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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Et la plupart des immeubles, surtout le flanc sud d’Hymus, ce sont des résidences pour les aînés. Ça explique les dimensions et la manque d’ambiance extérieur.
  2. C'est pas des mensonges. C’est moche. Pire que plate. Le plan d’urbanisme de Pointe-Claire est optimiste, par contre. Éventuellement les services aux résidents de ces secteurs autour du “centre-ville” (centrés sur Fairview) vont matcher l’enthousiasme des promoteurs.
  3. . Did I say “they don’t deserve mass transit”? I said the opposite, and also said in the Mirabel station thread it was a good thing. Please don’t attribute to me things I did not say. Mirabel is called a “city” by statute, but it is 500km² of farms and a scattering of villages with a total population of fewer than 60,000 residents. This huge region can be adequately served with buses and the exo stations at St-Jerôme, St-Janvier and Blainville. The people in those regions are outraged that their taxes pay for essential services in the metropolis, I don’t want my taxes paying for a non-essential metro in the middle of the countryside. Now, if we suddenly find 50 billion barrels of petroleum underneath Québec, then by all means, spend a tiny bit of that wealth on luxuries like metros to nowhere.
  4. Oui, c’est compréhensible, mais il est dommage qu’ils n’aient pas pu étendre ce langage de design aux autres croisements.
  5. Sigh. It would’ve been a few pennies more to have some consistency in the design and use the same column and beam design over the Lachine Canal as well as Rivière des Prairies from Pierrefonds to Île Bigras.
  6. Correct. Et c’est tout. Alors on peut dire que si St-Scholastique — un village dans le bled à 65 km du centre-ville — est un “banlieu” de Montréal, pourquoi pas Ange-Gardien ou Lacolle? Même Plattsburgh peut se considérer un banlieu de Montréal, et a l’avantage d’être une destination de préférence des montréalais pour le shopping! Il y a même l’aéroport PBG fréquenté par des montréalais qui se considère comme “Montreal’s US Airport”! Honestly, I don’t even know why we are still talking about this. Mirabel is a “city” the size of Montreal Island, with a population about the same as Dollard-des-Ormeaux.
  7. All it’ll take to convince me is to show me how building a metro line 60+ km from downtown across 15+ km of farmland to a sparsely-populated exurb is better than putting a train station on an existing train line and running feeder buses to and from the station along the highway to the industrial pole. “Build it and they will come” is a terrible way to develop rapid transit if it encourages sprawl rather than adresses an existing population’s needs. 105 people/km² simply does not make sense for developing new rapid transit.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Off-topic: un maître de MS Paint — Jim’ll Paint It
  9. C'est à mi-chemin entre Alston et Stillview. Je sais que les aînés des plusieurs résidences ne fréquenteront pas souvent le REM (à pied) mais avec les autres projets voisinants, ça commence à être claire qu’il y aura besoin d’une passerelle au dessus de la 40.
  10. I made a pretty good guess, it certainly wasn’t going to be done over the weekend! They’ll start finishing up the voussoirs next to Belle Pro overnight tonight and maybe complete the job tomorrow, move across the road either tomorrow or in the wee hours of Wednesday, and start hanging voussoirs over the road Wednesday night.
  11. Something tells me the approaches will come down relatively quickly, but watching them deal with the main spans will be absolutely fascinating. 👍🏼
  12. Mais le REM va prendre déjà 35 minutes ou plus entre le CV et DM. Même à 100 km/h entre St-Eustache et St-Augustin, avec des arrêts au pôle Bombardier et à St-Janvier, il va prendre une heure et demie y arriver, tandis que le train lent d’exo vers St-Janvier ne prendra qu’une heure et quart (et nos amis à Blainville etc n’auront pas devoir prendre un bus pour se rendre à St-Janvier.
  13. Cadillac Fairview has been redeveloping their prime properties for almost a decade now, and plans for CF Les Galeries d’Anjou (and CF Fairview Pointe Claire) have been in the works for years, since before the most recent, solid, definite, for-sure-gonna-happen-this-time commitment by the government to extend the Blue line.
  14. That’s the right size to blend better with the townhouses on Portsmouth that back onto Brunswick right next to it. Been waiting a while to see what the plan would be. Next up, Toyota, Lexus, Nissan, buh-bye!
  15. There cannot be a metro in Mirabel OR Chambly while there isn’t one in Montréal-Nord, St-Léo or Lachine.
  16. Westmount and Vendôme are a bit close. It’s more of romantic suggestion, but some thought should be given to where the most benefit might arise. With shorter EMU trains, close-together stations are less of an issue, but perhaps Cavendish? ~2km from Vendôme and 1.5 km before Mtl-O. Just spitballing. Upgrading and electrifying the Westmount subdivision likely wouldn’t be too costly, perhaps $100 million or less, but the 23 km to Vaudreuil would require dedicated tracks and some infrastructure upgrades, and likely be on the order of a billion dollars. Then again, I’m still intrigued by the maps in front of the officials the other day, and thinking about that one red line on the big map of the CMM before Mr Legault (and less evidently on that in front of Mr Tall), the only exo line actually highlighted on the table. The other exo trains are thin, grey lines, but exo1 is definitely accentuated and more prominent. It also seems to terminate at Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. I actually can imagine a scenario where the line is modernized and upgraded on the island, with rush hour services maintained to Vaudreuil (and even Hudson) using the DP locomotives. I really should check in to see if my employer needs me back yet.
  17. C’est bien ça, mais il n’y a qu’un départ de Lucien-L’Allier pour SJ le matin. Comme TEC pour le pôle industriel, ce n’est pas idéale. Une fois que les trains commencent à s'arrêter à la gare St-Janvier, ce sera impératif que le service sur la ligne soit bonifié.
  18. There’s a flyover at Norman, but since most of the density is on top of the Falaise, and exo has dedicated use of the old CP Westmount subdivision from LL to Montreal West, it makes more sense to spend to improve exo 1, 2 and 4. Properly redeveloped and with exo1 electrified, the three lines on the Westmount subdivision main trunk could provide a pseudo-rapid transit service — reopening Westmount Station and adding one near Cavendish and perhaps one at Greene. With shorter EMU trains, exo1 from Lachine to Vaudreuil could get increased two-way, all-day service and with the ALP-45DPs the other two lines would get more trains all day, running electric on the Westmount subdivision. I have too much time on my hands these days. Oy vey.
  19. Does anybody have pictures of the ghost “transit corridor” originally planned by MTQ for the Airport Express? Could a future west end transit line use this corridor effectively? Or would it be similarly out-of-the-way as the Train de l’Est?
  20. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Yup, sauf si c’est vraiment une expansion du système, au lieu de l’octroi d’un nouveau contrat à Alstom/GPMM ce serait une augmentation de la commande déjà en place, tout à fait comme que l’on a fait pour les MPM-10. Infra can absolutely solicit new tenders, but because they aren’t the government they are not subject to procurement rules. It remains to be seen how this expansion develops, whether la Caisse will be the promoter, etc.
  21. I wish reporters would show the same rigueur we do here. Every article about Mirabel states with enthusiasm that the population of “Mirabel” is 50000 (or exaggerates it as 60000 like Maire Bouchard told L’Écho above), but they fail to mention that the “Ville de Mirabel” is a collection of villages, farms and industries spread over an area almost exactly the same size as the island of Montréal. 105 people per km² will never warrant a $500 million-plus expenditure for rapid transit that won’t provide that kind of ROI. St-Janvier is the biggest community and most central (WRT industries and transportation connections). The new exo station will be perfect for Mirabel.
  22. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    L’ATC/ATO n’était pas là même entre les trois?
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