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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. A) Regular, heavy rail train. B) No automation whatsoever, it is a human-driven train. C) Empty train left unattended on the wrong track at -30°; brakes froze while part of train was on a slope; it free-fell (Mégantic-style) for 1.5 km. D) No derailment; the train hit the buffer stop at more than twice its rated speed and continued through into the house. Again, back to the “list” of railway incidents from 2010-2019: out of hundreds, only a couple dozen passenger trains, of which only a dozen metros, of which only three modern metros, none elevated and none automated. Pure FUD by Elmer.öbaden?hcb=1
  2. Don’t worry, the snow will come off quite easily when the trains derail and plunge to the pavement below.
  3. 😄👍🏼 Merci M. Frappier! It’s really nice. Ok I was including CSL in my “Rosemont to Ahuntsic to CDN” general area. 😂
  4. I’ve never heard of a heated roof on a train. These things will be going 100 km an hour. Because there are no drivers on the trains, and the system just needs to get rolling every morning, it also makes sense that they could store trains anywhere in the Mont-Royal or Aéroport tunnels. Aren’t there also storage tracks at Central Station?
  5. Oh! Garage Nelson? The Crowley Centre is brown bricks, the garage property is narrow, the intersection of Crowley and Decarie is oblique, and the horizontal white “balconies” in the reflection look like MUHC Glenn (it’s not in realistic range to reflect but that could just be some liberty taken by the artist). Maybe?
  6. Honestly, that brown brick building could be anywhere from Rosemont to Ahuntsic to Côte-des-Neiges.
  7. I wish there were another angle; it looks like a flat iron.
  8. Yeah we’ve been over that lol
  9. LOL why is there so much snow on it?? 😂😂 I hope leaving it outside in a snowfall is part of the testing!
  10. Oh? Take good pics. When Gaz Met/Energir replaced all the lines in my Pfds neighbourhood they did a LOT of permanent damage to driveways, fences, etc. They took almost a year to come back and reinstall pavé-uni and other stuff, and in my case I got home and saw they did a poor job. It took a lot of back and forth with Energir, and in the end I was told I didn’t have any proof of what it was like before they removed my patio, so they won’t send anybody back to do it to my satisfaction. Smh
  11. I won’t be by there for another week but if someone could get some pics today or tomorrow it’d be cool to keep an eye on the progress.
  12. Même si le concept s'avère efficace, le coût de remplacement de l'ensemble de la flotte par ce qui sera essentiellement la dernière technologie sera extrêmement coûteux. Cela ne semble pas être un investissement judicieux étant donné que l’RTM ne possède pas la plupart des lignes sur lesquelles circulent ses trains, et les lignes ne sont pas très modernes elles-mêmes. Peut-être devrions-nous tenter d'entrer dans la fin du XXe siècle avec des trains électriques modernes et des infrastructures raisonnablement bonnes avant de sauter tête baissée dans la fin du XXIe siècle (c'est à ce moment-là que la technologie des trains à batterie arrivera à maturité).
  13. I’ll express it in English because it’s as sincere as I can be: I’m so glad you’re still with us, and I’ve thought about this a lot since you informed us. All the best on your long road to recovery, my friend. 💪🏼👍🏼
  14. Also already discussed. The station will be part of the larger landside project which was estimated at $2.5 billion. While the larger project has been put on hold due to the pandemic, all of the necessary integrations for this transit station at the airport would be impossible to build after the fact. Olympic Lotto, et après les jeux “Lotto Canada.”
  15. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    D’accord, mais encore le propos est tellement flou, sans aucune présentation de chiffres, d’expectative de fréquentation, d’études origine-destination, etc etc. Qui dit qu’une grande proportion des usagers vont faire la navette entre PAT et le centre-ville? Dans un système bien maillé, les usagers embarquent pour aller partout dans la métropole, et non que la navette aux heures de pointe. Le problème de l’Orange reste qu’il n’y a toujours pas de maillage efficace. Est-ce que la Verte est vraiment bourrée entre Honoré-Beaugrand et Berri? EMO des petites rames débarquant une centaine de passagers à chaque cinq minutes quelque part dans l’est n’encombreront pas gravement le métro.
  16. I think they used a 10ft/storey guideline and came up with 300 feet (~91.5 m)
  17. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    None of that makes sense. The reason the tunnel under Bassin was deemed unfeasible was the necessary slopes and the incredible amount of complex digging in close quarters. Now you’re proposing it rises above the A-line, crosses over all the CN tracks and then plummets underground somehow on the Bonaventure park or on Robert-Bourassa between William and Wellington? It’ll need cogs. Honestly, if the Caisse thinks this 30 km line only merits 40 metre trains, I don’t see the point of a one-ride trip straight to the centre of downtown; just make it terminate at an intermodal station somewhere on the green line and avoid all of this nonsense being proposed just for the sake of egocentric glamour. Monorail! Monorail! Monorail!
  18. LOL je viens de voir ça! Moi, je l’ai copié direct de l’article lié par Glenn Castanheira de La Presse. 😄
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