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Tout ce qui a été posté par Rusty

  1. Je suppose que l'an prochain a ce moment on verra les grues
  2. I had never seen that render ... thanks Suprememtl .... and dont listen to no one ... just post 👍
  3. Moi je vote ROCCOTOWN 🤣 jaime l'idée de ca bravo Skyonys
  4. Is it's Briviaesque .... I will be really happy
  5. Thank yo for this info scoop Sonnyt31
  6. Wellington est vraiment en train de devenir une rue importante pour Montreal ... Tant mieux ... c'est le fun voir sa transformation
  7. pic really shows how sector has changed and continuing to fill up with towers ... a good thing ... and this picture was the 90S but feels like 60s
  8. mmm still going to be massive 🙂
  9. Hi guys I passed by today and yes ... they are renovating the red brick heritage building with windows out boarded up with wood. I think this is the hotel pat of this renovation ? Does anyone know if the hotel project is taking off ?
  10. Rocco est-ce que tu habites l'Ile Notre Dame ? je vois tes toujours sur cette ile 😛
  11. It's weird maybe Hilton should bring it back to life .... look at Four Seasons .... I would say on lower scale this thing could work
  12. Well I would say Praise the lord .... but if they would of left it like that .... ayoye ... ca a besoin detre faite 🤡
  13. C'est pas simple faire un train pour une grosse ville comme Montreal
  14. Peut-etre ils vont en faire un autre?
  15. Ils doivent commencés par fermer le Esso
  16. does anyone have an idea of who is going to be there ? restos, stores etc
  17. Je trouve ca tard dans l'année ... mais cest lfun que c'est de retour
  18. Je demande si quel qu un pourrait faire un diagramme de Square Phillips ?
  19. Ce doit etre juste apres alors .... vraiment hate de voir ca et Soltice monter 😍
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