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Tout ce qui a été posté par Rusty

  1. Il ya des grosses annoncent dans metro Place des arts .... 🙂 makes sense
  2. Rusty

    9e Eaton

    I wrote to Eataly last year about if they would open one in Montreal .... their reply was not very nice : '' We have absolutely no intention in opening a Eataly in Montreal '' ☠️
  3. Oui merci Flynnster ... I really enjoy your pics. It's nice to have members of this forum like you . Keep them coming 👍
  4. Im wondering why the Mile End did not make it ...? but having been there lately ... it's not like it used to be So happy the place I call home is # 22 in the world .... Im so cool 😎
  5. It was renovated .... it looks much better .... I dont think it will be repainted . I noticed it was restored
  6. vanylapep ... don't take offence with Rocco... we all know him
  7. And the Sheraton center MTL is one of the most popular hotels in the city
  8. I saw it yesterday and it is very discreet ... I almost missed it 🙂
  9. Id rather see Dolce Gabana ads
  10. Moi aussi pu capable Kévin, mais faut pas oublier qu'il y a des gens qui arrivent pas dans cette ville et eux aussi ont droit a etre protégés.
  11. Les gars et les filles ... ma source ??? lol .... ca fait partie de leurs plans ?
  12. Les gars .... c'est ce projet qui devrait etre ''next'' apres td3 .... juste pour dire
  13. it's skinny and fat at the same time ... depending on side you take picture 🙂
  14. 1130$ cest pas cher .... c'est studio je suppose
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