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Complexe judiciaire national, 46 Saint-Jacques - 8 étages


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5 hours ago, KOOL said:

My reading of the article is very different. She is concerned, as we all should be, about the quality and integrity of Old Montreal; an historical  urban district which is virtually unique in North America; one which attracts thousands of tourists every year, not to mention Montrealers who adore strolling its streets and exploring its shops. 

To interpret her concerns as some kind of NIMBY selfishness is way off the mark. We are all on this site because of our appreciation of Montreal and its architecture. Like her, most of us don't want Montreal to be turned into some kind of bland anonymous mid-western, urban desert. 

In many ways, our uniqueness begins in Old Montreal. Any proposed new addition must be vigorously citizens and city officials alike. To wave off a citizen's legitimate concerns with such a simplistic comment is a disservice to the very raison d'etre of this site.     

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If they want good architecture, I am with them.  If they don't want a building but a park instead, I am out.

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18 hours ago, ToxiK said:


If they want good architecture, I am with them.  If they don't want a building but a park instead, I am out.

Fair enough. That is the basis of a good, honest, reasonable discussion. Much better than simplistic name-calling

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Il y a 8 heures, mont royal a dit :

Fair enough. That is the basis of a good, honest, reasonable discussion. Much better than simplistic name-calling

What you call simplistic name-calling is simply the truth and honestly there's no other reasonable expression than Nimby to describe the situation. 

It's too late now for them now but the people in the article didn't want in their back yard the Laurence (they're damn' right, it's totally ugly and doesn't fit with the Old Montreal) and the Complexe Judiciaire who looks a lot better.  


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3 hours ago, KOOL said:

What you call simplistic name-calling is simply the truth and honestly there's no other reasonable expression than Nimby to describe the situation. 

It's too late now for them now but the people in the article didn't want in their back yard the Laurence (they're damn' right, it's totally ugly and doesn't fit with the Old Montreal) and the Complexe Judiciaire who looks a lot better.  


If you were not using the term Nimby in a pejorative way, I apologize.

I take my hat off to Nimbys. They care about their neighborhood and its quality of life. They have the courage to stand up to what, in most cases, is a very powerful coalition of promotors and governments. l 

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