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Tout ce qui a été posté par peekay

  1. I often wondered about that. Why did they do that? Why not everywhere?
  2. I meant stretched vertically. It looks surreal. Very nice!
  3. Excellent video as always my man! Awesome but wtf is up with our skyline @ 0:10??? It looks so stretched
  4. Dammit! I missed you by a little bit! I would've bribed you for some juicy scoops!
  5. Wife: Are you finished cleaning out the garage? Me: I'm busy!
  6. Me: "I find it so cool that Mount Everest is so tall that we can see it on a clear day all the way here in North America" Girlfriend: "Oh wow that's awesome!" Me: lol
  7. She's ok. She sounded nervous. Commence à etre un peu tanné de voir poutine, vieux port etc. dans des emissions de ce genre. Au moins, ils ont débuté en francais sur leur post.
  8. L'emission du 13 octobre 2021
  9. peekay

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    You did amazing. I could stare at it all day.
  10. So, you are saying there is a chance it will be built sooner!?!!!
  11. That is true but just like dark floors at home, they are hard to clean.
  12. peekay

    Expos de Montréal

    The line from home plate to second would run South to North which is hardly ideal according to the "rule".
  13. peekay

    Expos de Montréal

    The orientation is not likely to be approved because of the setting sun right in the outfielders eyes
  14. peekay

    Expos de Montréal

    Bientôt 20 ans sans baseball majeur dans notre ville...Je suis pret à attendre un autre 20 pour qu'on le fasse correctement. All or nothing. Arretons ce farce. On es-tu capable a garder un équipe ici oui ou non? Fait-le corectement. SI non, prends le temps de ramasser des sous puis achete une équipe d'expansion. Les fans d'expos et des nordiques connaissent tres bien la douleur causé par une perte d'equipe. Pourquoi etre heureux de le faire à Tampa Bay???
  15. peekay

    REM de l'Est

    ^ This. 1,000 times this. WTF are they thinking?!
  16. One of the ugliest most horrendous blind walls (A side of a building with no windows) in the city will still be visible even though the 200-meter Maestria has the right to build a large enough podium to hide it. They chose to keep a distance between the blind wall and the current building. Look at the Rocco's second and third photo and gaze upon the gray cladding beauty. 🤢
  17. 100% fault of Transport Quebec. 6 lanes (40 est + 15 nord) merge into 3 lanes. This is so completely ridiculous. Also, no emergency lanes. The population of Montreal grew both in numbers and prosperity to a point where a PRIVATE company wants to build a high end retail and residential project and we blame them instead of the real problem. The issue of lost commute hours on the decarie exchange will not go away. It will get worse simply from population growth regardless of this project.
  18. Banale ou pas, elle aidera enormement à rebalancer le skyline vers l'est.
  19. C'est certain que je veux que BEG s'en va à l'oubliette mais presentement, c'est le meilleur deal côté stationnement en ville. Acheter un stylo pour 2$. Boom! stationnement payé pour la journée!
  20. Je viens de réaliser qu'avec cette addition, le concept original de trois tours de la bourse sera enfin une réalité!
  21. If you put a deposit on a unit(s), you need to know your rights in case of a disruption or delay in construction work.
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