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Tout ce qui a été posté par Flynnster

  1. Work on Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal soon we will have a car and pedestrian mall Photo taken June 20th 2018 (JGF)
  2. Windows are starting to come out of the main building and the inside is being gutted. Photo taken June 20th 2018 (JGF) The start of the digging for 1 of the condo's underground parking. Photo taken June 20th 2018 (JGF)
  3. I would like to see a fixed tempered glass roof like in the photo, with design cable to support the roof weight and to keep the charm of the old stadium look. I think this would be a good solution. Any thoughts about this type of design first photo of stadium not copyrighted & the photo of the cables are Attribution: Photo by WikiPedant at Wikimedia Commons
  4. Montreal city hall and at the old port we have the H M C S Oriole of the Royal Canadian Navy docked at the pier Monday 11th 2018.
  5. Flynn’s world ? getting around Montreal with a roller walker, noticing all the work the city has to do to make handicapped accessible for people like me, But what a hell of a view to enjoy . LOVE MY MONTREAL.
  6. Monday June 11th 2018 Doing walk about today ,so I took several snaps of our beloved city. ?JGF
  7. Sure taking along time to put the red panels in. Maybe the subcontracted the work to the people that built the Toms.
  8. And a big thank you to MTLURB , for all the members & masters,Godfathers for educating and taking the time to operate a extremely informative and fun site. From one member to another.A BIG THANK YOU is due.
  9. They should have these type of glass doors in our Metro's and The R light rail system. It doesn't block the view.( its glass.) Plus anything to cut down on suicides on the Metro, crazy people pushing people in front of trains is a good thing.Only thing about installing these type of glass automatic door system is the cost of installing it throughout the system.So i don't think the metro will see this system installed any time soon.
  10. I would love to see a sports mural combo with stars ⭐️ from the Expos,Habs,Als and other sports figures that have made Montreal the city is today.Hall of Fame wall of stars looking down on the skating rink.
  11. YES YES I seen these lifts and look they have one in Quebec City to get up and down the mountain to the old city. They can close one set of stairs on one of the sides at beaudry. Do this for Verdun and every other inclined station. Most stations have super wide staircases. IT CAN BE DONE AND IT LOOKS TO ME IT COULD BE DONE IN A CHEAPER WAY.
  12. I HOPE THEY WILL PUT ELEVATORS IN THE STATION AND NOT HAVE TO REVISIT THIS IN 5 years like Vendome metro station tunnel to hospital mess.Do it right the first time.
  13. They should lock up the fat cats on both side in a room until they have a deal. The public shouldn’t to be held hostage because the two side won’t do there jobs. We all know they will come up with a deal giving them more money and what ever , which will cost the public more money.They should get the cost of living increase like most québécois get.And not a penny more.Free uniforms and training could be included.and perks to the insurance plan.Thats it.
  14. But it seems land all round these projects have been bought up, So I imagine that condos will appear within this decade on all that land near each REM.
  15. April 23rd 2018 Seems to have quite down since taking down the smoke stack. They are doing a lot of hauling away of the soil which I gather is for the Indoor parking of the various condos I will be interested how the underground parking will be separated for each building or connected.
  16. April.23rd 2018.....Still a work in progress, but i must say i do like the design of this building.
  17. The first phase is pretty much done ,Now restoring this building and of course Phase 2 I believe
  18. April.23rd,2018 TDC NUMERO 2 Its coming along,I believe you can make 10 TDC before 1 toms building gets finished. LOL Cheeky but true.
  19. April .23rd,2018 Kinda cool got to see them use Dynamite blasting, plus the sounds of the warning siren.
  20. Verdun is not the future ... Verdun is Verdun and proud of it. Why do people want to compare us to any other. Verdun Rocks on it's own and does not have to hold a candle to know one. I'm a verdunite and darn proud of it.❤️❤️???⛪️
  21. Wow 700 pages and the shovel only went in the ground last week, by the time its done we will be over 2000 pages for sure. REM is going to be a hot topic tocome folks.????
  22. I agree to having a steel framed over pass, but I think planter boxes all along the bridge would be a good enough solution. Having lights design to give it a beautiful look. It’s to get people from point A to B but to also keep cost down. Governments throw these millions around like its nothing but like everything in life the ....... is going to hit the wall ,sooner than later.( someone gonna have to pay ? the bill )
  23. What ever happen to grass , it seems like concrete is the new grass in Montreal. Every park is a concrete jungle. Progress i guess?
  24. Only if you replace the water with beer then I'm in. Saint biere de suds river. LOL I go swimming every day.
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