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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Yes, the angles of the stiles is definitely more pronounced than even an optimist like me was expecting.😉 😂
  2. TQ said it was in the hands of the federal MoT, Garneau said once their studies were done, the decision would rest with Bonnardel. Both have since been replaced. Alghabra and GG have been silent.
  3. Still possible to go up the Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel tower?
  4. Blame PSPC/SPAC (feds). Early-90s, when Vieux-Port was cleaned up and converted into a tourist area.
  5. Ça s'explique bien.
  6. I always laugh at the "lovely" pedestrian bridge over a parking lot entrance driveway.
  7. Unfortunately, the decision on this extension seemed to have been left up to bureaucrats, and the province and feds kept passing the buck back to each other. Infra simply said, "We'll do whatever they pay us to do."
  8. Trolls gonna troll, they don't let facts get in the way of a post that gets hits.
  9. What does the runway rebuild have to do with the station or ARTM?
  10. Two keys, a set of commands, plus communication with the OCC for overrides. One can't just "take control" of a train. It'd be easier to hikack an Azur.
  11. "Whatever" means whatever. Sometimes the vehicles need to be driven manually. The controls are under that bulkhead on the right. Stop nitpicking.
  12. Pour le chauffeur quand c'est guidé manuellement (en cas de panne, whatever)
  13. Australian cities are extremely car-centric, with almost every multi-lane road in the city centre an actual stroad – seriously, stroads with 50-storey office and condo towers on either side, and bars, cafés, and restos along the sidewalks – and yet their trains and busways are futuristic and fast and efficient compared to those in any city in North America. Busway tunnels and trenches crisscross inner Brisbane and it's possible to get from one end of the downtown to the other in just a couple of minutes at almost any time of day. In fact, when I was there last weekend, the AirTrain I gush about after each trip was out of service for track upgrades, and the replacement buses ran express on the Busway – and took half the time the train normally takes (with stops) to get from the CBD to and from the airport!
  14. None. They should be converted to electric suburban and regional trains.
  15. By Rocco's logic, it should be Gare Central, because the original name was Central. If one wants to take it a step further, railways fall under federal jurisdiction and purview, so the entire Central station complex could indeed legally be called "Gare Central Station" on all signs. CN has magnanimously decided to use "Gare Centrale CN Central Station." REM can call their little metro station "Station Gare Centrale" if they want.
  16. This whole project is amateur hour. A pension fund management company with no competence in the field whatsoever creates an umbrella subsidiary to oversee the creation and gestation of "profitable" public works projects, and this subsidiary goes ahead and contracts to the lowest bidders, groups made up primarily of firms with zero competence designing, building, and running automated metros, particularly in climates like ours. It's sad, but this was entirely foreseen from the outset, in press releases and at the poster meetings.
  17. Meanwhile, rolling out of a factory three hours up the 401...
  18. As long as she doesn't hitch a ride with Benoit Dorais, everything is fine.
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