs will continue to rise and it will become untenable. Just shut up and let us build it the way we want already.” — The Caisse, probably. 😎
  10. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    It honestly baffles me that so many people are taking a hard line against any sort of government assistance (loan guarantees, tax abatements, connections to transit) for a stadium that includes a sports and cultural complex in the heart of the city, one that will be used a minimum of 81 times a year by a professional baseball team and countless other days by sports and cultural groups from the city… But these same people are all in favour of spending $100 million on upgrading a race track that gets used one weekend a year, or of dumping tens of millions of dollars a year in upkeep costs for the Olympic Stadium that gets almost zero use during the year — and will require a half billion dollar new roof, regardless of any sports team using the building.
  11. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    Hmmm $600 million of government money for just the new roof in a dank, decrepit, oversized, multi-purpose stadium that is far away from all the real attractions, accommodations and amenities of the city? Or a few million in tax abatements and concessions and loan guarantees to build a modern, new, right-sized ballpark in the heart of the city and within easy walking distance of multiple attractions, accommodations and amenities? 🤔 Honestly, the answer is a no-brainer.
  12. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    C'était ma toute première pensée.
  13. Hahahahaha ok then You got a big “like” from me because that made me laugh OUT LOUD. 👍🏼
  14. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    There are so many misstatements and fallacies in that tabloid piece that it’s not worth the electrons to counter it. Smfh 🙄
  15. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    Je pense que c'est peut-être l'opinion la plus proche de la mienne.
  16. That’s a really great angle that isn’t a normal cliché. Thank you for this one!
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