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Tout ce qui a été posté par Rusty

  1. wow at his age I was a mess .... nice video 🙂
  2. Im not sure how old you are , but I used to watch movies at Loews and I miss it was beautiful
  3. Im just wondering if this would damage some condos ? if the bang is too strong or if they have already been doing some units ?
  4. Ils peuvent toujours construire tour la et remettre le Bureau en gros au rez de chaussé 🧐
  5. It's really sad the way people on this board are trashing this project .... I can't wait to see this project go up and I agree with acpnc that this is a different project for Montreal ...
  6. je crois il ya un retard ... pas pret je crois
  7. Centra usually take their time .... but don't worry this project will take off soon
  8. They made a lot of mistakes in the 60s yet Quebec City is doing same thing with a beautiful church on grande allée ... we should integrate not destroy
  9. Les Montrealais préferent les laides antenes qu'on a la ... ca passe ca,,,,
  10. C'est mon projet préféré dans Graiffintown
  11. lol when you dont re read your posts .... sounds like Im so excited 🤣
  12. Y a des gens qui y vivent déja ... jai vu une femme avec son chien sur un lit ... les gens y vivent
  13. Alors va falloir parler avec plusieurs Chinois, car cest eux les acheteurs forts de ce projet 👍
  14. J'aurais aimé la tour comme celle de Paris ... j'aime limage ..... ca a pu marché
  15. Ils pourraient la fleurir avec verdure et fleurs
  16. I find that 2019 pride is not advertising much the super star drag show of aug 15.... where I think it will be the biggest draw of this pride event ..... I noticed on the video the Rupaul show of last year was mentioned many times and If you have never been, it is truly spectacular ...
  17. Wow ... peut-etre le marché Atwater va devenir le marché de Montreal 🤔
  18. C'est vraiment un beau quartier ... j'espere qu'ils vont le rafraichir un peu ....
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