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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Offshore (ie non-resident) investors. Maybe our unis will gorge on all the rich foreign students the US is losing?
  2. Mods, I think it’s safe to move it.
  3. I find it mildly curious that in the SAdB “PPU Secteur Nord” on page 45 they choose show a rendering of the massive intermodal A40/Côte-de-Liesse station as a “representative REM station.”
  4. Rien de vraiment nouveau à c’t’heure. Le projet à longue terme CF/IC jouxt à la station Fairview, et le propos de RioCan/Broccolini à Kirkland qui semble être embourbé dans la boue de la pandémie.
  5. Dix30/Solar, IdS Nord, Griff, le tronçon central vers DM. Par contre, il y aura des opportunités pour de nouveaux TOD le long des antennes Aéroport (assumant l’éxtension vers le rond point) et SAdB, et pour bonifier l’offre autour des stations Bois-Franc, Sunnybrooke et Pierrefonds-Roxboro.
  6. Quasiment la même chose que j’avais écrit il y a un mois, soit:
  7. That’s some micro-climate they’ve got there. We didn’t get any snow at all! 😜
  8. Sometimes a house is just a house, eh? My mom used to make me stop channel-surfing every time she saw an old, black-and-white film on, and every time, I had to remind her that just because a movie is old, that doesn’t make it good. Indeed, the studios used to crank out waaay more schlock than masterpieces, even more than today. The same can be said for architecture: we can’t keep throwing around terms like “heritage” just because something is old, otherwise there would never be any progress. A hundred years from now when some Bronfman descendant wants to knock down any of the nondescript boxes that line the north bank of the Lachine Canal in order to build something larger or more modern, will there be half a forum, half a council, half a city crying “but heritage!”?
  9. Me too. Does 20-20-20 apply in VMR? Or just the city and boroughs? Because now I gotta wonder where Carbonleo would deign to build 990 social housing units and 675-900 “affordable” units.
  10. D’accord avec @Fortier, la plus audace date du début des années 70, et les autres aussi audaces et significatives — outre 1000 DLG — datent des années 60. N’y a aucun projet “signature” ici depuis DLG, mais check n’importe quel carte postale aux magasins Relay à YUL, les souvenirs de notre ville si distincte et enchantante sont d’un stade désuet et quasiment abandonnée, d’un pont des années 30, et d’une belle vue pano visée dIrectement sur 1PVM.
  11. I always forget there’s a disused platform at Bonaventure.
  12. Agree completely. It was a deeply flawed proposal in all of its variants, even before the pandemic hit. Now is the time to start over and rethink it for the New Normal. And get hard at work lobbying Quebec, Feds, railways, STM, whomever, to make big changes to transit and transport in the core of the city — not just for the benefit of this one project, but to fix transportation and its problems throughout the core once and for all. Can you imagine improved service on Exo St-Jerome, with a station at Decarie linked to Namur Metro? Another station at Wilderton? Orange Line extended to Bois Franc?
  13. @Windex: Don’t forget I’m a noob here; is that “ruler” function in the desktop Google Earth app? I admit I haven’t used desktop GE in years.
  14. Muret, toile pour graffitistes, même chose. 😉
  15. That’s why I can’t imagine a branch from Panama to Chambly with one train every 15/30 minutes making any sense, even at the bottom end of the budget projections. 18 or 20 bus stands and a fully covered passage to the train station, with a 10km straight shot of open highway to Guyon.
  16. I agree with that. I didn’t say it would look better, just great. 😉
  17. Thanks!! Yeah those look like the tableaux they had at the public info sessions in the summer after the announcement (I was at the Holiday Inn Pte-Claire)
  18. Have any renderings of the future Central Station platforms been shown?
  19. Another one that could look great at double the height.
  20. Hah. Laneways. I just posted about them Le Duke thread.
  21. Cela fait un certain temps que nous ne mettons plus d’entrées de garage dans la rue frontale (pensez au centre-ville des années 1970 comme Peel ou Metcalfe au-dessus de Ste-Catherine). Je me demande si nous allons jamais nettoyer et refaire nos ruelles au centre-ville avec des cafés et des boutiques.
  22. I didn’t expect the restoration of the original window openings on the de Bleury facade. Again, if it looks like this it will be a very impressive result.
  23. That was really worth watching. Merci! S'il est vraiment construit en imitant les concepts présentés, ce serait l'une des intégrations patrimoniales les plus intéressantes de ces dernières années. La tour phare va être exceptionnelle si elle sera construite tel que présentée.
  24. Also reminds me of the Marina Centre on Gouin O at the top of boul St-Jean! 😉 A Brutalist masterpiece 😂 completed in 1975 rising to 56 m and 15 storeys, at the time it was promoted as phase one of a “new, upscale West Island downtown” and was one of the largest and tallest residential buildings west of Cavendish. Just like YUL, phase two was supposed to be a twin building connected to the base (parking levels), and that concept remained on the huge promotional billboard on the site well into the early 1980s. PS: it’s not a very good building. At all.
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