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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Not very. Maybe an announcement from a forum-favourite developer in the not-to-distant future? I suspect Cité Internationale has been on the drawing boards for a while and will get the green light before this one, but I can’t see it languishing for too long.
  2. Ça dépend de quel “ouest” qu’on parle: vrai ouest, magnétique, ou montréalais. 😂
  3. St-Laurent calling on CPDQ Infra for safety measures, name changes for REM stations The borough passed a unanimous resolution with all of its demands at a council meeting on Feb. 2. Author of the article: Montreal Gazette Mar 18, 2021 • Last Updated 2 hours ago • 2 minute read Cars pass under the REM train tracks in Kirkland on Dec. 10, 2020. PHOTO BY JOHN MAHONEY /Montreal Gazette The borough of St-Laurent is asking for safety improvements, pedestrian-friendly access and name changes for some of the stations being built on its territory for the Réseau express métropolitain (REM). In a letter Thursday to Charles Émond, chairperson of CPDQ Infra, the owner and builder of the REM, borough Mayor Alan DeSousa reminded the company that it has been asking for years for the company to give consideration to pedestrians in its plans for the future stations in the Bois-Franc sector and in the Hodge-Lebeau industrial sector near Highway 40. “Rather than opening a can of worms with the REM 2.0 (in the east end), can we at least solve the problems of the REM 1.0, which is currently under construction,” DeSousa said in an interview. “You can learn from these mistakes … before you move onto other projects.” For one thing, CDPQ Infra’s design will prevent pedestrians and cyclists from crossing over the tracks at Bois-Franc station between St-Laurent and the borough of Ahuntsic—Cartierville as they have done for decades, the letter says. For another, the Hodge-Lebeau sector is filled with truck traffic, but the station planned next to a municipal snow chute surrounded by industries offers no sidewalk south of the Stinson St. entry and no safe pedestrian crossing, it says. The borough, which passed a unanimous resolution with all of its demands at a council meeting on Feb. 2, is asking CDPQ Infra to install a free passageway at Bois-Franc station so that pedestrians and cyclists don’t have to pay the REM fare to enter the station on one side and exit on the other to cross the tracks or make a 300- to 400-metre detour to cross at the nearest intersection. The borough also wants CDPQ Infra to build a safe pedestrian west-side entrance to the Hodge-Lebeau station. The borough also expresses concern about the future of its long-planned bike path, called a “Véloroute,” alongside the Deux-Montagnes commuter train line where the REM is now being built. Vélo-Québec confirmed the importance of the path in 2017 and a first section, between Toupin Blvd. and Bois-Franc station, was built the same year. DeSousa’s letter also suggests CDPQ Infra’s decision to give the name “Marie-Curie” to the future station in the Technoparc industrial park, which houses 100 businesses, without including the name “Technoparc” is a mistake. As well, the station will be located about 500 metres from Marie-Curie Ave., it says. The name, it suggests, should be “Technoparc–Marie-Curie.” CDPQ Infra has named the future station in the Hodge-Lebeau sector “Côte-de-Liesse,” even though the artery with that name is more than 500 metres to the south. The borough’s letter says the name will create confusion and suggests the station be renamed in honour of Catherine Fol, a science documentary filmmaker for the National Film Board of Canada who died in 2020. The NFB had its landmark headquarters at the edge of the Hodge-Lebeau sector. CDPQ Infra didn’t respond to a request for comment on Thursday.
  4. Such a relief that Xavier Allard repeatedly referred to it simply as a “metro” and nothing else. The English subtitles used “light metro,” which is technically correct, and never once said “light rail” or “LRT.”
  5. See all that density along the line? Yeah, me neither. That’s what the east end will be getting as well.
  6. There used to be several, one of them a couple of km long, from the Air Canada commissary near Cardinal/Stuart-Graham all the way to the base at the end of Côte-Vertu. For passengers, there were two tunnels from the main terminal to and from the satellite (Aéroquai), one on the domestic end which still exists, and one at the international end. The latter was removed when the Aéroquai was shortened in the early 2000s.
  7. It’s too bad we won’t get a long, psychedelic sci-fi tunnel like at DTW.
  8. Which is the part that is slightly delayed at this point. Luckily, asbestos mitigation (removal) in the Aéroquai and tunnels was done in 2004-2005 when the International jetty was being built (and the Aéroquai reduced in size), so its demolition should be very straightforward. I expect the passenger tunnel will be extended to the new jetty at 10-28 until the rest of the terminal project is built.
  9. Really really. 🙂 Of the 18 gates on the US side, three (87-88-89) are RJ- or prop-only, and two inside the horseshoe may accommodate up to 767-300 or A300/310, the rest narrow-body or RJ only. 15 of the international gates may greet wide-bodies (including two that accept the now-doomed A380), while three more on the domestic end are often used by Air Canada wide-bodies. There are now eight Code E (large wide-body) capable outfield hard stands serviced by the Cobus 3000 buses to and from the international jetty’s bus gate, and there are several more hard stands that can be serviced by PTVs from two international gates. Not much difficulty at all, just $2.5 Billion and a decade of construction.
  10. The difference is aircraft movements. Without a breakdown of the data, we can’t be exact about the size of aircraft, but Montreal handles many more small and regional aircraft than Lisbon: 11 million fewer passengers in 2019, but 20,000 more aircraft movements. A good number of the gates at Dorval cannot accommodate anything larger than a 76-seat regional jet or turboprop (10 at the Aéroquai, four at domestic, and three at the end of the transborder jetty), and only relatively few gates can handle wide-body jets and heavies (20 in all).
  11. À 20M c’est déjà serré. Le projet d’agrandissement au complet (y compris les nouvelles jetées et aires de manœuvre) augmentera la capacité au delà des 30M.
  12. I think that the area of the new elevated segment from Commercial to des Sources will be transformed rather quickly — and more noticeably, of course, than the ground-level segments. Lucky Backyardigans! /sarcasm 😏
  13. SameGuy

    Fabrik8 - 6 étages (2021)

    It honestly looks better up close in person than I expected. The red cage is a distinctive piece and does make it pop more than something at the 13/40, you’re right.
  14. SameGuy

    Fabrik8 - 6 étages (2021)

    My first time into Mile-Ex/Marconi/Petite-Italie since late last summer. Holy S**t there’s condos going up *everywhere*!! Fabrik8 is just one of dozens. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t past the first level the last time I went to Dispatch on St-Z. Here is that signature ball court from all the way over at Café Parma on the corner of Casgrain:
  15. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Oh, je sais certainement que je suis béni! 😂 La vieille dame est même retournée chez le concessionnaire tous les six mois pour l’entretien régulier! Le timing belt a été changé à 24,000 km (parce que ça faisait dix ans!) selon l’avis du préposé de service — l’étiquette est toujours sur le couvercle de soupapes! Ok ok. J’habite la banlieue dépendant de la voiture. Alors pour faire mes ~10,000 km/année d’emplettes ou visites, ou me rendre au boulot (en manque d’autres moyens pour m’y rendre), ma Corolla 1994 me convient très bien. Mais si je demeurais en ville? Je n’achèterais jamais de voiture.
  16. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Oh ok I didn’t remember that, thanks! I do remember the cut corner symbolizing a canoe.
  17. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Is there any cultural or symbolic significance of the balcony pattern on the Duke (RL) side?
  18. Good to know, thanks. I trust all of you who are able to relay pics and first-person impressions as I haven’t been downtown since last summer.
  19. Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic anymore
  20. That’s a cool angle. Setting up the tents on the 1100 roof deck?
  21. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Ma Corolla a 27 ans, je l’ai payé $200 avant l’hiver 2018-19, elle n’avait que 56k km à l’odomètre, conduite par une vieille bonne femme à Deux-Montagnes pour se rendre à l’église les dimanches — jamais l’hiver, jamais quand il pleuvait. Le char était même chaussé avec ses pneus d’origine! A l’achat, j’espérais pouvoir la maintenir pendant trois hivers, mais à part de deux sets de pneus (hiver et été), ça n’a rien coûtée pendant trois ans et je la chauffe à l’année longue, environs 33k km de plus à ce point après trois ans. Il faudrait peut-être changer la batterie d’origine avant l’hiver prochain (28 ans!). ”The cheapest car is the one you already own.” ”The greenest car is the one that’s already built.”
  22. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Merci! I knew you’d have the answer. 😉
  23. Just a bit of trivia (if I may, @Nameless_1): Casey Candaele, pictured to the right of Manager Buck Rodgers, was a second-generation professional ball player. His mother was Helen Callaghan, born in Vancouver, BC. She was an all star in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League upon which the film A League Of Their Own (starring Tom Hanks, Madonna, Rosie O’Donnell and others) was based. Casey’s brother Kelly is a filmmaker who produced and directed a PBS documentary about the AAGPBL, the rights to which were soon after bought by Hollywood and turned into the aforementioned blockbuster film. Helen and Casey are the only mother-son duo to have played top-level professional ball. Casey is the current manager of the Triple-A Buffalo Bisons, the top farm team for the Toronto Blue Jays. 🙂
  24. T’as coupé les joueurs et Buck 😉 Match d’ouverture, 1987, quand le toit originale de Taillibert était fraîchement installé (après avoir langui dans des entrepôts à Marseille, le Port de Montréal, et enfin le parking du Stade, pendant presque 15 ans).
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