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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. This seems a lot like when the members of the golf club in Dorval on land leased from Aéroports de Montréal complained that the "public" would lose yet more "public green space" when ADM evicted the golf club; really? If I didn't join and carry around a bag of clubs within the rules, I had no right to enjoy that "public green space."
  2. C'est beau. C'était pas certain pour moi non plus (ma mémoire en déclin) avant de voir le fichier d'images à @Rocco ci-haut.
  3. I think it's safe to say it is on the move. My visit last week I couldn't see the "construction" end of the rig at all, whereas when I was able to get closer it was very visible along the trench.
  4. Again, like I said, the 60s are over. Now — if we even decide to do anything at all — it is utilitarian at best. No flair or élan. I don’t expect the new Île-aux-Tourtes bridge to be anything other than a standard highway viaduct over water.
  5. Does anybody have any “ouvrages d’art - Antenne Ouest-de-l’île” to share?
  6. À 72¢ par passager par kilomètre, c’est déjà fort rentable. Come tu dis, le TEC, c’est un service publique, come les postes. Semble que ce n’est qu’en Amerique du nord que les TEC doivent essayer de “breaker even.”
  7. “Only.” 😉 Merci encore de continuer à partager tes infos, expertises et expériences (en images ou mots). 👍🏼
  8. People tend to forget that LaSalle used to be (Saints-Anges-de-)La-Chine before the current Lachine existed. 😁
  9. Donc mon commentaire sur le nouveau pont RDP1 de Pierrefonds à l'île Bigras dans le fil REM Deux-Montagnes. Like the utilitarian columns for the aerial structures, we’ve forgone any flair just about everywhere in our infra — unlike other cities around the world. It’s kind of silly and embarrassing that we are making such a big deal about the two new “suspension” bridges in the Turcot project, considering the amount of effort and creativity other cities invest in their pedestrian and cycling bridges, let alone those for cars and trains.
  10. LOL ok. Moi je contemple un peu trop le REM. Peut-être que je devrais mettre mes pensées dans un nouveau fil de discussion aux Visions. 😉
  11. That’s gonna be a real work of art, that bridge. 😉
  12. Can one also buy the air rights to effectively build more density than the ratio allows for the first lot by not building in those acquired rights from the second lot?
  13. Honnêtement, de ce que j'ai vu en passant à travers le centre d'achats Fairview à matin, le business y roule. Le monde, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire, s'en fou. Smfh 🤦🏻‍♂️
  14. I will honestly be so relieved to hear planes once again, day or night! It almost feels post-apocalyptic right now.
  15. Encore, bien d’accord. Oui, bien sûr, il y a des questions auxquelles nous n'obtiendrons peut-être jamais de réponses. Mais c'est toujours bon d'être curieux!
  16. If I read the schedule correctly, the scaffold and forms come off the smaller (service road) portico next weekend, then after that the work starts on the larger portico across the westbound express lanes (the form has already been built and is waiting patiently to be hoisted over the highway).
  17. Tunnels can also be excavated using traditional drilling and blasting (Edouard-Montpetit) or a roadheader (STM Côte-Vertu garage). I’m not questioning the use of the more-efficient TBM or launching gantries, rather why the less-efficient crane-beam-casting system on the PSC segment.
  18. I agree with space constraints at the canal end. Also the aspect of trucking the hundreds of voussoirs from off-island to that particular part of PSC would’ve been interesting. 😉
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