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Tout ce qui a été posté par Rusty

  1. TOM ... look this is how you build a tower ?
  2. Exactly .... I think this is why i'm freaking out at all these new constructions .... I went for 25 years looking at same towers ?
  3. True ... but I would just like to point out that was a death camp where the Irish were placed when they arrived in 1800s .. sick and were contained there ...
  4. That's land where alot of people died on .... very haunted
  5. I remember when they were being built .... I was so excited .... I could not stop looking at them when I came downtown ..
  6. Je suis allé aujourdhui et cest incroyable ... ca va être vraiment beau
  7. J'ai passé hier et j'ai vu la nouvelle SAQ ... wow tout un SAQ .... c'est presque fini reste juste les bouteilles ... désolé j'avais pas de kodak sur moi
  8. I went to something like this in TO last summer ... was pricy but what an experience ... totally different
  9. Im betting that this project will turn things around for the Village... looks promising and it's a sexy project ....
  10. This is what i've been saying for years newyorkontario.... we need a 250m tower .... because our skyline will look uneven .... but the mountain rule is still anal and supposedly crucial for Mont- réal ?
  11. Im still amazed how Quebec gets overlooked by Amazon in particular ....
  12. Rusty

    Quinzecent - 37 étages

    Please ... this is one of the reasons why they are building .... Chinese investment ? 你好中国人,我们爱你
  13. Rusty

    Quinzecent - 37 étages

    Yeah but in this case Quinzecent ,... they partner with a Chinease developer ... Gansu Tianqing Real Estate group ? so different ball game
  14. Rusty

    Quinzecent - 37 étages

    I find Rocco's folding lady ad as a sign that Montreal condo market is changing.... what I mean by this is in the past we always saw a glimpse of the tower in the ad like YUL ..... but now the market is so changed that they show a reclining ballerina .... go figure ?
  15. wow looks like mini Downtown ?
  16. Pouvez-vous changer le titre avec Solstice 40 étages ?
  17. What Frlagship store are they talking about ? .... I heard SAQ is slated to open Oct 31 ?
  18. Has it reached ground level ? ?
  19. C'est pour ca que les gens que jai vu a la journée vip etaient beaucoup d'hommes avec des suits serrés ... brilliand
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